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Why do dogs lick the owner's face? Why do dogs lick the owner's face?

Why do dogs lick the owner's face?

Dogs can have many reasons to lick the face of their owners. It is important to understand the natural behavior and communication methods of dogs in order to understand the reasons behind this behavior. Here are some reasons why dogs lick their owners face:

Communication and showing love: Dogs seek emotional bonding with their owners and face licking is a way of showing love and commitment. This creates a feeling of closeness to their owners.
Delicious salts: People's skin contains salt with sweat and other body fluids. Dogs love salty tastes, so licking the owner's skin may sound delicious.
Interest in the face: Dogs may notice that people show a special interest in their faces. Eye contact, sniffing, and licking are all methods dogs use to face.
Social behavior: As herd animals, dogs are social beings. They continue their relationship within the herd by licking each other. Licking their owners can also be a reflection of this type of social behavior.

Why do dogs lick the owner's face?

Steps to Control Face Licking

Showing Communication and Love
Teach your dog to stop unwanted behavior with the commands "No" or "drop. Look for other ways to show affection, for example, caressing and showing interest in the word.

Delicious Salts
Offer your dog alternative toys or rewards that he likes salty tastes for.

Interest on the Face
Try not to make eye contact while licking your dog's face and encourage other confrontation methods.

Social Behavior
Try to discourage your dog from engaging in social behavior like any other dog.

Health issues:
Check your dog's oral health regularly and follow the veterinarian's advice.

If you have allergies in your family, avoid allergy reactions by limiting face licking.

Personal Area
Introduce your dog to your personal space and boundaries and state that you do not allow face licking at any time.

You can understand that face licking can be an undesirable behavior in some cases. Face licking can be a problem, especially in the following cases:

Health problems: Your dog may have an infection or other health problems in his mouth, so licking the face can increase the risk of infection.
Allergies: Some people may have allergic reactions to the licking of dogs.
Personal space: Some people may not welcome dogs' face licking and may feel their personal space is being violated.

You can consider the following steps to prevent or control face licking:

Training: You can teach your dog not to lick his face. "You can stop unwanted behavior by using commands like "no" or "drop.
Social boundaries: Introduce your dog to your personal space and boundaries. State that you do not allow face licking at any time.
Health check: Check your dog's oral health regularly and take care of dental care.
Delicious alternatives: Instead of licking your dog face, you can attract his attention in other ways by offering him other toys or rewards.

Why do dogs lick the owner's face? Face licking in dogs is often intended to show affection and communication, but sometimes this behavior can lead to unwanted consequences. Training your dog and regularly checking his health can help you control face licking.

Animal Names Starting With Letter E

Animal Names Starting With Letter E

Now I can write a blog post for you titled "Animal Names Starting with E:

"There are many different types of animals that start with the letter "E. In this article, I have listed for you some popular animals that start with the letter "E.

Dragon: Although a mythological creature, it is found in many cultures where the existence of dragons is believed.
Donkey: It is an animal that is similar to horses but of smaller sizes. Used in agricultural business and tourism sector.
Eland: It belongs to the antelopgiller family. It lives in Africa and is known for its large horns.
Elandra: A species of bird that lives in the woods. They have short wings and long legs.
Sarcophagus: A furry and fins-like animal that lives in South America. It hunts on the water surface.
Esmeray: It is a type of eel that lives in lakes and rivers. Its prey consists of insects on the surface of water.
Wasp: A species belonging to the family of bees. It is harmful to humans and its sting is quite painful.
Eskimo dog: A type of dog that lives in cold climates and is used to pull sleds.
Carnivore butterfly: A species of butterfly living in South America with a wingspan of up to 30 cm.
Domestic mouse: It is a small-sized rodent species and is fed in homes, laboratories and as a pet.
Saddle: A type of cattle used in agricultural work.
A viper snake: It is a poisonous snake species and lives in Europe, Asia and Africa.
Brunette Anteater: A type of anteater living in South and Central America.
Eyvah: It is a type of farm animal that lives in North America and Europe.
Dragonfish: A type of fish that lives in freshwater lakes. It can reach large sizes.
Elves: Although mythological beings exist, they are believed to exist in many cultures.

"Among the rare animal names that begin with the letter "E" are:

Ekidna: It is a species of egg-laying mammals and lives only in Australia.
Ermine: A type of white fur weasel that lives in North America, Asia and Europe.
Emeu: A species of bird that lives in Australia and is similar to an ostrich.
Eurasion Lynx: A type of lynx that lives in Europe, Asia and Siberia.
Echidna Fish: A type of fish that lives in the North Pacific and is known for the long needles in its jaw.
Eared Seal: It is a species of seal that lives in the Northern Hemisphere and is known for the shape of its ears.
Eosuchus: It is a kind of lizard that lives in New Caledonia.
Eelfish: A species of mollusk family is marine and lives in the deep sea.
Elops: It is a type of fish that lives in America, Africa and Asia and is used as a feed.
Edentata: refers to the team of toothless mammals that live in South America.

The animals on this list are a few examples of rare animal species that begin with the letter "E. Some of these species are endemic species and live only in a specific region.
Among the most widely used animals starting with the letter "E" in Turkey are:

Donkey: It is a type of animal that is often used especially in rural areas. It is used in agricultural areas for double driving, carrying cargo and for tourist purposes.
Brunette Cattle: It is one of the most widely used cattle in Turkey. They are grown for the production of milk and meat.
House cat: They are the most common type of pet in Turkey and feed in homes.
Entari: It is one of the native chicken breeds and is often cultivated especially in villages.
Viper: It is one of the most common snake species in Turkey. It is especially common in the Southeastern Anatolia region.
Erikli Squirrel: It is an indigenous species of Turkey and they usually live in woodlands.
Domestic Rabbit: It is a common pet that feeds on homes in Turkey.
Elvan: It is one of the most common fish species grown in Turkey. They live in freshwater lakes and streams.

These animals are just a few examples of the most commonly used animal species in Turkey, beginning with the letter "E. Some of these species are domesticated animals that are fed by humans, while others are found in agricultural areas and in their natural environments.

In this article, there are some popular animals that start with the letter "E. Of course, the animals on this list are just a few examples, and there are many more different types of animals that start with the letter "E.

Animal Names Starting with the letter A
Animals that Start with Letter B
Animals Starting with the letter C
Animals Starting with the letter D
Animals Starting with the Letter E
Animal names that start with H

Animal Names Beginning With Letter D

Animal Names Beginning With Letter D

Now I can write a blog post for you titled "Animal Names Starting with D:

"There are many different types of animals that start with the letter "D. In this article, I have listed for you some popular animals that start with the letter "D.

Mountain goat
Damselfly (Water girl)
Earth worm
Spiky fish
World turtle
Veined salamander
Tongue fish
Camel bird
The spiky butterflyfish
Mountain rabbit
Wedding beetle
Beggar bird

Animal Names Starting with the letter A
Animals that Start with Letter B
Animals Starting with the letter C
Animals Starting with the letter D
Animals Starting with the Letter E
Animal names that start with H

cat age calculation

Calculating Cat Age by Human Age: How Old Is My Cat?

To calculate the age of a cat, you first need to know the date of birth of the cat. If you don't have this information, you can check the cat's Microchip number to determine its ownership date. If there is no microchip number, or if the cat's date of ownership is unknown, it can usually be estimated by looking at its physical characteristics, such as body size, condition of the teeth, and general health.

If you bought a cat in your home from the street or shelter, you need to know the age of your cat to properly meet their needs, choose the right food when choosing a food, know what vaccinations you should get when getting a cat vaccine.
How is Cat Age Calculated?
Cats, like humans, are calculated by their age based on their birth date. However, cats pass age faster than humans and become larger and more mature when they are one year old. Therefore, several different methods can be used to determine the age of cats.
1) Calculation with the Date of Birth of the Cat
It is about knowing the date of birth of cats and how old they are. This method can be used if there is a certificate or document on which birth dates are specified when the cats are owned or purchased. However, sometimes the dates of birth of cats may not be known and this method may not be available.
2) Calculation According to Physical Characteristics of Cats
The second is to estimate the age of cats according to their physical characteristics. This method aims to estimate how old cats are by looking at the color of their hair, hair loss, condition of the teeth, and other physical characteristics.

This method can be used in cases where the date of birth of cats is unknown or not specified, but these estimates may not be accurate and may give different results from the actual age of cats.
3) Calculation With Medical Examination
It is a medical examination performed by imaging the internal organs and bones of cats. This method can give the most accurate results in cases where the date of birth of cats is unknown or not specified, but this type of examination is a time-consuming method that can put cats under stress.

Cats usually grow and mature faster in their first two years. Therefore, a cat can look like a few-year-old child of a person when he is two years old. But as cats age, their growth rates slow and mature less quickly. Therefore, a cat can look like a two-year-old child of a person at the age of four.

Also, the health status of cats is important when determining their age. Cats that are healthy and well-maintained in cats can live longer and therefore look younger. But cats that are unhealthy and poorly cared for can live shorter and therefore look older.
Cat Age Calculation Table
The methods we use to calculate the age of humans also apply to cats. But when turning the age of cats to human age, a different method is used. The age of cats progresses faster than human age and they are usually shorter-lived. Therefore, a table used to calculate the age of cats progresses faster than the age of a human, and a cat at a lesser age corresponds to an older person.

Below is a table that can be used to turn the age of cats to human age:

Cat Age
Human Age






This table is a general guide and can be used to calculate the exact age of cats. However, there may not be a table that can be used to calculate the age of each cat, and more factors may need to be consulted to calculate the exact age of the cats.

For example, factors such as the health status, conditions of care and genetic makeup of the cat can also affect the actual age of the cat.

The most accurate method for calculating the age of cats is a physical examination by a veterinarian. During this examination, more detailed information about the health status and age of the cat can be obtained.

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How to Estimate How Old Cats Are?
If you don't know how old your cat is, and you don't have any documents on the date of birth, you can estimate how old your cat is by considering some of its features. But it should not be forgotten that these calculation methods are completely “tahmin”.

Here are some methods you can use to estimate how old your cat is...
1) Physical Appearance
They can look at their physical appearance to estimate the age of cats. In general, young cats become more vigorous and mobile, and their plumage becomes brighter and fresher. Older cats have their hairs falling out and their energy declines. Also, the teeth of older cats often wear out, and their eyes look paler.
2) Behavior
They may also look at their behavior to estimate the age of cats. Young cats can be more energetic and playful, while older cats can be calmer and more sleep-indulgent.
3) Health Status
They can also look at their health status to estimate the age of cats. Older cats have more frequent illnesses and may have more health problems.

In addition to what we have listed above, you can also refer to some practical methods for calculating cat age.

Whether it's a cat on the street or a pet, the cat's body weight and body size can also be a clue to estimate its age. Usually, young cats are lighter and smaller, while older cats can be heavier and larger.
Cats' teeth can also be a clue to their age. While the teeth of young cats are brighter and not worn out, the teeth of older cats may wear out and become pale.
Cats can also be cared for. Young cats' feathers become brighter and fresher, while older cats' feathers may fall out and become dull.
The skin condition of cats can also be a clue to guess their age. The skin of young cats is softer and brighter, while the skin of older cats dries and can be thicker.

Still, these methods may not give exact results either, and a veterinarian's opinion is needed to determine the exact ages of cats.
Calculating Cat Age by Human Age
There are several methods for calculating the age of cats by human age. Among these methods, the most common is a human year for the first year of the cat, two human years for the second year, it is calculated to be three human years for the third year and four human years after the fourth year. For example, if a cat is 2 years old, this cat as a human age will be equal to 6 years old (1+2+3).

However, although this method is useful in general, it may not be true for all cats. Especially due to the fact that they are longer-lived than small breeds of large breeds, this method may be less accurate for large breeds. Therefore, the best method to calculate the actual age of the cat in full is a health check by a veterinarian, taking into account the health status and behavior of the cat.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0="h3" question-0="1 year how many cat years?" answer-0="Lives of cats are shorter compared to that of humans, and the age of a cat progresses faster than that of a human. Therefore, a cat at the age of one year falls on the age of a person less. "image-0=" headline-1="h3" question-1="5 months of age how old is the cat?" the Answer-1="5-month-old cat is about 2.5 years old by human age. By calculating in this way the age of other monthly cats can be calculated. "image-1=" headline-2="h3" question-2="How to calculate the most accurate cat age?" answer-2="To correctly calculate the age of your cat, you can check the behavior of physical characteristics, or a more accurate age calculation can be made according to the internal organs and bones with a medical examination. But none of this information gives 100 percent accurate results. "image-2=" count="3" html="true" css_class=""]


Cat grass

Benefits of Cat Herb: To Relax and Sleep Irregularity

Cat grass has been used as a traditional medicine dating back to ancient Greek and Roman times. People often use valerian for sleep disorders, especially insomnia . Cat grass is also used for anxiety, stress, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support many of these uses.

Cat grass is a plant that belongs to the type of house cat known as Felis catus in Latin. Cat grass is a plant that is grown in homes by humans and is often very loved by cats that are found in homes. Cat grass is a plant that can be beneficial to various systems of the body.

It can have positive effects, especially on the nervous system and the stomach-gut system. Cat grass can have a relaxation and stress-reducing effect on the nervous system and have positive effects on the stomach-gut system. This plant is also an antioxidant plant and can help strengthen the body's defense system.

Cat grass can also help improve speech and language skills and have positive effects on the memorial. However, it is recommended to consult a health care professional before the consumption of cat grass, as some people may have some side effects.
What is Cat Herb?
Cat grass is a plant that belongs to the type of house cat known as Felis catus in Latin. Cat grass is a plant that is grown in homes by humans and is often very loved by cats that are found in homes. This plant is of great interest to cats that eat its leaves and is usually grown in homes. Cat grass is widely grown in Europe, Asia and the Americas.

Besides the petals, cat grass also has seeds and flowers. The leaves are usually green and thin long in shape. The flowers are pale blue or white. Cat grass can have positive effects, especially on the nervous system and the stomach-gut system. This plant is also an antioxidant plant and can help strengthen the body's defense system.

Cat grass can also be consumed by humans. Cat grass tea is obtained by steaming the fresh leaves in steam water. This tea can have a relaxation and stress-reducing effect on the nervous system and have positive effects on the stomach-gut system. Cat grass can also help improve speech and language skills and have positive effects on the memorial.
What Are the Benefits of Cat Herb?
Cat grass benefits human health in many ways. Although in cats it usually only serves to vomit, it is necessary to know its benefits on humans.

Experts explain the benefits of weed on humans in their research as follows;

Relaxation and stress reduction to the nervous system: Cat grass can have a relaxation and stress reduction effect on the nervous system. This causes the plant to be useful during stressful times.
Positive effects on the stomach-gut system: Cat grass can have positive effects on the stomach-gut system. This plant is a plant that has a regulating stomach-gut system and is good for stomach ulcers.
Antioxidant property: Cat grass is a plant with antioxidant property. Antioxidants strengthen the body's defense system and protect cells from harmful substances.
Improving speech and language skills: Cat grass can help improve speech and language skills. This plant is a plant that has the ability to regulate brain function and helps to improve brain function in a remarkable way.
Positive effects on the memori: Cat grass can have positive effects on the memori. This plant is a plant that has the ability to regulate brain function and helps to improve brain function in a remarkable way.
Pain-reducing effect: Cat grass is a plant with pain-reducing effect. This plant is a plant that suppresses the pain signals of the body and can have a pain-reducing effect.
Good for stomach ulcer: Cat grass is good for stomach ulcer. This plant is a plant that has a regulating stomach-gut system and is good for stomach ulcers.
Strengthens the immune system: Cat grass strengthens the immune system. This herb helps to strengthen the body's defense system and protects the body from diseases.
Reduces itching: Cat grass reduces itching. This plant is a plant that has the ability to reduce itching and reduces itching.
Improves skin health: Cat grass improves skin health. This plant is a plant that has skin health-promoting properties and improves skin health.

However, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional before consuming cat grass, as some people may have some side effects.
What Is Cat Herb Root?

Cat grass root (Cat's claw) is a species of plant also known as Uncaria tomentosa. Cat grass root is a plant that grows in the Amazonian forests and is common in South America. Cat grass root has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries by indigenous people, especially in Peru and Brazil.

Cat grass root can be used for the following medical purposes:

Arthritis: Because of the anti-inflammatory properties of cat grass root, it is said to be effective in arthritis and other joint disorders.
Immune system health: Cat grass root, due to its immunomodulatory properties, is informed that it can support immune system health.
Skin disorders: Cat grass root can speed up the healing of skin wounds and reduce skin ailments.
Cancer: Cat grass root is claimed to be effective against some types of cancer. However, research on this is not enough and more research is needed.

Note: This information is for informational purposes only and research on the effectiveness and safety of weed root is not sufficient. It is important to consult your doctor about the use of cat grass root and follow the advice of your doctor.
How to Brew Cat Herb Tea?
Cat grass tea is a tea prepared from the root of cat grass, also known as Uncaria tomentosa. Cat grass tea can be used for a variety of medicinal purposes. However, research on the effectiveness and safety of cat grass tea is not enough and more research is needed.

How to brew cat grass tea:

Cut the amount of pieces to make tea from the root of the cat grass.
Put the root pieces in a tea strainer or a small strainer pot.
Boil 1-2 cups (250-500 ml) of water and add the root pieces to the saucepan pot.
let it steep for 10-15 minutes.
Strain the tea and serve.

Harm and Side Effects of Cat Herb
Cat grass is not usually harmful to humans. However, for some people it can cause skin irritation and lead to airway congestion. Therefore, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly when using weed and not to be near people with respiratory obstruction.

In addition, excessive use of weed can cause the cats to shed their hair. Therefore, you should be careful not to use cat grass in excessive amounts.

If you notice that weed causes skin irritation or leads to respiratory obstruction, contact your doctor immediately and stop its use. Although the side effects of weed are usually mild for humans, it can be serious for some people.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0="h3" question-0="What disease is a cat grass good for?" answer-0="Catty (Nepeta cataria) is used as a relaxing and relaxing plant for many people. This herb has been reported to help prevent psychological conditions such as stress and anxiety and improve sleep quality. Cat grass can also help cure respiratory ailments like coughs and bronchitis." image-0=" headline-1="h3" question-1="How many days is cat grass used?" answer-1="Catty (Nepeta cataria) can usually be consumed several times a day. The effect of this plant can vary in humans, so you can gradually increase your dosage and determine its effect by watching." image-1="" headline-2="h3" question-2="What if we eat cat grass?" answer-2="Catty (Nepeta cataria) is used as a relaxing and relaxing plant for many people. This plant has been reported to help prevent psychological conditions such as stress and anxiety in particular and improve sleep quality." image-2=" count="3" html="true" css_class=""]

Cat vomiting

Why Are Cats Vomiting in 7 Steps? Which Situations are Normal?

Cats have a sensitive digestive system. Any bacteria or external factors that come from the outside can cause the cat to vomit. Changing cat food, causing an allergic reaction from the body of a food that has not been eaten before, consuming foreign foods, cat parasites or hairballs, stomach problems cause cats to vomit.

Among domestic animals, the most preferred are cats. Cats are more sensitive than dogs. Physically and spiritually, these innocent creatures, which are more naive than dogs, should be paid special attention to their nutrition.

Changing food unnecessarily, giving cats different nutrients other than the foods they can eat, causes cats to get sick and this causes them to vomit.
Causes of Vomiting in Cats
Cats with a gentle nature can vomit for many reasons. If you have given any of the conditions listed below, you can accept your cat as a cause of vomiting.

Here are the causes of vomiting in cats;

Mother change
Foreign food
Feather lump
Cat parasites
Stomach obstruction

1) Mother Replacement
One of the most common causes of vomiting in cats is a food change. Cats taste just like us humans, and some foods can cause cats to vomit, especially when they eat first, because they do not appeal to the taste of the palate.

You do not need to change your cat's food unless it is necessary. If your cat has started to gain excess weight or you have neutered it, you can change the cat food by taking into account the recommendations of the specialist veterinarian.

It would be ideal to feed the best cat food for neutered cats or the best cat diet food if it is an overweight cat. But as we mentioned, we strongly recommend that you get the approval of your veterinarian when doing so.
2) Foreign Foods
Cats, like humans, want to taste different foods. This can be dangerous for them. You can learn about the foods that harm cats by examining our previous article about the foods that cats can eat.

Eating unfamiliar foreign foods in cats can cause problems in their stomachs, and in this case, it is normal for the cat to vomit.

To prevent this condition, you need to control your cat, keep it away from foreign foods.

Foods such as onions, garlic, raw eggs, raw meat, alcohol, pastries, age and raisins, dog food are among the things that cats should not eat. It is important to keep your cat away from this type of food.
3) Feather Lump
Cats spend a large part of the day sleeping. When they are awake, they either play games or lick to clean their feathers.

The feather cleaning of cats is instinctive, but if cat malt is not given for domestic cats, the hairs that the cats lick descend into their stomachs and turn into tangles here.

Hairball in cats causes intestinal diseases, but also vomiting in cats. That is why you need to get a cat malt for your cat that you feed at home.

Cat malt is a product that has malt extract in it. It is natural that in the early stages your cat does not accept this.

To accustom your cat to malta, first rub it on its paws and involuntarily lick the malt. He will not refuse to get used to his taste in later periods.
4) Cat Parasites
Although cats are clean creatures, this causes them to get into trouble from time to time. Cats begin to scratch their skin in situations such as piercing, as they are sensitive and naive beings.

This causes injury to their skin. Wounds cause itching in cats, and cats who want to relieve this condition begin to lick their skin.

Cats get infections when they lick their injured skin, which causes vomiting in cats in the first place. You need to observe your cat well to protect it from such situations.

If you see things like parasites or worms in cat feces and occasionally observe vomiting in your cat, you need to take your cat seriously and have a veterinarian check.

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5) Hormones
Causes of vomiting in cats include hormones. Metabolic and hormonal diseases that occur in cats are the most important of the causes of vomiting in cats and require treatment of the cat in a short time.

Hormonal changes that occur because the digestive systems of cats are very sensitive primarily damage the digestive system of cats.

Conditions such as renal failure, liver problems and overwork of the thyroid gland are considered causes of vomiting in cats.

Regularly supervising your cat as a veterinarian and immediately showing it to the veterinarian for prompt intervention in suspicious situations is important for your cat to lead a healthy life.
6) Stomach Clogging
“Why do cats vomit?” another answer to his question is stomach clogging. Stomach blockage is caused by conditions such as changing cat food, eating foreign foods or causing stomach problems in cats such as hairballs.

It is important for your cat to eat healthily and stay away from foreign foods. tabby cats that live on the street or in nature eat cat grass to vomit when they eat a foreign food.

But it is in the hands of the owners that domestic cats have it.

In order not to see the state of stomach clogging in your cat, you need to use products such as cat malt, cat grass, cat mint. These products will help cats relax their intestines and prevent them from vomiting.
7) Depression
Like humans, cats get depressed. Especially when they are left alone for a long time or when there is not enough attention, it is not even possible for cats to become depressed.

Why do “cedias vomit, as cats get depressed leads to many health problems?” it is also a clear answer to his question.

You must first devote enough time to prevent your cat from becoming depressed.

Additional treatment methods, such as changing the mamma and showing enough attention after the sterilization operation, are also practices that will prevent your cat from becoming depressed.
Is the Vomiting of Cats Normal?
Vomiting in cats is not a normal condition, although it is at the beginning of the most common problems. If your cat is vomiting for the reasons we mentioned above, you should definitely take precautions.

In particular, protecting your cat against foreign foods, changing food under the supervision of a veterinarian, entering into lifestyle changes to prevent depression are some practical applications that will end your cat's vomiting.

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Is the Vomiting of Cats Dangerous?
Depending on the cause of vomiting in cats, vomiting may be considered normal or abnormal. If there is a vomiting caused by the conditions we mentioned above, you can learn from your veterinarian what to do.

If your cat's vomiting isn't caused by one of the reasons we listed above, it's probably due to another illness.

The best thing to do in such cases is to show the cat to a veterinarian and follow the recommendations of the physician.
How Does Cat Vomit Work?
Eliminating the condition that causes cat vomiting is the first thing to do. If your cat has a hairball problem, using cat malt will prevent your cat from vomiting.

If your cat is vomiting because it is eating foreign foods, this is temporary, but you will need to protect your cat from foreign foods to take precautions.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0="h3" question-0="What to do after cats vomit?" answer-0="He who experiences fluid loss as seriously as cat. First of all, the fluid lost should be helped by the cat. Excessive dehydration of your cat can also lead to vomiting. If he has been home alone for a long time and has not been able to drink water, you should first remove the thirst of the cat. "image-0=" headline-1="h3" question-1="Is it harmful to vomit a cat?" ansher-1="It is necessary to say that although vomiting is a common condition in cats, it is a harmful condition. It can be understood whether the cat is harmful depending on the cause of vomiting and the type of vomiting. For this, you must necessarily show your cat to the veterinarian. "image-1=" headline-2="h3" question-2="What if the cat vomits?" ansher-2="Catty intermittent vomiting may be a harbinger of danger. The cause of intermittent vomiting in cats can be tumors, food-borne allergy ulcers or other metabolic disorders. So in such a case, they should be shown to the veterinarian without wasting time. "image-2=" count="3" html="true" css_class=""]

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