stages of development of dogs

How Should Puppies Be Raised and Bred?

Owning a dog does not mean paying attention to its nutrition alone or taking care of it. The dog needs to be informed about how to grow, breed and act accordingly.

Dogs race unnoticed, puberty is classified as the period of adolescence and adulthood. Each period has its own method of growth and maintenance.

With a puppy in puppyhood it is an adult dog it cannot be grown in the same way. Therefore, it is necessary to address the issues of growing and raising from birth.

How to Grow a Puppy Dog?

Puppy Dog growing is more advantageous as it is from the foundation, it is a disadvantageous issue as you are novice if you are novice. But don't get bored, we'll help you raise a puppy.

Did you get a new friend for your family? So be ready to take care of everything from your education to your education.

Puppy dog toilet training, Grow up by taking care of everything in turn until advanced obedience training. Here's the order you need to follow…

1) Socialize Your Puppy Dog

Puppies are cold to humans when they first come home. The fact that the environment is a new place, that people are new people, causes them to behave a little cold.

Some dogs biting prone they could. First of all, you need to introduce them to people. Pitbull, Dogo Argentinian, P, Rottweiler and Doberman dogs are biting dogs. In order for these to get used to people, socialization training must be given from the puppy period.

training if you trust yourself, there is no harm in providing training. But if you do not understand dogs and dog training, you should definitely get support by talking to a dog training specialist.

2) Give Your Puppy Basic Obedience Training

Your dog socialize later or with it basic obedience training you need to rivet with. If you want to feed a dog in the apartment, you have to do it.

Small breed dog or every dog should be given basic obedience training regardless of the large breed dog. When done this way, you can make the dog more compatible with family life and apartment life.

It may also be possible for your dog to stick to you with basic obedience training.

3) Teach Your Puppy Your Rules

Of course, cute patitians will be your best friends in the future but “kuralsfree” if you act, your cute friend may walk away from you or it may be very difficult for you to cope.

Primarily Feeding dogs at home for you, you need to determine a special area for your patty friend and it should not be allowed to exit this area.

Don't let your dog sleep in your bedroom, don't let him eat at the table. It will always be good for you to have a red line.

An authoritarian dog owner can better communicate with his friend, say “dur” when necessary, which allows the dog to both remain more loyal to his owner and not get out of his promise.

4) Know How to Treat Your Puppy

If you have bought a new friend into your home, you should not act separately from other individuals. Dogs can't perceive like humans, they can't learn right away, and they can cross your boundaries to keep their dialogue with you better at all times, which can sometimes make you nervous. But stop!

If you own a dog you need to show your love for him, be patient in his training, do your best to get used to him instead. In short, you should know how to treat your dog. Otherwise, you will not be able to protect your borders.

5) Get Your Puppy Used to Home Life

Although home life is unusual for humans, it is not so for puppies. They may want to confuse the situation, against the guests who come aggressive they can act or they can act in movements you don't want.

To avoid these, you first need to familiarize your dog with home life. You need to teach your rules, teach people how to behave, where to eat their food.

Puppies are like small children. Whatever you accustom him to, his attitude towards you and the inhabitants of the house will be shaped accordingly.

6) Create a Suitable Living Space for Your Puppy

Dogs have the right to a comfortable life. From the moment you bring them into your home, act with the awareness that they are an individual of your household.

If you are choosing comfortable places for your own children, you need to create suitable living spaces for your dog as well. They can meet their needs easily, mama you should make sure that they find their food easily on the clock. It is also important to ensure that you sleep in a comfortable environment with a dog bed.

7) Give Your Puppy Command Training

We said puppies are like little kids. The way you treat them is important. If command training if you don't, they'll get out of your word like naughty children, and that can cause some trouble in the future.

"Sit, stand up, come, stop, pay attention" teaching the commands will make it easier for you to control your dog both inside and outside the home.

Providing command training with support from someone who is an expert in dog training will enable them to complete their training in a shorter time.

8) Bring Your Puppy with Animals

It is not enough to accustom your dog to people. If you have other pets in or around your home, you need to combine them with animals to protect them.

“Dog with cat can not be friends” do not say, if you socialize them and combine them with other animals, they can also be friends with the cat, they can be friends with a bird or a duck. Shepherd dogs, for example, do not harm their herds, but rather protect them.

That is, if there is no attack on another being that is not of his own race in the nature of dogs, it is due to the fact that the owner does not provide training and does not merge with animals.

9) Keep Your Puppy's Gestures in Check

Some breed dogs, in particular, may behave more aggressively. kangal, large breed dogs, such as Leonberger, Newfoundland, can behave more aggressively than others. So you need to get your movements under control.

Socializing dogs while they are in puppyhood, giving them obedience training will make it even easier for you to control their aggressive actions when they grow up. For this, it will be more accurate to meet with a specialist dog trainer.

10) Earn Your Puppy's Trust

It is just as important to trust your dog as it is to trust you. You need to do what you need to make them trust you.

For example, for a long time alone behaviors such as not cessation, taking care of your nutrition, taking them to veterinary control on a regular basis will make your dog trust you, which in turn will affect your communication bond being stronger.

dogs from puppyhood to adulthood

How Should Dogs Be Feeding?

It is an important issue to take care of their nutrition as much as training dogs.

If you have no idea how to feed your dog, we recommend that you get information from a dog owner or a veterinary specialist.

It is certain that someone who has knowledge about all issues such as choosing a food container, choosing a food container, will act more accurately in dog feeding.

How to Choose Dog Food?

The basic responsibilities of the dog owner when it comes to nutrition, the choice of dog food has an important place.

When choosing dog food, you need to pay attention to the fact that the patio is a food that appeals to the palate taste of your friend, which has a positive effect on his nutrition and health.

Dog food is produced according to the breeds or the specific condition of the dogs. If your dog is infertile, it is important to give sterile dog food and if pregnant, give special food to pregnant dogs.

When choosing a mama, it is also necessary to pay attention to its quality. Outdoor dog food can have a negative impact on the health of your cute friend, as they are not treated carefully in production and are not kept in packaging. For this reason, you should prefer foods that are kept with a known brand and packaging.

How Should Dog Care be Done?

Care as much as nutrition has an important place. Caring for dogs may not be as easy as you think. For example, hair care in very hairy dogs is extremely important. Procedures such as shaving a dog, taking care of hair care, taking a bath help to protect the health of the dog.

Oral and dental health also have an important place in dog care. If you do not regularly take care of your dog's mouth and teeth, this can cause your patio friend to get sick sooner and shorten his life.

Bathing matters also have an important place in dog care. Washing your dog more often, especially during summer periods, will make it more effective to both relax and protect against hair and skin diseases.

As a result; dog breeding or ownership is not as simple a job as it is thought. If you do not have complete confidence in this matter, it will be better to support them by staying in contact with animal associations instead of feeding them to do no harm.

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