What Do Dogs Eat? What Can I Feed My Dog?

What Do Dogs Eat? What Can I Feed My Dog?

Our canine friends, who can be closer to us than many people with their friendship and loyalty, have served people in every field for thousands of years. Dogs, who are the best friends of people in the different ways of history, give the right of this title today.

Dogs that have been used in wars, agriculture and protection from the past to the present are benefited from more friendship and showiness today. Almost all apartments have at least 1 neighbor taking care of the dog. The life stories of animals identified with such people have also attracted a lot of attention from people and continue to attract.

What Do Dogs Eat?

The most important factor in the care of our canine friends who have hundreds of colors, breeds and sizes is nutrition. All healthy dogs have an informed diet list. Conscious dog owners will meet the daily nutritional needs and mineral supports of their dogs dog food using it, they aim to take the best care of their friends.


1) Dog Food

📌 The most important food ingredient in dog nutrition is enriched quality dog food. No food that people consume and can consume in their dogs can never replace dog food. For this reason, every dog owner should be able to stay healthy for every human dog Dog food he should take it.

What to Consider When Choosing Dog Food

📍 As in humans, our first priority in food choices is our dog's taste. The foods that every dog loves and needs are different. It would be a great torture to force dogs to eat a food they dislike. Therefore, it is suitable for your dog's taste dry dog food or canned dog food you should prefer.

📍 Because the minerals and nutrients needed by the age of the dogs will change, our second priority should be to buy dog food that is suitable for the age of the dog.

  • Puppy dogs that are more active have poor dental development and should consume softer foods accordingly.
  • Adulthood for dogs who are more stagnant in their age, dry food with good quality that protects their dental health should be preferred.
  • Old age during the period, the teeth of dogs lose their sharpness and resistance, so it is necessary to get the most suitable food for them.

📍 The activity and exercise levels of dogs will form our third priority in feeding your dogs. Your dog's body is too big Mastiff it may be, but a moving one if it is not actively moving during the day Poodle the dog will need more nutrients than the mastiff. In addition, the amount of food varies depending on the frequency and length of the exercises.

2) Carrot

Both raw and cooked carrots are safe for your dogs to eat.

Being rich in low-calorie, vitamins, minerals and fiber will be a healthy food for your dog to use as a snack.

If your dog is a puppy or his teeth are too small to break up the whole carrot, the carrot must be cut into small pieces.

The dogs love it very much dog cookies with carrots there will be great snacks for your dog.

3) Eggs

Cooked eggs are among the healthy foods that dogs can eat.

A medium-sized egg contains almost all the minerals and vitamins, as well as a very solid protein store. It is also good for nausea in dogs.

You should never forget that you should never give raw eggs to dogs. Your dog will not like eating raw eggs Salmonella bacteria such as these can infect both dogs and humans, causing infections in humans.

Inside are full dried eggs egg dog food it will be a luxurious food choice with great nutritional values for your dog.

4) Salmon

Salmon fish are great food sources for dogs with high quality fat and protein. You can give it to your dogs in a well-done and well-cooked form, which is contained in many dog foods and whose flavor is well-deliberated from salmon fish swords that no dog can say no to.

Salmon fish, which helps reduce skin inflammation, also contains Omega 3 fatty acids that will help keep your dog's skin and hair healthy.

Raw salmon should not be given to dogs. It can contain some harmful parasites that can cause salmon poisoning, which can even cause your dog to die.

Delicious for your dog salmon fish dog food taking it will increase your appetite even more.

5) Cheese

When cheese is consumed in small quantities, it will not pose any problems for your dogs. But the increase in quantity can cause stomach pains and diarrhea in your dog.

The proteins found in cheese and whey will be useful in your dog's bone development.

To prevent unpleasant situations, exercise can be done by placing a teaspoon in the dog food at meals. However, if you notice anything unusual in your dog, you should consult your veterinarian.

6) Blueberries

Blueberries are safe and nutritious for your dog.

Blueberries are a rich source of antioxidants that fight diseases. It contains a significant amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber. All of these are beneficial to your dog's health.

Being both healthy and small plays an important role in controlling the amount you give your dog. Although not very often, it should be preferred to give in season.

It will positively affect the overall health of your dogs the dog food with blueberries recommended in veterinarians.

7) Popcorn

Dogs can eat very little popcorn with the intent of reward unless adding spices or anything else as a supplement.

Salt is usually added to popcorns. Excess salt consumption can cause serious complications in dogs. Tere is oil and other materials used in liquid oil, usually when making popcorn. Excessive consumption in them can cause pancreatitis in dogs.

If you are going to give your dog popcorn, you should prefer air-cooked. In addition, giving the ones that are completely exploded will ensure that your dog does not have problems with dental health.

8) Cashew Nut

Although the taste of cashews is very pleasant for dogs, they should be given in small quantities under supervision.

Even if it is plain, unsalted and roasted, cashews contain a lot of fat and calories high elements. If consumed in excess, it can lead to weight gain and pancreatitis in your dog.

The amount of work that can be given should be no more than 1 or 2 cashew nuts per day.

9) Almond

The oil it contains in almonds causes the dog's hair to be seen bright and vivid. But you should limit the consumption of almonds for your dog and give them under supervision.

There is no problem in consuming plain and unsalted almonds in a small amount of your dog. Excessive consumption of almonds for dogs can cause vomiting and diarrhea, which can lead to digestive problems.

Almonds also contain high calories as they are rich in fat. If dogs exceed the minimum amount of eating, it can lead to the potential to get pancreatitis and gain weight.

If you want to give almonds to your dog, you should aim for the reward so that it does not exceed 3-4 units daily.

10) Salt

As with humans, excessive consumption of salt in dogs will lead to health problems. Therefore, you should limit your dog's salt intake.

Excessive salt intake can lead to salt poisoning or thirst in dogs, leading to vomiting, diarrhea, vomiting and seizures. In severe cases, high amounts of salt can be fatal.

To avoid negative effects, you should give your dog very little and controlled salty foods, such as chips or salt crackers. Moreover, you should always make sure that your dog drinks water so that it can prevent water deprivation.

11) Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a food that will not cause health problems in eating dogs as long as it is unsweetened and natural.

There is no harm in giving it in small amounts as the excess fat contained in it can cause your dog to gain weight.

You should also make sure to feed your dog plain and unsalted peanut butter. You should always keep in mind that homemade peanut butter will always be healthier than the one sold.

The rate of salt in peanut butter is also important. If very salty crushes are to be given, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter will be enough for 1 day.

12) Pineapple

Fresh and seasonally collected, not frozen or stored pineapples will not be a problem for your dogs in terms of health.

Pineapple contains many vitamins, minerals and fibers. It will be a pleasant and healthy snack for your dog.

Similar to other foods, dogs can experience conditions such as nausea and diarrhea when they eat too much pineapple. Therefore, it is best to give your dog a small amount of pineapple at a time.

Dogs will never say no pineapple dog canned food you should definitely try.

13) Watermelon

It is healthy and safe to give to dogs by separating from the fresh watermelon seeds and bark.

Watermelon bark and kernels can cause choking or digestive problems depending on the size of your dog.

However, because watermelon fruit is low in calories and full of nutrients like vitamin A and vitamin C, it will be a healthy snack that can be given to dogs.

14) Cheese Cottage

Dogs that are salt-free and fat-free, that is, from diet cottage cheese, can consume a small amount.

Even if they consume a small amount, some dog breeds may experience digestive problems and negativity such as diarrhea. If you think your dog is causing these problems, you should stop giving cottage cheese.

It is important to give and observe dogs only about 1 spoon per day. No food or food other than dog food constitutes meals for dogs and has no nutritional value.

15) Bread

White and whole-grain breads are healthy food for your dogs to consume.

You should take care that the bread you give your dog does not contain substances that are harmful to his health, such as raisins or currants.

Giving bread with other meals will give your dog extra fat and calories, which will cause him to gain more weight.

16) Blackberry

Blackberries will be a delicious, natural and healthy snack for your dog.

Fresh or frozen blackberries are a healthy treat for dogs. They are low in calories and are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Also, blackberries are a great source of fiber.

If your dog really enjoys eating blackberries, you can give 1 handful as a daily snack.

17) Egypt

Corn is a healthy food that dogs can consume more than other grains.

Corns are used in many dog foods because of the rich minerals and vitamins they contain.

Plain and fully cooked grains of corn are safe for your dog. But substituting for your dog with a corn cob can be dangerous. Corn cobs can cause constipation in dogs as they are difficult to digest.

The ideal corn eating capacity for your dog will be a snack of non-canned natural corn with a maximum of 100g per day.

Specially made for dogs egyptian dog biscuits there will be delicious and healthy snacks.

18) Tomatoes

As long as the tomatoes are fresh and completely red in color, they are not a problem for the dogs to consume a small amount.

Green tomatoes, on the other hand, may contain small amounts of tomatin, a toxic glycoalkaloid. Although green tomatoes are not poisonous to humans, anecdotal evidence suggests that they can harm dogs.

Dogs who consume a lot of tomatin from tomatoes may experience nausea, abnormal heart rate, muscle weakness, and difficulty breathing.

Tomatoes that add water and flavor to some dishes, not daily or as a snack, should be given without overdoing it.

19) Peas

Pea consumption for dogs is safe as a general sight.

Peas are used in many dog foods.

Besides the fact that dogs find peas delicious, green peas are low in calories and high in many nutrients. This makes them a healthy food for your dog.

However, feed your dog not canned peas, but only fresh or frozen peas. Canned peas often contain large amounts of salt, which is harmful to dogs.

Specially produced for dogs pea-dog food it will be a delicious and nutritious meal.

20) Oatmeal

Plain oatmeal is healthy and safe for your dogs to consume.

Oatmeal contains plenty of vitamins, minerals and fiber.

As with all foods and foods, giving dogs a large amount of oatmeal can cause your dog to gain weight in an unhealthy way.

Flavored oatmeal sold in grocery stores is inconvenient to give as it may contain ingredients that are not suitable for your dog's health.

Contains 10% oats, which is necessary for a healthy digestion oatmeal dog food your dog will make a contribution to the excretory system.

21) Apple

Fresh and sliced apples collected in season are healthy nutrients for your dog to consume.

Apples contain a significant amount of antitoxidants, vitamins, minerals and fibers. It is very beneficial to your dog's digestive and immune system.

Also, apple cores should not be given to dogs as they contain cyanide, a chemical substance that is not toxic to humans but is dangerous to dogs.

With great nutrition and vitamin store apple dog food it will be a good choice for your dogs.

22) Broccoli

Dogs can consume cooked or raw broccoli in moderation.

Broccoli contains a very low amount of calories and is a delicious and healthy snack for dogs because it is rich in many vitamins and minerals.

Broccoli also contains isothiocyanates, which are compounds that can irritate the digestive system if your dog eats too much. Therefore, it is important to give small amounts.

Includes healthy touches of broccoli broccoli dog food it will be a good choice for your dog.

23) Chicken

Cooked chickens are a healthy food for almost all dogs to eat.

Chicken is one of the most common ingredients used in dog food as it is an excellent source of protein that your dog needs to stay healthy. You can feed your dog chicken on its own or combine it with regular food.

It is worth noting that you should always remove the chicken from the bone before feeding your dog. Chicken bones are a choking hazard and can pierce the digestive system.

In addition, raw chicken should not be given to dogs in order to prevent salmonella infections.

Your dog will eat with fainting chicken dog food puppies are dog food that can be preferred in dogs.

24) Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are wonderful nutritious healthy food that has no problems in the consumption of dogs.

It is loaded with vitamin A, which is essential for eye health, supporting the digestion and immune system of dogs.

As it may occasionally give as a reward, sweet potatoes can be added to the food of dogs and given as additional food for meals.

You should remember that too much vitamin A can lead to bone problems and muscle weakness in dogs. Therefore, you should avoid feeding your dog an excessive amount of sweet potatoes.

Sweet with its nutritious and hearty feature potato dog food good quality choice for your dogs.

25) Coconut

Coconut is on the list of food that can be consumed for dogs.

It is known that the consumption of coconut or oil in dogs is good for skin and hair health.

Since the oil content of coconut is high, excessive consumption in dogs will cause weight.

Offering the dog with portions that will not exceed 1 tablespoon per day will be a healthy snack that can be preferred.

With good quality coconut oil in it coconut dog food it will be the food that your dog will love.

26) Pig Meat

Far from all spices, onions and garlic, pork cooked in a grill or pot is suitable for dogs to eat.

It should not be given raw, as there are a number of bacteria found in raw meat that can harm your dog's health.

Also, ham and bacon and processed pork should not be given to dogs. These foods are not suitable for the health of dogs due to their excessive salt content.

Pork should be given in the form of small portions based on the age and size of your dog, provided it is not a substitute for a meal.

It can replace a full nutritious meal pork dog food it will increase your dog's appetite.

27) Mango

Provided that they do not overdo it and are once in a while, dogs can eat mangoes.

It is very healthy to give mangoes to dogs in small quantities, as they contain plenty of fiber, as well as provide several vitamins and minerals.

Before you treat your dog with mangoes, you should peel them off beautifully, as their skin can be difficult to digest. It should also be removed to prevent choking.

28) Honey

Because it is high in sugar, dogs can eat very small amounts of honey.

Honey has a high sugar content and can contribute to weight gain if your dog eats too much. Also, the risk of developing dangerous diabetes such as dog diabetes will increase.

If you want to offer your dog once in a while, it is best to give him only a very small amount.

29) Milk

You can give milk to your dog, provided that it is not too much and opens with water.

Lactose Intolerance, one of the common diseases in dogs, can occur with excessive milk consumption. This can cause vomiting, diarrhea, loose stools, stomach pain and gas build-up in your dog.

Some dogs can tolerate small amounts of milk as an occasional treatment, but should not drink more than a few tablespoons of milk per day.

30) Turkey Meat

Most dogs can eat plain turkey meat without any spices and condiment supplements.

Avoid giving spicy and stuffed turkey to your dog to prevent him from eating potentially harmful ingredients like onions and garlic.

The turkey meat should be well cooked, free of bone and skin.

Includes the magnificent flavor of turkey meat turkey meat dog food there will be meals that dogs will eat with forgiveness.

31) Rice

Dogs can consume white or brown rice with pleasure.

With its fibrous structure, rice that helps the digestive system of dogs is also good for stomach disorders.

You can give your dog rice that is high in carbohydrate value or you can give it with turkey or chicken meat in terms of adding protein.

It is so helpful for dogs rice dog food it will be a healthy choice for your dog.

32) Red Meat

Lean and nerve-seeded red meats are suitable for dogs to eat.

In fact, beef is a common ingredient in many dog foods. An excellent protein that your dog needs for his overall health is a source of many important vitamins and minerals.

The beef you give your dog should be such that it is only meat without added sauce or spices.

For your dog who never says no to red meats beef dog food you may prefer.

33) Banana

Dogs can really love eating bananas

Bananas, which are rich in many vitamins and minerals, are also known to help relieve nausea in dogs, but this is not based on scientific evidence.

You can mix some crushed banana with your dog's food or give one or two slices as an occasional snack.

It will attract your dog with its flavor banana dog award food he will make your dog obedient in training and listening to the word.

34) Strawberry

Dogs can safely eat strawberries that they consume with a lot of love.

Strawberries are very healthy snacks for dogs as they are low in calories but high in nutrients, antioxidants and fiber.

You should make sure to cut your dog into small pieces to avoid choking before offering strawberries to him. You should also remove the upper litter to prevent throat tripping.

35) Orange

Dogs can consume portals, albeit in small amounts.

Oranges are healthy treats that can be given to dogs as they are low in calories and rich in vitamin minerals.

In some dogs, their stomachs may be disturbed due to the acid the orange contains. For this reason, you need to give the orange in moderation and observe your dog.

%1% orange juice and dried dog food with orange it will be a food that your dog will love.

36) Peanuts

Plain, unsalted peanuts can be given on the condition that dogs consume a small amount.

Similar to other nuts, peanuts are also high in fat and can cause weight gain and pancreatitis if your dog eats too much.

Peanuts often contain additional ingredients, such as salt, which can be harmful to dogs. If you feed your dog peanuts, it is best to give him only a few simple nuts at a time.

37) Mushroom

Mushrooms purchased from grocery stores are safe for dogs to consume.

You should feed your dog plain mushrooms that are not combined with extra ingredients like garlic and onions, which can have negative effects on dogs.

It is also worth noting that some wild mushrooms are toxic to your dog and can cause fungal poisoning.

38) Potatoes

Dogs can eat cooked plain potatoes.

You should never give your dog raw potatoes. Raw potatoes contain solanine, which is toxic to dogs. Cooking potatoes lowers solanine levels.

Because potatoes contain high carbs, they should only be given to dogs in small amounts, as they can cause dogs to gain weight when they eat large amounts.

Special for dogs are nutritious and delicious potato dog food it will be a great choice.

39) Celery

Crayfish given in small quantities can be a healthy snack for dogs.

Celery is a health-conscious diet for dogs. It is low calorie and an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals.

Remember to cut into bite-sized pieces to prevent choking and make it easier for your dog to digest before giving celery to your dog.

40) Cherry

You can offer cherries extracted from the core in limited quantities to your dog.

When consumed in large quantities in cherry seeds, cyanide is present, which is poisonous to dogs. In addition, cherry seeds are in danger of drowning.

Cherry can also cause stomach upset and diarrhea if eaten too much in dogs. If you are going to feed your dog on dirt, you should limit him to one or two rents at a time.

41) Shrimp

You can safely give the simple, sauces-free and seasoning-free shrimp to your dog.

Shrimp is a healthy food for dogs, as it is an excellent source of protein, providing a significant amount of vitamins and minerals.

However, you should avoid eating raw shrimp to your dog, as it may contain harmful bacteria that can make your dog sick. You should always make sure to remove the shell from the shrimp to prevent your dog from choking.

Carrying all the nutritional values of shrimp shrimp dog food it will be a really good choice.

42) Fish

Grilled or under-fried fish can be given to dogs.

Fish contain high quality fats and amino acids. Sardines and salmon in particular are richer in this regard.

Never feed your dog undercooked or uncooked fish. After cooking the fish well, you should refrigerate it and treat your dog like that. You should make sure that the hips from the fish are thoroughly removed. Swords can sink into the throat and cause digestive problems.

If your dog enjoys eating fish for them fish dog food it will be a good choice.

43) Ham

Dogs can be given ham in small amounts.

Often processed products complicate the digestion of dogs. For this reason, consuming products such as excessive ham or bacon can lead to some problems as a result of the dogs being too salty and overconsumption due to the fact that they are processed products.

Ham is high in sodium and fat, so sharing a small piece is no problem, it should not be a constant habit.

Includes the taste and quality of ham that dogs enjoy eating ham dog award food it will help your dog to do the training voluntarily.

44) Tuna Fish

A small amount of tuna will be a healthy snack for your dog.

Fresh tuna is rich in the fat and amino acids it contains, as well as Omega 3 acids which are good for the eye and heart health of dogs.

Canned tuna fish have small amounts of mercury and sodium that can be harmful to your dogs. Dietary canned tuna fish can be given in small amounts by thoroughly removing water and oil.

For dogs that love the taste of tuna ton fish dog food it will be a reward preference.

45) Yogurt

It is both safe and healthy for dogs to eat yogurt.

Yogurt, which contains many amino acids and minerals, contributes significantly to the health of dogs. In cases such as vomiting and diarrhea, eating some yogurt will help eliminate the problem.

In addition, yogurt should be fed to dogs showing symptoms of heartburn and poisoning.

According to the size of your dog, eating yogurt 1 time a week in normal situations will help to protect his general health.

46) Pumpkin

Plain pumpkin is a reliable food for dogs to consume.

There is no harm in giving the pumpkin, which is not treated with any sauces or spices, with a small amount of participation in the meals of dogs.

Thanks to the fibers and vitamins contained in pumpkin, it will support your dog's immune and digestive system. Effective food for the problem of constipation is again squash.

You can offer it for your dogs to snack simply by poaching the pumpkin and peeling the outer shell.

Especially nutritious and delicious for puppies dog food with honey pumpkin it will ensure that your meals are appetitive.


Do Dogs Eat Bones?

Dogs that have been mentioned with bones since childhood are seen to love and eat bones in almost all cartoons and cartoons. Bone can actually be a food that is not suitable for small breeds at all.

Although it contains plenty of protein and substances that are good for general health, bone fractures are dangerous for small and medium sized breeds. Since the digestive system in dogs is not very sensitive and strong, bone fragments can tear in the throat or damage the intestines.

For small breed dogs with a constant gnawing instinct, giving them a bone that they cannot break will be beneficial to dental health.

In large breed dogs kangal, Pitbull, Bulldog or Rottweiler bone consumption in such breeds will not be a problem. In short, aggressive dogs are better suited to eating bones.

what do puppies eat?

what do puppies eat?

The first thing we do when we decide to feed dogs in homes is to adopt a puppy. Puppies use their milk teeth until they are about 1 year old. For this reason, their sensitive teeth, which are not fully developed, are immature in terms of full sharpness and strength.

When getting your dog to perform routine care, ask your veterinarian to give you formula advice based on your dog's breed and age. Thus, you will maintain both dental health and general health with foods that carry the nutritional values that your dog should receive daily.

If you own a dog for the first time dog ownership and list of necessary materials for new dogs you should also take a look at our posts.

It is absolutely inconvenient to give acidic foods to puppies. Eating from spicy and hot dishes will have a very negative effect on the undeveloped digestive systems.

Eating chocolate, onion and garlic and giving bones are quite harmful.

We can list the foods suitable for the health of puppies that will not be an alternative to dog food but will not be a problem in eating small amounts.

Lean meat Carrot
Broccoli Pumpkin
Banana Watermelon
Bread Yogurt
Oatmeal Rice
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