cat age calculation

Calculating Cat Age by Human Age: How Old Is My Cat?

To calculate the age of a cat, you first need to know the date of birth of the cat. If you don't have this information, you can check the cat's Microchip number to determine its ownership date. If there is no microchip number, or if the cat's date of ownership is unknown, it can usually be estimated by looking at its physical characteristics, such as body size, condition of the teeth, and general health.

If you bought a cat in your home from the street or shelter, you need to know the age of your cat to properly meet their needs, choose the right food when choosing a food, know what vaccinations you should get when getting a cat vaccine.

How is Cat Age Calculated?

Cats, like humans, are calculated by their age based on their birth date. However, cats pass age faster than humans and become larger and more mature when they are one year old. Therefore, several different methods can be used to determine the age of cats.

1) Calculation with the Date of Birth of the Cat

It is about knowing the date of birth of cats and how old they are. This method can be used if there is a certificate or document on which birth dates are specified when the cats are owned or purchased. However, sometimes the dates of birth of cats may not be known and this method may not be available.

2) Calculation According to Physical Characteristics of Cats

The second is to estimate the age of cats according to their physical characteristics. This method aims to estimate how old cats are by looking at the color of their hair, hair loss, condition of the teeth, and other physical characteristics.

This method can be used in cases where the date of birth of cats is unknown or not specified, but these estimates may not be accurate and may give different results from the actual age of cats.

3) Calculation With Medical Examination

It is a medical examination performed by imaging the internal organs and bones of cats. This method can give the most accurate results in cases where the date of birth of cats is unknown or not specified, but this type of examination is a time-consuming method that can put cats under stress.

Cats usually grow and mature faster in their first two years. Therefore, a cat can look like a few-year-old child of a person when he is two years old. But as cats age, their growth rates slow and mature less quickly. Therefore, a cat can look like a two-year-old child of a person at the age of four.

Also, the health status of cats is important when determining their age. Cats that are healthy and well-maintained in cats can live longer and therefore look younger. But cats that are unhealthy and poorly cared for can live shorter and therefore look older.

Cat Age Calculation Table

The methods we use to calculate the age of humans also apply to cats. But when turning the age of cats to human age, a different method is used. The age of cats progresses faster than human age and they are usually shorter-lived. Therefore, a table used to calculate the age of cats progresses faster than the age of a human, and a cat at a lesser age corresponds to an older person.

Below is a table that can be used to turn the age of cats to human age:

Cat Age Human Age
1 15
2 24
3 28
4 32
5 36

This table is a general guide and can be used to calculate the exact age of cats. However, there may not be a table that can be used to calculate the age of each cat, and more factors may need to be consulted to calculate the exact age of the cats.

For example, factors such as the health status, conditions of care and genetic makeup of the cat can also affect the actual age of the cat.

calculate the age of the cat

The most accurate method for calculating the age of cats is a physical examination by a veterinarian. During this examination, more detailed information about the health status and age of the cat can be obtained.

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How to Estimate How Old Cats Are?

If you don't know how old your cat is, and you don't have any documents on the date of birth, you can estimate how old your cat is by considering some of its features. But it should not be forgotten that these calculation methods are completely “tahmin”.

Here are some methods you can use to estimate how old your cat is...

1) Physical Appearance

They can look at their physical appearance to estimate the age of cats. In general, young cats become more vigorous and mobile, and their plumage becomes brighter and fresher. Older cats have their hairs falling out and their energy declines. Also, the teeth of older cats often wear out, and their eyes look paler.

2) Behavior

They may also look at their behavior to estimate the age of cats. Young cats can be more energetic and playful, while older cats can be calmer and more sleep-indulgent.

3) Health Status

They can also look at their health status to estimate the age of cats. Older cats have more frequent illnesses and may have more health problems.

In addition to what we have listed above, you can also refer to some practical methods for calculating cat age.

  1. Whether it's a cat on the street or a pet, the cat's body weight and body size can also be a clue to estimate its age. Usually, young cats are lighter and smaller, while older cats can be heavier and larger.
  2. Cats' teeth can also be a clue to their age. While the teeth of young cats are brighter and not worn out, the teeth of older cats may wear out and become pale.
  3. Cats can also be cared for. Young cats' feathers become brighter and fresher, while older cats' feathers may fall out and become dull.
  4. The skin condition of cats can also be a clue to guess their age. The skin of young cats is softer and brighter, while the skin of older cats dries and can be thicker.

Still, these methods may not give exact results either, and a veterinarian's opinion is needed to determine the exact ages of cats.

Calculating Cat Age by Human Age

There are several methods for calculating the age of cats by human age. Among these methods, the most common is a human year for the first year of the cat, two human years for the second year, it is calculated to be three human years for the third year and four human years after the fourth year. For example, if a cat is 2 years old, this cat as a human age will be equal to 6 years old (1+2+3).

However, although this method is useful in general, it may not be true for all cats. Especially due to the fact that they are longer-lived than small breeds of large breeds, this method may be less accurate for large breeds. Therefore, the best method to calculate the actual age of the cat in full is a health check by a veterinarian, taking into account the health status and behavior of the cat.

How many cat years is 1 year?

The life span of cats is shorter compared to that of humans, and the age of a cat progresses faster than that of a human. Therefore, a cat at the age of one year corresponds to the age of one person less.

How old is a 5-month-old cat?

A 5-month-old cat is about 2.5 years old by human age. By calculating the age of other monthly cats can be calculated.

How to calculate the best cat age?

In order to accurately calculate the age of your cat, you can check the behavior of physical characteristics, or you can make a more accurate age calculation according to the internal organs and bones with a medical examination. But none of this information gives 100 percent accurate results.


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