Labrador Retriever Training and Features

Labrador Retriever Training and Features

Humans, other dogs, are a well-meaning dog that can get along well with children. They can't be a very smart watchdog, but instead they prefer to get along with people. Meaningful gazing has eyes, a large nose.

Formerly called "St John's Dog" Labrador Retriever nowadays it is very popular in many countries. Was raised in Canada. In Canada, he was trained to dive into icy waters and help fishermen gather their nets. In the 1800's, this breed was brought to England, adding different hunting features.

Labrador Retriever, in general, it is a very exciting and emotional dog. He is extremely eager to do activities with his family. Dogs from the Labrador Retriever breed love the act of playing with water, an activity that many dogs do not like.  Labrador Retriever dogs are always loving to humans.

He always does his best to become a loved member of his family. It needs to be socialized to a large extent from the time of its smallness. Although not as much as other dogs, strangers can have features such as attacking. Dog Training they are races that have been very successful.

dog basic obedience training they can train more efficiently and quickly than many other races. These races are very strong, therefore from the time of their smallness Leash training he should take it.

What we have dealt with before Training for a Golden Retriever  and we suggest you read the features article.

Life Time: 10/12 years
Origin: Canada
Male: 27-34 kg Female: 25-32 kg
Male: 56-61 cm Female: 53-58 cm
Usage: Guard, Search-and-Rescue and Police Dog

Labrador Retriever Training

Labrador Retriever Training
Labrador Retriever Training

It has a fast learning ability, Basic obedience and advanced obedience training can easily take. In periods of smallness, it is necessary to provide leash training. They can learn dog sports like Frisbee and Flyball. Working with people who are experts in dog training will always allow you to get more efficient results and have a long relationship with your dog. You can contact us for detailed information about dog training.

Labrador Retriever Care

Labrador Retriever Care
Labrador Retriever Care

It is not one of the breeds that require a lot of brushing it is enough for him to groom 1 time per week, only during the hair casting periods this number can increase to 2-3’ times per week. the risk of developing hip and elbow dysplezia should be noted in this breed, as should other large dogs.

Dogs from the Labrador Retriever breed are generally known for being healthy. There is no hereditary disease seen in all of this race. However, they can catch diseases that all dogs are likely to get caught. These diseases;

  • Patella luxation
  • Hip dislocation
  • Eustochondritis dissecans
  • Dystyiasis syndrome
  • Entropion
  • Heart problems

Dogs of the Labrador Retriever breed have an average lifespan of 10-12 years.

Labrador Retriever Character Structure

Labrador Retriever Character Structure
Labrador Retriever Character Structure

He is a sleeping dog. It is Labrador's job to obey and to adapt everywhere. That is why they make friends all over the world. With its beneficiary structure and social standing, it has a player structure. Athletic.

Dogs from the Labrador Retriever breed have characteristics that are expected by many dog lovers. He is known for having good intentions. He gets along well with all children and always takes a good approach to children. The risk of disappearance is of very high races. Because this breed usually follows the smells of food that are nice to the nose and makes the owner anxious. There are many Labrador Retriever breeds of dogs that have suddenly disappeared.


Labrador Retriever Exercise Needs

Labrador Retriever Exercise Needs
Labrador Retriever Exercise Needs

Because their bodies are large, they need a lot of exercise. They like to catch and chase games. You can make them happy with long walks and different games. Labrador is very active.

Labrador Retriever Living Environment

Labradors lead happy and harmonious lives everywhere when adequate exercises are provided. Playing games in a garden will make them happy because the hunter has instincts. He is a warm climate dog. If he gets the right training, he can happily live in the apartment. But in order for him to live in the apartment and in the house, it is important that he first undergoes a professional training of dogs. With dog training, we can have more control over the Labrador.

Characteristics of Labrador Retriever


Energy Level High
Exercise needs High
Acting Multi Player
Do not get along with other dogs Good
Do not get along with other pets Good
Deal with children Very Good
Behavior to strangers Good
Educability Good
Protection feature Middle

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