Maltese Terrier

Maltese Terrier Dog Prices

Small breed dogs of the terrier breed maltese terriers, it is among the jinn who are very much in demand with their external appearance and good temper. There are sales and ownership prices, which vary according to gender, health status, pure bloody status and other factors.

Different pricing has been made according to the countries in the world. Even in Turkey, according to the cities, it has the sales center, changing prices according to the growing conditions.

Maltese Terrier Breed Dog Prices in Turkey

Among the dogs that receive a lot of attention in Turkey are maltese terriers. These dogs, known for their family life suitability and smartness, have different sales prices according to regions and cities in Turkey. The average price is between 2000 pounds and 8000 pounds.

Factors such as age, gender, conditions of upbringing, production center are involved in determining the sales prices of these dogs.

Maltese Terrier Dog Prices in the World

The Maltese terriers, which have received a lot of attention in the world thanks to their cute appearance, intelligence and behavior, have varying price ranges due to the same conditions. The reason why a certain price cannot be established is that the conditions for the cultivation of all breeds are not the same.

Some of the prices of Maltese Terriers, which vary by country, are as follows.

Maltese Terrier prices in America, 300 Dollars Shile 1500 dollars varies between.

Selling prices in European countries 250 Euros Shile 1200 Euros there are differences between.

Characteristics of Maltese Terrier Dogs

First of all, this breed, which collects attention thanks to its external appearance, also takes hearts with its character structure and behavior. It becomes the choice of families and people living in apartment life due to its fearless, playful and loving.

In general, they are very attached to their family and family life. He constantly wants to be the center of love and attention, and in the same way he constantly shows love and interest to his owner. Dogs of this breed, which are also noted for its energetic structure, radiate positive energy and joy around it. They are very playful and understanding animals.

Energy Level: High
Exercise Need: Middle
 Player Character Multi Player
 Between Other Dogs Good
 Between Different Animals Good
 Relationship with Children Very Good
 Attitude to Foreign People Very Good
 Training Speed Good
 Conservation Instinct Middle
 Intelligence High

They are a little difficult to deal with very young children. Because they want movement and play, they may not like young babies very much, but if children are introduced to a dog of this breed from the age they start playing, they will form a non-perishable friendship. They make friends with other animals and other adults very quickly.

Although they are mistaken by looking at their energetic and exciting structure, they are animals that will never give you difficulty in a travel situation. They exhibit very calm attitudes in serious matters or situations such as travel.

They come to the forefront with their intelligence in games that require intelligence or in the trainings they need to get. They are social animals that can interact as much as they have a curly intelligence. The only problem is that it wants to be constantly talking and getting involved in conversations in some way. Therefore, if not trained, there may be problems in apartment life.

Physical Characteristics of Maltese Terrier Dogs

Maltese Terriers are generally known for their white, long and well-groomed feathers. The often mentioned concept of ornamental dog is used for these breeds. The greatest physical characteristic of this species is that they have very soft and long hair. Of course, having such beautiful and long hair means hairs that want a lot of care.

It is among the smallest dog breeds known for its height and weight. It can be easily carried in the lap or in the transport box.You will not have difficulty in carrying or directing it with weights ranging from 1 kilo and 3.5 kilos and lengths ranging from about 14-20 cm.

Besides being able to have very long hairs, they also shed surprisingly little. Regular screening and feather treatments if done, this rate can be reduced to zero.

One thing to note when adopting a maltese terrier is that a breed of very small sizes is not to be owned. Because with some commercial movements, a premature birth can be obtained by a smaller dog. The maltese terrier breed, which is already predisposed to many hereditary diseases, can be very short when it comes to the world in these conditions.

What to Know About Maltese Terrier Dogs

They can be very possessive and jealous of being very loyal and loyal to their owner. Therefore, they can be jealous of small babies in the house and exhibit aggressive movements. The important thing is to try to get used to it without restriction. Even though it occasionally experiences stubbornness, it is usually a compatible animal.

If you are a family with young children, we recommend adopting a maltese terrier. Thus, you will not face the problem of disharmony by getting used to children and growing up in this order.

They can often be quite talkative and persistent about getting things done that they want. The subject of education is important in this direction. The need for love is too much, and in the same way, they express these needs and even try to express them. They are very sociable and friendly animals.

They can create problems when they are alone or away from sociability. You can own as a couple to keep the calmness of our little friends who do not like to be alone or to prevent stress, or you can adopt another animal to live with it.

What Should Maltese Terrier Dogs Look For?

Although it is nice to love and live with their small structures and remarkable feathers, you need to be extra careful about their care. Due to the predisposition to genetic diseases caused by the genetic characteristics of the species, a diet should be established in a way that does not give place and the maintenance routine should be followed.

For feather care, it will be enough to comb 2 or 3 times a week with the help of combs that are specially produced for small dog breeds. For the washing stage, you can also get help from shampoos specially produced for sensitive hair dogs or from your specialist veterinarian.

Malkese terriers may develop discharge-like spots on the sides of the mouth and eyes due to the genera. In order to maintain its hygiene and prevent the formation of stains, these areas should be cleaned or wiped frequently if no stains are seen.

Their long hair can also grow quite long in the ear. In order not to cause a health problem and to make them comfortable, the hairs for the ear should be shortened carefully. There is no need for exercise for these dogs of this breed, where the problem of lubrication is hardly seen. Daily toilet walks can meet exercise needs.

[Total: 11 Average: 4.7]