It is a giant dog! Saint Bernard Training and Features

It is a giant dog! Saint Bernard Training and Features

Saint Bernard Training and Features

Saint Bernard's the breed is a big size dog and very strong. There are usually 2 different feather structures in this race. One species is long, the other is short. But the colors are the same in both types. The feathers are also very often. Their olfactory ability is highly developed.

The most loved features of this breed are that it is gentle and friendly. He always treats children well. It is a slow dog, it needs to be socialized from a young age. Dog training and obedience training he is very successful in. Dog training should be approached with a good smile instead of an oppressive attitude.  It can be a very good guard dog. This dog may have a drooling problem.

Physical Characteristics of the Saint Bernard Dog Breed
Physical Characteristics of the Saint Bernard Dog Breed

Physical Characteristics of the Saint Bernard Dog Breed

- Male size 69 cm
- Female size 63 cm
- Male weight 50 - 81 Kg
- Female weight 50 - 81 Kg

Saint Bernard Living Environment
Saint Bernard Living Environment

Saint Bernard Living Environment

If enough mobility is provided, he can live in his apartment. They prefer not to move around the house. Being free in a safe garden can make her happy. Being outside always makes her happy. If a comfortable living space is created, it can live outside as well.

Saint Bernard Need to Care and Exercise
Saint Bernard Need to Care and Exercise

Saint Bernard Need to Care and Exercise

You can meet her exercise requirement by taking long walks. It is necessary to be sensitive during periods of puberty, it is expected that their bones will develop. It can be up to 2 years old for this breed to fully mature. Short walks in pursuit of small games can be an adequate exercise in the age of development. With the help of the brush it is necessary to be regularly groomed, and it is necessary to wash it when necessary. It is one of the many shedding dogs. In order to live a long life, it needs to be fed healthy and high quality. They have a life span of 8 to 10 years.

They often need to be checked by the veterinarian for health problems. Risks to elbow and hip dysplexia. Obesity is at risk, obesity alone is not a health problem, but it causes many health problems. Epilepsy may also have health problems, such as eyelids.

Saint Bernard Character Features
Saint Bernard Character Features

Saint Bernard Character Features

A well-meaning, very good companion is among the best family dogs. When danger strikes, he does his best to protect his family. They show salya-flowing behavior. He gets along very well with the kids. He always nurtures love for his family and expects them to give him time.

Energy Level Middle
Exercise needs Middle
Acting Very Good
Do not get along with other dogs Good
Do not get along with other pets Good
Deal with children Good
Behavior to strangers Middle
Educability Good
Protection feature Middle
Saint Bernard Dog Training
Saint Bernard Dog Training

Saint Bernard Dog Training

Saint Bernard Dog Training he is a successful dog. He is particularly successful in obedience training. Of course, you need to work with professional dog trainers. If you know the needs and expectations of the dog Dog Training giving will be easier. Because their bodies are so large, it is very important to get training in the early periods. One of the most important trainings for this race leash training. Otherwise, it will constantly attract the owner outside, and because it is strong, it will be very difficult for the owner.

Saint Bernard Obedience Training
Saint Bernard Obedience Training

Saint Bernard Obedience Training

As with all dogs with large bodies, obedience training is very important in this breed. With obedience training, the dog will be able to fully meet the expectations of the owner. Dog obedience training consists of two stages. First stage basic obedience trainingdir and the second stage advanced obedience training.

St. Bernard Tasma Training
St. Bernard Tasma Training

St. Bernard Tasma Training

He should start wearing a leash when he is still a puppy. The collar must be such that it does not tighten the neck.  If this training is carried out by professional dog training specialists, success is more guaranteed. If the dog is pulled by a leash, warn the dog with no command and do not move. Don't forget to give a reward when you stop pulling. To get information about the subject Leash training you can read a blog post called.

Saint Bernard Toilet Training

Toilet slope the first term is very important. Toilet Training the issue that should be given the most importance in the process should be away from positive things such as violence. Otherwise, the reaction may be excessive.  A dog that is very capable of being aggressive. The most important element of positive dog training is to implement the reward system. Rewarding their good behavior will speed up the process. dog toilet training first, you need to determine the toilet spot.

And the dog is every toilet tendency when he shows you, you need to take him to this area and get him to do his toilet. If the place where he does his toilet is in the house, do not clean the area with heavy chemicals because the next time he will do it by smelling it.  If he toilets at the wrong spot, you need to warn him. St. Bernard is more young and toilet training will make the owner comfortable in this regard in the future.

What we have dealt with before Dogo Argentino Training and Features  we recommend you to read the blog post called also to get support for dog training with us communication you can pass.


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