Pointer Training and Care

Pointer Training and Care

They do not attack other dogs, animals, and cats. It doesn't bother strangers too much, but people can be scared because it barks loudly and is large-bodied. It has a long head structure and a deep mouth to the ears. The stop is a distinct dog and you have a tail. It is an athletic appearance.

Dogs of the Pointer breed generally have an athletic and charismatic appearance. His head is always upright and he has a confident posture. The eye colors of dogs from the Pointer breed can be hazel or chestnut depending on the color of their fur.

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Average Life:13/14 years

Origin: England

Weight: 20-30 kg


Male: Average 55-62 cm
Female: Average 54-60 cm

Usage: Guard and Hunting Dog

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Pointer Training and Care
Pointer Training and Care

Pointer Training

Because of its smartness, it can be easily trained, but its attention is always scattered education should be applied privately. Obedience training is an important aspect. Very interested in birds.

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Pointer Training and Care
Pointer Training and Care

Pointer Care

It needs to be brushed frequently to reduce the rate of hair loss during hair casting periods, if the dead hairs are purified, it will have a more beautiful fur. She can keep up with her life, but her hut should be warm and have a soft bed, but living in the house will make her happier.

Pointer Training and Care
Pointer Training and Care

Pointer Character Structure

He is a calm, gentle and beautiful dog and has his own unique posture. Although there is distraction in education, it is a problem that can be overcome thanks to expert dog trainers. Health forms a bond with its owners. It has very advanced features in hunting. Especially during hunting, he remains motionless, waiting for the most vulnerable moment of his prey and performing his attack. It is among the best hunting dogs in the world. If you are going to use it as a family dog Dog Training you need to get it, especially basic obedience training very important.

Pointer Training and Care
Pointer Training and Care

Pointer Feather structure

It has frequent, short and bright hair structure. They can be in lemon, black, orange or liver colors. Matte and single color can be as well as white top can be in different colors shapes. There may also be only black Pointers with dark colors.

Pointer Exercise Needs

Since he has an athletic body, he needs a frequent and intense exercise program and must adhere to the program on a regular basis. For this, it needs a garden of the required size. He will be happy if he is provided with the possibilities to run and play hunting games. When he plays games with his family, he becomes a very happy and intelligent dog.

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Can Pointer live in an apartment ?

Although Pointer is generally suitable for living in the house, it is not very suitable for living in the apartment. Because it needs spaces with wide range of motion. A house with a garden is always the reason of preference.  If it is preferable to live in the house, the exercises should be carried out on time. Dog training should always be sensitive, especially if it is going to be a family dog, dog training should never be postponed. Because of their hunting instincts, it is important to participate in socializing activities for dogs in the early stages.

Pointer Training
Pointer Training

Where are Pointer Usage Areas?

Dogs of the Pointer race have a strong hunting instinct. Thanks to its strong ability to smell, it has become very popular over time. The hunting activity of this breed is the bird hunts, but it can also perform well in the hunting of mammal animals. He would be happy to live in countries with warm climates. It avoids entering the water in the same way that there is no suitable dog for extremely cold weather. The most loved feature by the hunters shows the location of the shot very clearly, but does not bring the prey to the hunter. Nowadays, it can be a very good family dog rather than a hunting dog.

Pointer Usage Areas?
Pointer Usage Areas?

Pointer Character Features

Energy Level High
Exercise needs High
Acting High
Do not get along with other dogs Good
Do not get along with other pets Good
Deal with children Good
Behavior to strangers Middle
Educability Middle
Protection feature Middle

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