How to Apply Protection Dog Training?

How to Apply Protection Dog Training?

Dogs are animals that want to protect their territory without distinguishing race. They are especially dangerous in protecting their food. The sense of ownership in dogs is very intense. Because of this, he would always want to protect his living environments and families. This trait is present in most dogs and comes from birth, but the intensity of race to race varies. protection dog training with this, the trait in these instincts can be made even more conscious and controllable

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How to Apply Protection Dog Training?

How to Apply Protection Dog Training?
How to Apply Protection Dog Training?

In order for our dog to be trained as a protection dog to be always high in self-confidence, we must ensure that he is the victorious side in the trainings. Otherwise, they can lose confidence. Dogs who are subjected to violence during dog training cannot be expected to have a protection dog. While they must have successfully passed the Basic Obedience Training process, having received the Advanced Obedience Training at a certain level allows them to be more successful. Some dogs are very nervous because they do not receive obedience training, so protection dog training can be harmful to them. The dog must learn the commands in order to receive protection training.

Why is Protection Dog Training Given?

  • To prevent the dog from being hot to strangers
  • Positively changing all the behavior of the dog and taking control
  • For the improvement of the protective behavior of the dog.

Protection Dog Training;  Training to Be Careful with Strangers

While the dog already has no contact with others while he is only communicating with the trainer, it will be difficult for someone else to approach him. However, since the dog is a gluttonous animal, they can be fooled with food. At this point, dogs that only eat the food given by the owner can easily get rid of this scam. However, if we want to make sure that our dog never compromises on food to strangers, he should lean on this. So how can he be trained?

He will give our dog the assistant trainer, that is, someone he has not been in contact with before, and punish the trainer dog by tying him with the chain for eating the food he has received from others. When this training is repeated, we will see that our dog is training at this point in time. As long as he is successful in each test, the dog trainer will reward him and show affection so he can see exactly what is right.

Protection Dog Training; Being Aggressive to Strangers

Not all dogs are aggressive. But aggression is a behavior that dogs do instinctively. If this instinct is strengthened and controlled, dogs guard dog can work as. But in some breeds there are people who approach everyone with love and gratitude, and these dogs should never be preferred for protection dog. Dogs that are already aggressive Protection Dog Training;  if they are given, they may hate strangers. But at this point, we should also prevent possible catastrophes by having control over the dogs. Protection in dog training the dog trainer needs to be assisted in the foreign role of one. This helper helps to train the dog by making him angry. Over time we will have a dog that will not only help but also to the stranger equally frustrated and ready to attack.

For example, in prisons, when dogs are trained to avoid inmates, all other variations that make dogs wear provocative human prisoner clothes can take shape in this way. Or it can be aimed to feed grudges to strangers while the dog respects people with one outfit. So, for example, police and military dogs are generally used to uniforms, but they are never used to strangers.

 Protection Dog Training;  Controlling Aggression

The dogs he took protection dog training they pose a great threat to foreign people. Aggression of the guard dog it must be protected, otherwise there may be major disasters. If the dog does not listen to the owner's no command when he attacks strangers, there is a big problem. The dog's aggressive attitude should be completely under the control of the owner.


What we have dealt with before Behavioral disorder training in dogs we recommend you to read the article and also to get detailed information about dog training communication you can pass.

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