The 15 Most Common Diseases in Dogs

The 15 Most Common Diseases in Dogs

Dogs are a good companion for people. No matter how different the character traits of breeds are, all dogs need love and attention. Dogs that we see outside or in different places during the day can be extremely cute for us. Unfortunately, these cute animals can experience some diseases. No matter how well we take care of our dogs, our dogs can get sick from bacteria we don't see.

When you realize that they are sick, it is very important that you take them to a veterinarian for their good. Even some diseases can be transmitted from animals to you and you will need to be careful about this.

Every dog owner should be careful dog diseases we listed; here are the diseases.

  • Skin and Skin Problems

Dogs of almost every race are likely to experience skin diseases in a different way. These skin diseases start in the form of excessive itching. Symptoms such as swelling and redness may occur. If you notice different conditions such as redness, color loss, swelling and excessive itching that do not need to be on the skin of your dogs, it will be the healthiest to show a veterinarian.

  • Rachitism

Rickets observed in dogs is a dog disease that is more visible in developing dogs. This disease, which arises from development problems in dogs, is visible with larger deformities in the future. Different problems can be experienced, such as weak bones, bone fractures.

  • Extreme Weakness

The fact that the stomach and intestinal organs are too full, harmful objects are not swallowed, tumor and even a lack of appetite, which develops due to such reasons as fear and stress, is a risky situation that needs attention.
if you suspect that you should observe your dog about this problem, which will lead to problems such as weakness, lack of energy, lack of muscle, anemia, you should contact your veterinarian.

  • Toxoplasm

This disease is caused by parasites that your dog takes orally from the outside. These bacteria can multiply in the body and reach the brain and lungs through the blood, lymph.

  • Cysthiidatic

This disease, which can pass through foods such as cripples, is a disease caused by a parasite called Echinocock.
Although not all dogs who experience cysthiidatic disease have any obvious symptoms, it can be noticed thanks to a stool test in general.

  • Scabies

This disease is most often caused by poor living conditions, a warm living environment and poor quality nutrition. By interacting with other dogs on the street, it can be transmitted from common items such as leash and crawl brush. If you are faced with a disease such as scabies, you should take your dog to the veterinarian immediately.

  • Poisoning in Dogs

It can be seen even in dogs with a healthy, regular diet, you can avoid poisoning thanks to the support of specialized veterinarians for the nutritional needs of your dog.

  • Arthritis in Dogs

In fact, this disease, also called joint swelling, is generally known as advanced disease.
If you have doubts about this disease, you will need to talk to your veterinarian.

  • Obesity Disease in Dogs

Dogs are generally gluttonous animals and they finish instantly no matter what you put in front of them, so you should follow the required exercise schedule, and being knowledgeable about your dog's healthy diet will prevent him from getting sick. Getting support from your veterinarian will ensure you have a healthy dog.

  • Oral and dental health in dogs

In general, all dogs have bad breath. This may be a sign that your dog is experiencing dental discomfort. Your dog's mouth may be inflamed, causing your dog to have difficult days. By constantly checking your dog's mouth, you can make him live a more comfortable life. Also, if you are giving bone to your dog, you should stop giving bone because the bones they break cause cuts in the mouth, allowing germs to move through the blood stream.

  • Parasite in Dogs

Parasites are not only seen in dogs, but in all animals, including us. You should get vaccinations in time for dogs to be free from parasites. Even though they are unseen creatures, it is not very difficult to get rid of them, but you should always be alert and observant about this issue.

  • Diarrhea in Dogs

If diarrhea does not last long, it means a short-term problem, but if it lasts a long time, you will need to see a specialist veterinarian.

  • Vomiting in Dogs

One of the most common problems among dog disorders is vomiting. The cause of vomiting in dogs may be different. It may be due to poisoning, digestive problems or different parasites. In fact, this can be seen as a warning of diseases, not diseases.  In the case of the slightest vomiting, it will be useful to call the veterinarian.

  • Urinary Tract Infection in Dogs

It is one of the most common diseases among dog diseases. If your dog is unable to control his urine, he may be experiencing a urinary tract infection.  In such a case, you should definitely take your dog to a specialist veterinarian.

  • Ear Infection in Dogs

If your dog is very scratching the ear area with his paws and is constantly shaking his head, it is most likely ear infection is alive. An ear infection in dogs is a very painful disorder. Requires regular care and vaccine must be.

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