Basic Obedience Training in Dogs

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To have a good dog Dog Training it's very important toilet training in dogs if necessary dogs obedience training it is very important for a healthy life with your little friend. Lack of training; can lead to a number of behavioral problems, including aggression and constant barking. Lack of training can also be dangerous for your dog; too;

If he does not learn to come when called, for example, he may get lost or hurt. No matter its size, a well-trained dog is a much nicer companion than one with bad behavior.

Basic Obedience Training

Basic obedience in dogs mastering their commands is a vital part of being a responsible dog owner. These basic commands make it much easier to navigate the relationship between the animal and the animal owner and keep both you and your pet safe in case of an emergency.

Basic obedience training is especially useful for you because it allows you and your dog to live in harmony.

When to Start Basic Dog Training?

Basic Obedience Training
Basic Obedience Training

Puppy dog owners or people who own a new dog we can begin basic obedience training at the age of how many months he asks questions in the form.

Basic obedience training of your dog You can start at 3-9 months. Especially Alabai , kangal, Rottweiler, Cane Corso, Mastiff, Chow Chow, Husky, Samoyed we recommend basic obedience training when you are 3 months old in such stubborn and strong dog breeds. As dogs get older, it becomes harder for them to obey and train because the dogs' characters begin to sit and their muscles get stronger.

Puppies they learn quickly and adapt quickly to their surroundings. At this age, curiosity outweighs fear. If they are not trained during this critical period, puppies can become frightening and aggressive. But older dogs can also be trained, although more difficult.

When training your dog; make the puppies as much as possible with new people, new places and animals. Start teaching your pet basic commands and proper behavior, but don't expect them to learn right away.

Mastery happens gradually. Basic obedience training in dogs lasts about 4 weeks, and in general three weeks of training is spent with dog trainers and the last week with both our trainer and the owner.

Basic dog obedience training includes sit, go to bed, sit, wait, wait for yacht, follow and no commands

Sit down command with this command you get your dog to sit where you show it and you can pause your dog at any time. You can make your dog calm down with this command as he gets too excited or spoiled.

Sit command sit down and wait forms the basis of your command. In the yacht command, when your dog receives the command, it lies on your left side or where you show it. The sit-and-wait command is the easiest and most important in dog training.

Sit command your dog sits down and waits that way until the next command. Your dog sits calmly, regardless of any external factors. It is one of the important commands for you to easily do your short tasks while your dog is by your side.

Yacht wait command with it, you can have your dog lie down where you set it and wait as calmly as the next command.

Yacht wait command it's a nice command to let your dog let you do your short tasks, such as the sit-and-wait command. Even if you walk away from the environment after you give this command, your dog will stay that way as long as he sees you from a distance.

No command your dog cannot do the behaviors you do not want. No command is one of the most important basic obedience rules that dogs should be given.

You can use the No command at any time you spend with your dog. Thanks to the No command, your dog will understand that you do not want that behavior and will not do it. Also, if you think your dog will make a move you don't want, you can prevent your dog from doing that behavior by giving a no command beforehand.

basic obedience training the main commands of their command are the following and they are the lack of dog training. If you want to get along with your dog Basic obedience your dog should learn the commands.

Why Basic Obedience Training is Important for Dogs

Basic Obedience Training will be one of the first training your dog receives professionally. Changing dog instincts, which have a very different structure than human instinct, is a difficult and laborious process, but if you want to have a long and healthy relationship with your dog, we recommend that you get support for dog training.

Dogs want to make their owners happy all the time, but they do not know how to do this thanks to basic obedience, you will be able to have a common language with your dog, that is, your dog will be able to clearly understand what you expect from him.

Basic Obedience training then you will have a stronger connection with your dog over time, making you comfortable in social situations, parks and guest environments with your dog who is happy to make you happy.

Basic obedience in fact, it is similar to the fact that a child starts school and prepares for life. Children learn to make friends in the first school, play games together and fulfill responsibilities together basic obedience is also a process by which your dog will learn what is right for him.

Why Basic Obedience Training is Important for Dogs
Why Basic Obedience Training is Important for Dogs. Why Basic Obedience is Important for Dogs

You can get more detailed information about dog training by contacting us.

What dog owners expect most from their dogs is that they understand their commands. This is not a naturally occurring trait in dogs, but we can easily add it to our dogs by training them.

Dogs are already creatures that want to make their owners happy. By receiving Basic Obedience Training, they will be able to understand our commands.

Depending on the breed of dogs, basic training can be difficult or very easy, some breeds can be very successful in this training. For example, the Border Collie race is based on education and advanced obedience training when it comes to dogs, they are the most successful.

When Can Dogs Get Basic Obedience Training?

Dogs will have entered puberty between six and nine months of age, and you can now provide Basic Obedience Training to your dog, which is slowly growing. But in some races especially; in Alabai, however, kangal, Rottweiler, Cane Corsa, Mastif, Chow Chow, Husky, Samoyed basic obedience training in such races can be given at 5 to 5.5 months of age.

Basic Obedience Training Commands; includes sit, yacht, sit, wait, yacht wait, follow and no commands

With this training to change and control the behavior of dogs, the dogs learn to sit, lie down, wait, wait for the yacht, follow and no. For each command, dogs are given applications that the trainers specifically developed.

Basic Obedience Training Prices

Our training prices vary depending on the breed of your dog, age and the problem you are experiencing. Training Prices you can look at our page. For detailed information, your search will suffice.

Why Basic Obedience Training is Important for Dogs

Basic obedience training is very important for dogs. People social dogs that cannot adapt to their lives are often left to forests or shelters, so we warn all dog owners to receive basic obedience training. The behavior of dogs is very different from ours. But dogs that we can put their behavior into the shape we want are really an animal with the potential to be best friends for humans when they are well trained.

Dog training Dogs Toilet Training, basic obedience training , Puppy dog training and advanced obedience training to get professional support for such trainings immediately communication you can pass.

Basic Obedience Training Frequently Asked Questions

When Does Basic Obedience Training Begin?

You can start basic obedience training of your dog at 3-9 months of age. Especially in the stubborn and strong dog breeds such as Alabai, Kangal, Rottweiler, Cane Corso, Mastif, Chow Chow, Husky, Samoyed, we recommend basic obedience training when 3 months old.

How Long Does Basic Obedience Training Take?

This period varies depending on the problem you have with your dog. If your dog does not have problems (unbalanced, aggressive, cowardice, etc.), it will take 4-5 weeks.

Basic Obedience Training Prices

It varies according to the type of dog, age and the problems you experience. Average can range from 4000 TL to 7000 TL. Please contact for full information.

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