Dog Behavior Analysis

Dog Behavior Analysis

Dogs are brought to our dog training facility because of many different behavior problems. There are many reasons why dogs behave incorrectly or unintentionally.

There may be trauma or fear in the time of puberty, as well as genetics. In some behaviors that are instinctively among the behaviors of dogs, the dog may be among the undesirable behaviors of the owner.

When we do dog behavior analysis, many elements are taken into consideration that trigger the behavior of dogs. First, the causes are discovered and then the solution is presented to the owner.

The dog must undergo behavioral analysis in order to receive behavioral training. In some cases, dog training given by amateur people also triggers misbehavior. For this reason, we recommend that you prefer professional companies in dog training.

Dog Behavior Analysis; Why dog behaviors occur
Dog Behavior Analysis; Why dog behaviors occur

Dog Behavior Analysis; Why dog behaviors occur

There can be many elements that can cause a living thing to do wrong behaviors. It causes it to exhibit unwanted behavior for other specific reasons as it may be instinctive. Apart from these, there is no way of perception in dogs that would be considered right or wrong. This is all directly related to how the dog lives peacefully and correctly. In dog behavior training, the relationship with the owner is primarily considered. If the dog is left alone for long hours, it can damage something inside the house. This is observed in many dogs. If there is a health problem, it can attack the owner.

To solve the problem, the cause must first be found. Not many reasons will be sought in behaviors such as digging and barking, which are due to their internal motives, but a problem may be hidden under their behavior. We also want to point out that in some cases, unwanted behaviors can be passed on to the dogs in mothers. If a female and mother are afraid of a dog, this fear also occurs in the offspring.

What Should I Do to Avoid Behavioral Problems in Dogs?
What Should I Do to Avoid Behavioral Problems in Dogs?

What Should I Do to Avoid Behavioral Problems in Dogs?

It is recommended that dogs should be trained and socialized in order not to have behavioral problems. In addition, communication with the dog owner and communication with the family are very important. Now we will consider the substance substance on important issues for dogs with healthy behaviors.

Dog Training

While changing the perception of dogs with a very different perception of dog training to meet the expectations of people, it should also be ensured that the dog enjoys it. The dog receives many behaviors and command training with dog training and reacts to the command of the owner and knows what to do in matters that do not require command.


The owner who wants him to be healthier and social individuals when the dog is a puppy must ensure that the dog is socialized early on. Dog socialization is the general name given to meeting other animals, meeting cats, meeting strangers and meeting social elements. If the dog socializes early, it is comfortable in many things. Behavior disorders the possibility of living is reduced.

Health Check

Health control in dogs is very important. Because no dog can directly transfer the problem it is experiencing to its owner. If the dog is having a health problem, it is indicated by reactions such as being aggressive or irritable and cranky. Even if the problem is hurt when it touches a physical point, then it can attack the approaching or touching that area. Take your dogs to veterinary check-ups periodically.

You should always be loving and respectful to your dog in order to have a dog with healthy behaviors. If the relationship between the dog and the owner is healthy, the happier the dog will be.

Common Behavioral Disorders in Dogs

  • Aggressiveness,
  • To toilet where it should not be done,
  • Don't bark or cry at night,
  • Banging,
  • Aggression,
  • Cowardice.

There may be many behavioral disorders that are not on this list regarding common behavior problems in dogs. Get information about dog behavior analysis or get support with us communication you can pass.


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