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Why do dogs lick the owner's face? Why do dogs lick the owner's face?

Why do dogs lick the owner's face?

Dogs can have many reasons to lick the face of their owners. It is important to understand the natural behavior and communication methods of dogs in order to understand the reasons behind this behavior. Here are some reasons why dogs lick their owners face:

Communication and showing love: Dogs seek emotional bonding with their owners and face licking is a way of showing love and commitment. This creates a feeling of closeness to their owners.
Delicious salts: People's skin contains salt with sweat and other body fluids. Dogs love salty tastes, so licking the owner's skin may sound delicious.
Interest in the face: Dogs may notice that people show a special interest in their faces. Eye contact, sniffing, and licking are all methods dogs use to face.
Social behavior: As herd animals, dogs are social beings. They continue their relationship within the herd by licking each other. Licking their owners can also be a reflection of this type of social behavior.

Why do dogs lick the owner's face?

Steps to Control Face Licking

Showing Communication and Love
Teach your dog to stop unwanted behavior with the commands "No" or "drop. Look for other ways to show affection, for example, caressing and showing interest in the word.

Delicious Salts
Offer your dog alternative toys or rewards that he likes salty tastes for.

Interest on the Face
Try not to make eye contact while licking your dog's face and encourage other confrontation methods.

Social Behavior
Try to discourage your dog from engaging in social behavior like any other dog.

Health issues:
Check your dog's oral health regularly and follow the veterinarian's advice.

If you have allergies in your family, avoid allergy reactions by limiting face licking.

Personal Area
Introduce your dog to your personal space and boundaries and state that you do not allow face licking at any time.

You can understand that face licking can be an undesirable behavior in some cases. Face licking can be a problem, especially in the following cases:

Health problems: Your dog may have an infection or other health problems in his mouth, so licking the face can increase the risk of infection.
Allergies: Some people may have allergic reactions to the licking of dogs.
Personal space: Some people may not welcome dogs' face licking and may feel their personal space is being violated.

You can consider the following steps to prevent or control face licking:

Training: You can teach your dog not to lick his face. "You can stop unwanted behavior by using commands like "no" or "drop.
Social boundaries: Introduce your dog to your personal space and boundaries. State that you do not allow face licking at any time.
Health check: Check your dog's oral health regularly and take care of dental care.
Delicious alternatives: Instead of licking your dog face, you can attract his attention in other ways by offering him other toys or rewards.

Why do dogs lick the owner's face? Face licking in dogs is often intended to show affection and communication, but sometimes this behavior can lead to unwanted consequences. Training your dog and regularly checking his health can help you control face licking.

Animal Names Starting With Letter E

Animal Names Starting With Letter E

Now I can write a blog post for you titled "Animal Names Starting with E:

"There are many different types of animals that start with the letter "E. In this article, I have listed for you some popular animals that start with the letter "E.

Dragon: Although a mythological creature, it is found in many cultures where the existence of dragons is believed.
Donkey: It is an animal that is similar to horses but of smaller sizes. Used in agricultural business and tourism sector.
Eland: It belongs to the antelopgiller family. It lives in Africa and is known for its large horns.
Elandra: A species of bird that lives in the woods. They have short wings and long legs.
Sarcophagus: A furry and fins-like animal that lives in South America. It hunts on the water surface.
Esmeray: It is a type of eel that lives in lakes and rivers. Its prey consists of insects on the surface of water.
Wasp: A species belonging to the family of bees. It is harmful to humans and its sting is quite painful.
Eskimo dog: A type of dog that lives in cold climates and is used to pull sleds.
Carnivore butterfly: A species of butterfly living in South America with a wingspan of up to 30 cm.
Domestic mouse: It is a small-sized rodent species and is fed in homes, laboratories and as a pet.
Saddle: A type of cattle used in agricultural work.
A viper snake: It is a poisonous snake species and lives in Europe, Asia and Africa.
Brunette Anteater: A type of anteater living in South and Central America.
Eyvah: It is a type of farm animal that lives in North America and Europe.
Dragonfish: A type of fish that lives in freshwater lakes. It can reach large sizes.
Elves: Although mythological beings exist, they are believed to exist in many cultures.

"Among the rare animal names that begin with the letter "E" are:

Ekidna: It is a species of egg-laying mammals and lives only in Australia.
Ermine: A type of white fur weasel that lives in North America, Asia and Europe.
Emeu: A species of bird that lives in Australia and is similar to an ostrich.
Eurasion Lynx: A type of lynx that lives in Europe, Asia and Siberia.
Echidna Fish: A type of fish that lives in the North Pacific and is known for the long needles in its jaw.
Eared Seal: It is a species of seal that lives in the Northern Hemisphere and is known for the shape of its ears.
Eosuchus: It is a kind of lizard that lives in New Caledonia.
Eelfish: A species of mollusk family is marine and lives in the deep sea.
Elops: It is a type of fish that lives in America, Africa and Asia and is used as a feed.
Edentata: refers to the team of toothless mammals that live in South America.

The animals on this list are a few examples of rare animal species that begin with the letter "E. Some of these species are endemic species and live only in a specific region.
Among the most widely used animals starting with the letter "E" in Turkey are:

Donkey: It is a type of animal that is often used especially in rural areas. It is used in agricultural areas for double driving, carrying cargo and for tourist purposes.
Brunette Cattle: It is one of the most widely used cattle in Turkey. They are grown for the production of milk and meat.
House cat: They are the most common type of pet in Turkey and feed in homes.
Entari: It is one of the native chicken breeds and is often cultivated especially in villages.
Viper: It is one of the most common snake species in Turkey. It is especially common in the Southeastern Anatolia region.
Erikli Squirrel: It is an indigenous species of Turkey and they usually live in woodlands.
Domestic Rabbit: It is a common pet that feeds on homes in Turkey.
Elvan: It is one of the most common fish species grown in Turkey. They live in freshwater lakes and streams.

These animals are just a few examples of the most commonly used animal species in Turkey, beginning with the letter "E. Some of these species are domesticated animals that are fed by humans, while others are found in agricultural areas and in their natural environments.

In this article, there are some popular animals that start with the letter "E. Of course, the animals on this list are just a few examples, and there are many more different types of animals that start with the letter "E.

Animal Names Starting with the letter A
Animals that Start with Letter B
Animals Starting with the letter C
Animals Starting with the letter D
Animals Starting with the Letter E
Animal names that start with H

2 March 202312 May 2023 China General
Animal Names Beginning With Letter D

Animal Names Beginning With Letter D

Now I can write a blog post for you titled "Animal Names Starting with D:

"There are many different types of animals that start with the letter "D. In this article, I have listed for you some popular animals that start with the letter "D.

Mountain goat
Damselfly (Water girl)
Earth worm
Spiky fish
World turtle
Veined salamander
Tongue fish
Camel bird
The spiky butterflyfish
Mountain rabbit
Wedding beetle
Beggar bird

Animal Names Starting with the letter A
Animals that Start with Letter B
Animals Starting with the letter C
Animals Starting with the letter D
Animals Starting with the Letter E
Animal names that start with H

2 March 202312 May 2023 China General
cat age calculation

Calculating Cat Age by Human Age: How Old Is My Cat?

To calculate the age of a cat, you first need to know the date of birth of the cat. If you don't have this information, you can check the cat's Microchip number to determine its ownership date. If there is no microchip number, or if the cat's date of ownership is unknown, it can usually be estimated by looking at its physical characteristics, such as body size, condition of the teeth, and general health.

If you bought a cat in your home from the street or shelter, you need to know the age of your cat to properly meet their needs, choose the right food when choosing a food, know what vaccinations you should get when getting a cat vaccine.
How is Cat Age Calculated?
Cats, like humans, are calculated by their age based on their birth date. However, cats pass age faster than humans and become larger and more mature when they are one year old. Therefore, several different methods can be used to determine the age of cats.
1) Calculation with the Date of Birth of the Cat
It is about knowing the date of birth of cats and how old they are. This method can be used if there is a certificate or document on which birth dates are specified when the cats are owned or purchased. However, sometimes the dates of birth of cats may not be known and this method may not be available.
2) Calculation According to Physical Characteristics of Cats
The second is to estimate the age of cats according to their physical characteristics. This method aims to estimate how old cats are by looking at the color of their hair, hair loss, condition of the teeth, and other physical characteristics.

This method can be used in cases where the date of birth of cats is unknown or not specified, but these estimates may not be accurate and may give different results from the actual age of cats.
3) Calculation With Medical Examination
It is a medical examination performed by imaging the internal organs and bones of cats. This method can give the most accurate results in cases where the date of birth of cats is unknown or not specified, but this type of examination is a time-consuming method that can put cats under stress.

Cats usually grow and mature faster in their first two years. Therefore, a cat can look like a few-year-old child of a person when he is two years old. But as cats age, their growth rates slow and mature less quickly. Therefore, a cat can look like a two-year-old child of a person at the age of four.

Also, the health status of cats is important when determining their age. Cats that are healthy and well-maintained in cats can live longer and therefore look younger. But cats that are unhealthy and poorly cared for can live shorter and therefore look older.
Cat Age Calculation Table
The methods we use to calculate the age of humans also apply to cats. But when turning the age of cats to human age, a different method is used. The age of cats progresses faster than human age and they are usually shorter-lived. Therefore, a table used to calculate the age of cats progresses faster than the age of a human, and a cat at a lesser age corresponds to an older person.

Below is a table that can be used to turn the age of cats to human age:

Cat Age
Human Age






This table is a general guide and can be used to calculate the exact age of cats. However, there may not be a table that can be used to calculate the age of each cat, and more factors may need to be consulted to calculate the exact age of the cats.

For example, factors such as the health status, conditions of care and genetic makeup of the cat can also affect the actual age of the cat.

The most accurate method for calculating the age of cats is a physical examination by a veterinarian. During this examination, more detailed information about the health status and age of the cat can be obtained.

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How to Estimate How Old Cats Are?
If you don't know how old your cat is, and you don't have any documents on the date of birth, you can estimate how old your cat is by considering some of its features. But it should not be forgotten that these calculation methods are completely “tahmin”.

Here are some methods you can use to estimate how old your cat is...
1) Physical Appearance
They can look at their physical appearance to estimate the age of cats. In general, young cats become more vigorous and mobile, and their plumage becomes brighter and fresher. Older cats have their hairs falling out and their energy declines. Also, the teeth of older cats often wear out, and their eyes look paler.
2) Behavior
They may also look at their behavior to estimate the age of cats. Young cats can be more energetic and playful, while older cats can be calmer and more sleep-indulgent.
3) Health Status
They can also look at their health status to estimate the age of cats. Older cats have more frequent illnesses and may have more health problems.

In addition to what we have listed above, you can also refer to some practical methods for calculating cat age.

Whether it's a cat on the street or a pet, the cat's body weight and body size can also be a clue to estimate its age. Usually, young cats are lighter and smaller, while older cats can be heavier and larger.
Cats' teeth can also be a clue to their age. While the teeth of young cats are brighter and not worn out, the teeth of older cats may wear out and become pale.
Cats can also be cared for. Young cats' feathers become brighter and fresher, while older cats' feathers may fall out and become dull.
The skin condition of cats can also be a clue to guess their age. The skin of young cats is softer and brighter, while the skin of older cats dries and can be thicker.

Still, these methods may not give exact results either, and a veterinarian's opinion is needed to determine the exact ages of cats.
Calculating Cat Age by Human Age
There are several methods for calculating the age of cats by human age. Among these methods, the most common is a human year for the first year of the cat, two human years for the second year, it is calculated to be three human years for the third year and four human years after the fourth year. For example, if a cat is 2 years old, this cat as a human age will be equal to 6 years old (1+2+3).

However, although this method is useful in general, it may not be true for all cats. Especially due to the fact that they are longer-lived than small breeds of large breeds, this method may be less accurate for large breeds. Therefore, the best method to calculate the actual age of the cat in full is a health check by a veterinarian, taking into account the health status and behavior of the cat.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0="h3" question-0="1 year how many cat years?" answer-0="Lives of cats are shorter compared to that of humans, and the age of a cat progresses faster than that of a human. Therefore, a cat at the age of one year falls on the age of a person less. "image-0=" headline-1="h3" question-1="5 months of age how old is the cat?" the Answer-1="5-month-old cat is about 2.5 years old by human age. By calculating in this way the age of other monthly cats can be calculated. "image-1=" headline-2="h3" question-2="How to calculate the most accurate cat age?" answer-2="To correctly calculate the age of your cat, you can check the behavior of physical characteristics, or a more accurate age calculation can be made according to the internal organs and bones with a medical examination. But none of this information gives 100 percent accurate results. "image-2=" count="3" html="true" css_class=""]


Cat grass

Benefits of Cat Herb: To Relax and Sleep Irregularity

Cat grass has been used as a traditional medicine dating back to ancient Greek and Roman times. People often use valerian for sleep disorders, especially insomnia . Cat grass is also used for anxiety, stress, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support many of these uses.

Cat grass is a plant that belongs to the type of house cat known as Felis catus in Latin. Cat grass is a plant that is grown in homes by humans and is often very loved by cats that are found in homes. Cat grass is a plant that can be beneficial to various systems of the body.

It can have positive effects, especially on the nervous system and the stomach-gut system. Cat grass can have a relaxation and stress-reducing effect on the nervous system and have positive effects on the stomach-gut system. This plant is also an antioxidant plant and can help strengthen the body's defense system.

Cat grass can also help improve speech and language skills and have positive effects on the memorial. However, it is recommended to consult a health care professional before the consumption of cat grass, as some people may have some side effects.
What is Cat Herb?
Cat grass is a plant that belongs to the type of house cat known as Felis catus in Latin. Cat grass is a plant that is grown in homes by humans and is often very loved by cats that are found in homes. This plant is of great interest to cats that eat its leaves and is usually grown in homes. Cat grass is widely grown in Europe, Asia and the Americas.

Besides the petals, cat grass also has seeds and flowers. The leaves are usually green and thin long in shape. The flowers are pale blue or white. Cat grass can have positive effects, especially on the nervous system and the stomach-gut system. This plant is also an antioxidant plant and can help strengthen the body's defense system.

Cat grass can also be consumed by humans. Cat grass tea is obtained by steaming the fresh leaves in steam water. This tea can have a relaxation and stress-reducing effect on the nervous system and have positive effects on the stomach-gut system. Cat grass can also help improve speech and language skills and have positive effects on the memorial.
What Are the Benefits of Cat Herb?
Cat grass benefits human health in many ways. Although in cats it usually only serves to vomit, it is necessary to know its benefits on humans.

Experts explain the benefits of weed on humans in their research as follows;

Relaxation and stress reduction to the nervous system: Cat grass can have a relaxation and stress reduction effect on the nervous system. This causes the plant to be useful during stressful times.
Positive effects on the stomach-gut system: Cat grass can have positive effects on the stomach-gut system. This plant is a plant that has a regulating stomach-gut system and is good for stomach ulcers.
Antioxidant property: Cat grass is a plant with antioxidant property. Antioxidants strengthen the body's defense system and protect cells from harmful substances.
Improving speech and language skills: Cat grass can help improve speech and language skills. This plant is a plant that has the ability to regulate brain function and helps to improve brain function in a remarkable way.
Positive effects on the memori: Cat grass can have positive effects on the memori. This plant is a plant that has the ability to regulate brain function and helps to improve brain function in a remarkable way.
Pain-reducing effect: Cat grass is a plant with pain-reducing effect. This plant is a plant that suppresses the pain signals of the body and can have a pain-reducing effect.
Good for stomach ulcer: Cat grass is good for stomach ulcer. This plant is a plant that has a regulating stomach-gut system and is good for stomach ulcers.
Strengthens the immune system: Cat grass strengthens the immune system. This herb helps to strengthen the body's defense system and protects the body from diseases.
Reduces itching: Cat grass reduces itching. This plant is a plant that has the ability to reduce itching and reduces itching.
Improves skin health: Cat grass improves skin health. This plant is a plant that has skin health-promoting properties and improves skin health.

However, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional before consuming cat grass, as some people may have some side effects.
What Is Cat Herb Root?

Cat grass root (Cat's claw) is a species of plant also known as Uncaria tomentosa. Cat grass root is a plant that grows in the Amazonian forests and is common in South America. Cat grass root has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries by indigenous people, especially in Peru and Brazil.

Cat grass root can be used for the following medical purposes:

Arthritis: Because of the anti-inflammatory properties of cat grass root, it is said to be effective in arthritis and other joint disorders.
Immune system health: Cat grass root, due to its immunomodulatory properties, is informed that it can support immune system health.
Skin disorders: Cat grass root can speed up the healing of skin wounds and reduce skin ailments.
Cancer: Cat grass root is claimed to be effective against some types of cancer. However, research on this is not enough and more research is needed.

Note: This information is for informational purposes only and research on the effectiveness and safety of weed root is not sufficient. It is important to consult your doctor about the use of cat grass root and follow the advice of your doctor.
How to Brew Cat Herb Tea?
Cat grass tea is a tea prepared from the root of cat grass, also known as Uncaria tomentosa. Cat grass tea can be used for a variety of medicinal purposes. However, research on the effectiveness and safety of cat grass tea is not enough and more research is needed.

How to brew cat grass tea:

Cut the amount of pieces to make tea from the root of the cat grass.
Put the root pieces in a tea strainer or a small strainer pot.
Boil 1-2 cups (250-500 ml) of water and add the root pieces to the saucepan pot.
let it steep for 10-15 minutes.
Strain the tea and serve.

Harm and Side Effects of Cat Herb
Cat grass is not usually harmful to humans. However, for some people it can cause skin irritation and lead to airway congestion. Therefore, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly when using weed and not to be near people with respiratory obstruction.

In addition, excessive use of weed can cause the cats to shed their hair. Therefore, you should be careful not to use cat grass in excessive amounts.

If you notice that weed causes skin irritation or leads to respiratory obstruction, contact your doctor immediately and stop its use. Although the side effects of weed are usually mild for humans, it can be serious for some people.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0="h3" question-0="What disease is a cat grass good for?" answer-0="Catty (Nepeta cataria) is used as a relaxing and relaxing plant for many people. This herb has been reported to help prevent psychological conditions such as stress and anxiety and improve sleep quality. Cat grass can also help cure respiratory ailments like coughs and bronchitis." image-0=" headline-1="h3" question-1="How many days is cat grass used?" answer-1="Catty (Nepeta cataria) can usually be consumed several times a day. The effect of this plant can vary in humans, so you can gradually increase your dosage and determine its effect by watching." image-1="" headline-2="h3" question-2="What if we eat cat grass?" answer-2="Catty (Nepeta cataria) is used as a relaxing and relaxing plant for many people. This plant has been reported to help prevent psychological conditions such as stress and anxiety in particular and improve sleep quality." image-2=" count="3" html="true" css_class=""]

20 December 202212 May 2023 China General
Cat vomiting

Why Are Cats Vomiting in 7 Steps? Which Situations are Normal?

Cats have a sensitive digestive system. Any bacteria or external factors that come from the outside can cause the cat to vomit. Changing cat food, causing an allergic reaction from the body of a food that has not been eaten before, consuming foreign foods, cat parasites or hairballs, stomach problems cause cats to vomit.

Among domestic animals, the most preferred are cats. Cats are more sensitive than dogs. Physically and spiritually, these innocent creatures, which are more naive than dogs, should be paid special attention to their nutrition.

Changing food unnecessarily, giving cats different nutrients other than the foods they can eat, causes cats to get sick and this causes them to vomit.
Causes of Vomiting in Cats
Cats with a gentle nature can vomit for many reasons. If you have given any of the conditions listed below, you can accept your cat as a cause of vomiting.

Here are the causes of vomiting in cats;

Mother change
Foreign food
Feather lump
Cat parasites
Stomach obstruction

1) Mother Replacement
One of the most common causes of vomiting in cats is a food change. Cats taste just like us humans, and some foods can cause cats to vomit, especially when they eat first, because they do not appeal to the taste of the palate.

You do not need to change your cat's food unless it is necessary. If your cat has started to gain excess weight or you have neutered it, you can change the cat food by taking into account the recommendations of the specialist veterinarian.

It would be ideal to feed the best cat food for neutered cats or the best cat diet food if it is an overweight cat. But as we mentioned, we strongly recommend that you get the approval of your veterinarian when doing so.
2) Foreign Foods
Cats, like humans, want to taste different foods. This can be dangerous for them. You can learn about the foods that harm cats by examining our previous article about the foods that cats can eat.

Eating unfamiliar foreign foods in cats can cause problems in their stomachs, and in this case, it is normal for the cat to vomit.

To prevent this condition, you need to control your cat, keep it away from foreign foods.

Foods such as onions, garlic, raw eggs, raw meat, alcohol, pastries, age and raisins, dog food are among the things that cats should not eat. It is important to keep your cat away from this type of food.
3) Feather Lump
Cats spend a large part of the day sleeping. When they are awake, they either play games or lick to clean their feathers.

The feather cleaning of cats is instinctive, but if cat malt is not given for domestic cats, the hairs that the cats lick descend into their stomachs and turn into tangles here.

Hairball in cats causes intestinal diseases, but also vomiting in cats. That is why you need to get a cat malt for your cat that you feed at home.

Cat malt is a product that has malt extract in it. It is natural that in the early stages your cat does not accept this.

To accustom your cat to malta, first rub it on its paws and involuntarily lick the malt. He will not refuse to get used to his taste in later periods.
4) Cat Parasites
Although cats are clean creatures, this causes them to get into trouble from time to time. Cats begin to scratch their skin in situations such as piercing, as they are sensitive and naive beings.

This causes injury to their skin. Wounds cause itching in cats, and cats who want to relieve this condition begin to lick their skin.

Cats get infections when they lick their injured skin, which causes vomiting in cats in the first place. You need to observe your cat well to protect it from such situations.

If you see things like parasites or worms in cat feces and occasionally observe vomiting in your cat, you need to take your cat seriously and have a veterinarian check.

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5) Hormones
Causes of vomiting in cats include hormones. Metabolic and hormonal diseases that occur in cats are the most important of the causes of vomiting in cats and require treatment of the cat in a short time.

Hormonal changes that occur because the digestive systems of cats are very sensitive primarily damage the digestive system of cats.

Conditions such as renal failure, liver problems and overwork of the thyroid gland are considered causes of vomiting in cats.

Regularly supervising your cat as a veterinarian and immediately showing it to the veterinarian for prompt intervention in suspicious situations is important for your cat to lead a healthy life.
6) Stomach Clogging
“Why do cats vomit?” another answer to his question is stomach clogging. Stomach blockage is caused by conditions such as changing cat food, eating foreign foods or causing stomach problems in cats such as hairballs.

It is important for your cat to eat healthily and stay away from foreign foods. tabby cats that live on the street or in nature eat cat grass to vomit when they eat a foreign food.

But it is in the hands of the owners that domestic cats have it.

In order not to see the state of stomach clogging in your cat, you need to use products such as cat malt, cat grass, cat mint. These products will help cats relax their intestines and prevent them from vomiting.
7) Depression
Like humans, cats get depressed. Especially when they are left alone for a long time or when there is not enough attention, it is not even possible for cats to become depressed.

Why do “cedias vomit, as cats get depressed leads to many health problems?” it is also a clear answer to his question.

You must first devote enough time to prevent your cat from becoming depressed.

Additional treatment methods, such as changing the mamma and showing enough attention after the sterilization operation, are also practices that will prevent your cat from becoming depressed.
Is the Vomiting of Cats Normal?
Vomiting in cats is not a normal condition, although it is at the beginning of the most common problems. If your cat is vomiting for the reasons we mentioned above, you should definitely take precautions.

In particular, protecting your cat against foreign foods, changing food under the supervision of a veterinarian, entering into lifestyle changes to prevent depression are some practical applications that will end your cat's vomiting.

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Is the Vomiting of Cats Dangerous?
Depending on the cause of vomiting in cats, vomiting may be considered normal or abnormal. If there is a vomiting caused by the conditions we mentioned above, you can learn from your veterinarian what to do.

If your cat's vomiting isn't caused by one of the reasons we listed above, it's probably due to another illness.

The best thing to do in such cases is to show the cat to a veterinarian and follow the recommendations of the physician.
How Does Cat Vomit Work?
Eliminating the condition that causes cat vomiting is the first thing to do. If your cat has a hairball problem, using cat malt will prevent your cat from vomiting.

If your cat is vomiting because it is eating foreign foods, this is temporary, but you will need to protect your cat from foreign foods to take precautions.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0="h3" question-0="What to do after cats vomit?" answer-0="He who experiences fluid loss as seriously as cat. First of all, the fluid lost should be helped by the cat. Excessive dehydration of your cat can also lead to vomiting. If he has been home alone for a long time and has not been able to drink water, you should first remove the thirst of the cat. "image-0=" headline-1="h3" question-1="Is it harmful to vomit a cat?" ansher-1="It is necessary to say that although vomiting is a common condition in cats, it is a harmful condition. It can be understood whether the cat is harmful depending on the cause of vomiting and the type of vomiting. For this, you must necessarily show your cat to the veterinarian. "image-1=" headline-2="h3" question-2="What if the cat vomits?" ansher-2="Catty intermittent vomiting may be a harbinger of danger. The cause of intermittent vomiting in cats can be tumors, food-borne allergy ulcers or other metabolic disorders. So in such a case, they should be shown to the veterinarian without wasting time. "image-2=" count="3" html="true" css_class=""]

Cat allergy

Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Cat Allergy that Cause Sneezing

Cat allergy, or pet allergy, is a disorder that often occurs in some people. As a result of the combination of some bacteria in the saliva, feathers, skin rashes and even urine of cats with other bacteria by air, the cat-infected allergy does not occur only as a result of contact with the cat.

Although it is nice to feed a cat at home, it can cause cat allergies in some people. Cat allergy, which can be seen especially in infants, children and adults who do not have a strong immune system, is manifested by some symptoms such as coughing, itching, redness in the eyes.

It is necessary to be especially careful when loving street cats in order not to get caught in a cat allergy. After playing with your cat, you must wash your hands with soap.
What is Cat Allergy?
Cat allergy is a condition in which some symptoms appear after contact with the cat. But only contact with the cat does not cause cat allergy.

Some bacteria found in the saliva, feathers, skin rashes or even urine of cats can be transmitted to humans from the inhaled air by mixing with the air and, as a result, combining with other bacteria.

After some time of playing with your cat; if you are experiencing conditions such as sneezing, coughing, redness, nasal congestion, eye-painting, you may have probably caught a cat allergy.

Cat allergy can also manifest itself in the absence of a cat in the environment. Especially those who work in open areas are at risk of cat allergies.

If cats come to your area, eat food here, drink water, if they are exposed to some harmful proteins in their saliva and combine with other harmful bacteria can cause cat allergy.

In people with low immune systems and allergic reactions to cats, cat allergy, which is more common in young children, is seen earlier in people with asthma and chronic disease.

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What Are the Causes of Cat Allergy?
Cat allergy is a disorder that is mostly seen in humans due to genetic predisposition. Genetically, asthma in the family occurs more often in people with respiratory problems, such as bronchitis. In addition, cat allergies can be seen more often in people who are allergic to other animals.

Cat allergy, which is often seen in people who feed pets, is mostly caused by being in contact with the cat. If your cat is constantly playing games and you do not do personal cleaning after playing, it is easier to catch a cat allergy.

Expert veterinarians state that every cat owner who is at risk of cat allergy or does not carry it should wash his hands and face after playing with his cat.
What Are Cat Allergy Symptoms?
Cat allergy symptoms vary from person to person. While the body shows more symptoms in people who are more sensitive to it, it can manifest itself with fewer symptoms in people who do not have hereditary chronic disease in their family.

Symptoms of cat allergy in general include;

Ageing of the eyes, the,
Nasal congestion,
Symptoms of allergic rhinitis (living in the eyes, itching, redness),
Pain in the sinus area,
Shortness of breath, chest tightening,
Skin rash,
Anaphylaxis (allergic shock).

As we mentioned above, cat allergy symptoms can vary from person to person. Although anaphylaxis (allergic shock), which we mentioned in the last substance, is rarely seen, this symptom is an allergic reaction seen in the whole body of the person.

Allergic shock is a condition that requires immediate intervention. It is a dangerous situation that can even cause death if there is no treatment in the early period.

Allergic shock is a symptom that is not only visible in a cat allergy, but can also manifest itself in cases such as a cat bite or cat scratch.
The Asthma Effect of Cat Allergy
In recent years, there have been significant increases in the number of people with asthma disease. This is especially common in young children. One of the biggest downsides of cat allergy is that it causes asthma exacerbation in people with asthma.

Although the cat is not fed at home, some children can have an asthma exacerbation. This may be because children come into contact with cats on their way to school or breathe air. Expert veterinarians note that children with asthma should not be introduced to cat environments.
Is There a Cat Who Doesn't Have Allergies?
In some sources or companies that sell pets, hypoallergenic cat ads are made. However, according to research, it is stated that there is no cat breed that does not cause allergies.

in the past, some cats played with genetics in America were said to be hypoallergenic and sold at high prices. Before the sale of cats, of course, serious advertising costs were spent and it was said that they were 96% hypoallergenic in advertising.

But major institutions such as the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, and the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, which conduct research on the subject, argue that there is no scientific data on cats that do not cause allergies.

Although the sale of pets is prohibited, especially sellers who want to trade this business and earn more money suggest that some cat breeds do not have allergies. The above mentioned institutions and specialist veterinarians also argue that there is no hypoallergenic cat breed.

The statement, which is usually made for hypoallergenic cats, explains that allergy-causing allergies (Fel d 1 and Can f 1) are not made as a result of mutations in cat genes.

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Source: 8 Pussy Breeds with Hypoallergenic Fur

But as we mentioned, these explanations are a situation that has no reality except for the purpose of creating a cat market and achieving high profits.
What Are Cats Who Do Not Have Allergies?
Although not based on scientific data, it is said that some cat breeds do not have allergies. These cats;

Siberian cat
Balinese cat (Bali cat)
Bengal cat
Burmese Cat
Sphink Cat
Russian Blue
Oriental Shorthair
The Devon Rex
Cornish rex hotel
The javanese cat

Most cats we have listed above are said to produce Feld 1 allergen (common cat allergen) while they are hairy. However, we do not take this responsibility on us, we want to state that research should be done in detail and it should be decided to adopt a cat.

In addition, cat allergy is not just a disease transmitted from cat hair, as we mentioned at the beginning of our article. Although Feld 1 is said to produce the allergen, it causes cat allergies from cats' saliva, skin rash or harmful airborne bacteria. The fact that the cat is hairless does not change this situation.
How Is Cat Allergy Diagnosed?
People who experience cat allergy symptoms should see an allergist as soon as possible, taking into account the severity of the condition. The specialist doctor checks the necessary condition and asks the patient to perform a urine or blood test. As a result of the tests, it is determined whether the person has a cat allergy.

Usually “deri prick test” is done to diagnose cat and dog allergy. This test is the most effective method used to diagnose allergic conditions.
How is Cat Allergy Treatment Performed?
The most effective method of treating cat allergies is to stay away from cats. As we mentioned above, if there is an inherited respiratory problem, not taking a cat home will be the best solution. Deciding whether you have an allergic condition before the cat is adopted also eliminates the risk of cat allergies.

It is also important that people with cat allergies change their quality of life for treatment. Procedures such as removing the cat from the house, necessarily personal cleaning after contact with the cat are effective methods in preventing cat allergy.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0="h3" question-0="What happens to those with cat allergies?" answer-0="People with cat allergies; symptoms such as nasal congestion, eye catching, sneezing, coughing, redness and itching appear. "image-0=" headline-1="h3" question-1="Is cat allergy dangerous?" answer-1="Cat allergy is not a very dangerous condition, basically. However, rarely anaphylaxis, that is, allergic shock conditions can be experienced. Allergic shock can also lead to death of the person when not treated early. "image-1=" headline-2="h3" question-2="What should those with cat allergies do?" ansher-2="People with a cat allergy; need to use supplements that relieve allergic reaction, such as antihistamines, Corticosteroid nasal sprays, Over-the-counter decongestant sprays. "image-2=" count="3" html="true" css_class=""]

Male cat neutering

Male Cat Sterilizing Before and After - Behavior and Healing

Sterilization of male cats is also an important operation in terms of health and uncontrolled reproduction. Sterilization, in its simplest form, is called obstruction of birth. Male cat sterilization is performed using certain surgical methods.

As with female cats, the sterilization process in male cats is a period that cat owners should pay attention to.

Sterilization of male cats is done with a relatively easier operation to female cats. Before the male cat begins the sterilization operation, the sterilization area is shaved and ready for operation.

Since the sterilization operation is performed by anesthesia, the cat does not suffer any pain.
What is Sterilization in Male Cats, Why is it Done?
One of the most important tasks of cat owners is that the pets they have become infertile with their period of anger. Sterilization in male cats is as important as neutering in female cats.

Sterilization in male cats is the prevention of birth by surgical operation to prevent uncontrolled reproduction with short and self-expression. Of course, it should be noted that this is not the only purpose.

It is also important to keep the cat healthier, to prevent testicular cancer seen in male cats and to neuter male cats to eliminate the risk of contracting FIV virus.
How to Sterilize a Male Cat?
Sterilization of cats, contrary to what is thought, is more accurate in terms of the health of cats. It is important both to prevent uncontrolled reproduction and to reduce the conditions such as the escape of cats from the house during the anger period.

Before the male cat begins the neutering operation, the area to be neutered is shaved and the cat is anesthetized and the operation is started.

While the neutering operation in female cats requires stitches, men do not need stitches. For this reason, male cats are easier to neute.

In the operation, the operation is completed by connecting the veins and channels connected to the testicles.

After this procedure, which is extremely simple, it is considered normal for the cat to experience conditions such as weakness and exhaustion for several days.
After the Male Cat Sterilizing Operation
Sterilization of male cats is a process that is done in a short time, as we have already mentioned above. After the operation, the most important thing for the pet owner to pay attention to is to take care that the cat does not give food and drink until he gets rid of the effect of anesthesia.

In case of feeding the neutered cats food or water, vomiting is seen in the cat. Therefore, veterinary experts state that it is more appropriate to wait a while.

It is important that the cat who has undergone a sterilization operation rest correctly after coming home. For this, especially the fact that the environment in which the cat remains is calm and not crowded directly affects the healing process.

It is usual for wounds to occur in the region after the sterilization operation. But since your cat is not used to it, he will want to lick the injured area. In this case, the cat Elizabethan collar must be used to block it.

After you bring your cat home, you should continue the antibiotic treatment that the veterinarian recommends for the wound to heal sooner. Doing so will help your cat to pick up earlier.

Metabolism slows down in neutered cats. This leads to excessive weight gain in cats if they are fed uncontrollably. Therefore, it is recommended to change the nutrition of the cat after the operation and use sterile cat food.
Best Sterilized Cat Food Suggestions
It is important that the food you choose is suitable for your cat so that your cat can live a healthier life. Using the best neutered cat food, you can help your cat eat healthily after the operation.

Here are some of the best neutered cat food recommendations that are high in user experience and help maintain the health of cats;

Hills Young Sterilized Ducks Sterilized Cat Food
N&D Low Grain Chicken and Pomegranate Sterilized Cat Food
Pro Plan Sterilized Indian Cat Sterilized Food
Acana Indoor Entree Sterilized Chicken Infertile Cat Food
Bozita Adult Indoor Chicken Sterilized Adult Cat Food

Feeding your cat with the best neutered cat food that keeps your cat healthy and prevents him from gaining weight comes at the top of the most important details that you should pay attention to after the sterilization operation.

The neutered cat foods we mentioned above are specially produced, low-grain cat foods. These foods, which significantly help the feeding of neutered cats, help to prevent conditions such as involuntary weight gain while helping your cat meet her daily nutritional needs.

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What Is the Best Time for Sterilization in Male Cats?
Sterilization of cats is the same period for both male cats and female cats. This period is, in the opinion of veterinary experts, the first period of resentment. So you need to take your cat to the veterinarian to sterilize after he is 8 months old on average.

Sterilization of cats that have not entered the period of anger can cause serious diseases such as kidney diseases or urinary tract diseases. Therefore, veterinary experts report that this period should be expected.

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Benefits of Male Cat Sterilization
Although it is sometimes said that neutering cats on websites or on different platforms is harmful, these discourses do not have any scientific basis. However, veterinary experts say that male cat sterilization is beneficial in many ways.

Here are the benefits of male cat neutering…

The frequent risk of testicular cancer in male cats is eliminated.
Male cats that are not neutered can act aggressively as they enter a period of resentment, they can run away from home. That is why it is important to be neutered during the first period of anger.
The fact that cats entering the period of anger cannot mate can cause depression.
Male cats that are not neutered will emit a foul odor when it comes to the period of anger. This smell, which it leaves for marking purposes, causes bad smells to occur in the environment where the cat is fed.
It is protected from diseases transmitted through mating, as the castrated male cats' desire to mate is eliminated.
During the period of exacerbation, the desire of cats to meow increases even more. However, in neutered male and female cats this situation disappears.

How to Prevent Testicular Cancer in Cats: Sterilizing
One of the most common diseases in male cats is testicular cancer. This disease is a disease that begins with mating. Expert veterinarians note that the best way to prevent this condition is to neuter the cat.

In addition to testicular cancer in male cats, FIV virus is a type of virus that is usually transmitted through viral means. Again, one of the best methods to prevent this is the sterilization of male cats that have entered the period of anger.

According to the researches, 100 ’i from 70 cats and dogs are left to die. This is especially seen in cats and dogs that feed on the street. This is another one of the benefits of male cat neutering. In other words, preventing uncontrolled reproduction and thus ensuring that there are fewer unclaimed cats…

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0="h3" question-0=" Will the halo of the neutered male cat change?" answer-0="Variations in the mood of male cats, which are neutered according to an opinion common among the people, occur. However, according to expert veterinarians, this assumption has no scientific basis. On the contrary, neutered cats and dogs are more docile and live in harmony with other pets with their owners. "image-0=" headline-1="h3" question-1="When should male cat sterilization be performed?" answer-1="The best time for the period of neutering of cats is the period of first resentment.A period of resentment in cats of 8 months of age begins. Cats neutered during this period are more comfortable to escape from the house, disappear from harmful situations caused by their desire to mate. "image-1=" headline-2="h3" question-2="How long does the male cat recover after neutering?" answer-2="Voliation operation is easier in male cats.For a period of 2-3 days, it is usual for the cat to be a little restless and ask for calmness. After this time, cats return to their normal lives. "image-2="" count="3" html="true" css_class="]

Cat Harrow Disease

What Is Cat Harrow Disease that Causes Fever Infection?

Cat scratch disease (CSD) is a bacterial infection spread by cats . The disease spreads when an infected cat licks a person's open wound or bites or scratches a person hard enough to break the surface of the skin.

Cat scratch disease, or “, known as cat scratch fever, is a type of disease that occurs when ” cats licking an open wound.

Cat scratch disease, which is in the class of diseases transmitted from cats to humans, is a disease that is more common in children and adults as a result of licking, biting or scratching of cats carrying the virus called “Bartonella Henselae”.

Cats carry the Bartonella Henselae virus in their saliva. Since home cat feeders spend more time with their cats, involuntarily scratching or licking while playing, causes their owners to get cat scratch disease.

According to research on how cat scratch disease is transmitted to cats, this disease is transmitted to cats through fleas. For cat scratch disease, which is found to occur more often in cats younger than 12 months of age, it is important to take care of the cat regularly and avoid harmful bacteria such as fleas.

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Who Is at Risk of Cat Harrowing Disease?
Due to the fact that it is a very inconceivable disease, cat scratch disease begins to be asked after more diseases. Children and adults who feed more than one cat at home or who are constantly in contact with cats are more at risk of cat scratching disease.

Cat scratching disease, which is transmitted from cats with higher levels of activity and offspring, is also a disease that can be transmitted due to the fact that the area is not disinfected after the cats scratch or bite.
Causes of Cat Harrow Disease
We mentioned above that cat scratch disease is transmitted by a virus called Bartonella Henselae. This virus, which is transmitted from fleas, is seen in kittens by 40. In adult cats, it is a disease that is more transmitted as a result of fighting with each other.

The Bartonella Henselae virus is a virus found in cats' mouths and paws. This shows that it is a disease that is more transmitted from cats to each other.

Cats with cat scratching disease often show no signs of the disease. However, if it is very severe, symptoms such as difficulty breathing in cats, infection in the mouth, eyes and urinary tract can be seen.

Bartonella Henselae is a disease in which surrogate cats bite, lick, or rub their mouth around the wound.
What Are the Symptoms of Cat Rash Disease?
Cats, in general, like to play with their owners and lick their owners. There is no such thing as cat scratch disease in every cat bite or lick.

A person bitten by a cat carrying the Bartonella Henselae virus begins to experience some symptoms within a few days.

In the areas where the cat licked or scratched, symptoms such as redness, swelling, pain or blistering begin to appear.

However, it should be noted that these pains are not very severe.

Cat scratch disease, which lasts for an average of 2 weeks, usually does not cause severe symptoms. But if the cat carries a virus intensively, fever, headache, extreme fatigue, etc, symptoms such as loss of appetite and swelling in the lymph nodes can be seen, and conditions such as swelling and redness can often begin to appear in areas where there is a cat bite.

Although cat scratch disease does not cause very serious problems in adults, it can sometimes be severe in children younger than 5 years of age.

Especially in the bones, cartilage, eyes, brain, heart or other organs, there may be a serious problem.

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How Is Cat Scratching Disease Diagnosed?
As we mentioned above, since cat scratch disease is a disease that does not have a lot of symptoms in the early periods, it may not be possible to understand this especially in the early times.

In the following days, if the person has the above symptoms, a specialist doctor should be consulted.

The doctor checks the necessary examination and the area of the cat bite and decides whether the virus has been carried.

In some cases, the patient may also be asked to have a blood test. Depending on the severity of the condition, medication or different treatment methods may be applied.
Cat Scratching Disease Treatment
If cat scratch disease is not of a very serious size, it is usually expected to go away on its own. However, in case of severe pain or symptoms, the doctor will ask for the use of painkillers.

The application of warm compresses to the area where swelling occurs due to the absence of a fatal disease helps the patient to rise sooner.

As a result of the cat bite, conditions such as swelling of the lymph nodes too can be seen. In such cases, the doctor takes the fluid that has accumulated inside, which helps the patient to relax significantly.

If the patient continues to experience the same symptoms for two months and there is a severe, persistent swelling, the doctor may request the administration of antibiotic treatment.

It is important to use medications regularly to prevent the infection from reaching bone and other tissues. If the cat bite disease is advanced, it may be desirable to continue the use of the drugs for treatment purposes for a few more months.

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How to Prevent Cat Scratching Disease?
Cat scratch disease, as we mentioned above, is a disease that occurs from playing with cats more and spending time with them.

Because stray cats are more exposed to fleas, Bartonella Henselae virus is more common in street cats.

Preventive measures such as being careful when playing with stray cats, disinfecting the area where cats bite, can be considered as the best methods to prevent getting sick.

If you are feeding a cat at home, it is important that children under 5 years of age are under supervision, especially when playing games with cats under 12 months of age.

Cats can lick or bite their playmates as they are player assets. This can cause children to catch the virus sooner.

If your cat is going out on the street frequently, you should definitely do without interrupting the veterinarian checks, in addition, you should be vaccinated when the time comes by acting in accordance with the cat vaccination schedule.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0="h3" question-0="How does cat scratch disease go?" answer-0="To avoid cat bite disease, after playing with your cat, you must wash your hands and other places where the cat comes into contact. If you encounter a cat bite, then immediately after it you need to clean the area with cold water. "image-0=" headline-1="h3" question-1="Is cat scratch disease dangerous?" answer-1="It is not a very dangerous disease in normal conditions. However, if the cat carries an excess of the Bartonella Henselae virus, a person may experience severe symptoms. It is a disease that can be more severe, especially in people with low immune systems. "image-1=" headline-2="h3" question-2="What causes cat scratch disease?" answer-2="Even if a small lesion was first seen, but preventive treatments are not applied, cat bite disease can cause formations in the unilateral neck, armpit and groin area that are characterized as 'Lenfadenopathy. " image-2="" count="3" html="true" css_class=""]

The Devon Rex cat

6 Growing Little Cat Breeds That Will Always Stay Like Puppies

There are more than 50 cat breeds in the world. The needs, characteristics, and physical characteristics of each can vary with each other.

Your cat friends, whose responsibilities you take from their basic needs to their care, have different temperaments. The first element that affects this is their race.

Some cats are small, some cats are medium, and some are known as large breeds. Their physical and mental structures can also be shaped in that direction. There are also breeds of cats that never grow.

There has been a lot of research on cats over the years. The growing cat breeds provide half the growth of cats of different breeds. This growth trend then disappears.

Stopping growth is genetic. It should not be considered a disease.

It is difficult to understand how old cats are. It is not clear from the outside that they grow while age stages change. They have similar characteristics to a kitten.

Therefore, it is useful to be more meticulous about their care and nutrition.

It is difficult to live outside. Because in the face of any attack that may come from the street, they may not be able to defend with their small bodies no matter their age.

Small cat breeds that do not grow the most;
1-American Curl Cat
American Curl cats, known for being very intelligent and playful, are an ungrowing breed. He is friendly and loves people.

It has a moderate and balanced temperament. He wants to spend time with his parents.

Therefore, whatever you do at home, it prefers to be with you and take care of it.

The sound of American Curl cats that do not like to make a lot of noise outside of their needs during the day is also low-toned.

He can tell you his wishes by making vibrating sounds in a very calm and docile way. It has short hair. As long as it is looked after carefully and regularly, it is investigated that it will last for 15-20 years.
2-Cornish Rex Cat
Cornish Rex has an extremely durable breed. It is usually a preferred cat due to the low shedding of its hair.

It has an extremely mobile and energetic structure. If you want a cat in your home that will raise your energy and you can play games with it all the time, the growing Cornish Rex is a candidate to add joy to your home!

Cornish Rex is a lap cat, he loves contact. It doesn't matter who's in your lap. He just wants to feel your warmth and be loved.

This is a great choice for families with children. They love to play outside as much as they do at home.

If you have a sheltered garden, you can have a great time in the fresh air.

These cats, which have active and talkative attitudes during the day, are very loved because they are social.

Because the short-haired structure is hypoallergenic, these cats are also preferred as home friends. If they are raised with good care and love, their average life expectancy can last between 12-16 years.
3-Devon Rex Cat
Devon Rex cats come from a breed that has a temperament that can be a non-growing, home's naughty cat. Cats known for their devotion to the owner can be involved in all the games around them.

They are extremely energetic, they can spend time with the game during the time of day when they are awake. If you are constantly active in the house, it will be inevitable for them to adapt to you.

Devon Rex cats, who are very humane and love-mad, also communicate wonderfully with children. They can get along not only with children but also with other pets in the house.

Don't be surprised by the fact that they are cats that don't grow. These cats are quite appetitive. If you have a Devon Rex cat that you have neutered, you should definitely pay attention to its diet.

Otherwise, you may find that you have gained a lot of weight.
4-Munchkin Cat
The Munchkin breed, known for its short legs and affections, is capable of adapting to the cats environment. Our friends, whose social aspects are developed, are very good players.

They love to run, chase, catch and spend time with toys.

They also get along well with children and other cats. Don't be surprised if you even see your dog play!

There are jumping curiosities in high places. However, because they are both genetically small and short leg length, they cannot jump immediately to very high areas.

But you can create little trails for them. Combining their skills with their intelligence contributes to their development.
5-Singaporean Cat
The Singapura cat originated in the city of Singapore in the Asian region. That is why their names are given in this way.

Singapura cats, the growing cat breed, have small triangular heads. The weight of our little friends can reach up to a maximum of 3 kilograms.

The short hairs rise perpendicular to his body. Their ears are longer than their body.

They have long enough to surprise you when they are born. Over time, their feathers fall out and begin to shorten.

It is one of the most loved cats among the growing cats.

These cats, who are extremely intelligent, can be easily trained and become friendly to you.
6-Burman Cat
The fact that the Burmese cat has a loving and social structure is one of the most popular features. Another feature is that it is a cat breed that does not grow.

Our little friends are very loving, they love people. Can play happy games with children and other pets.

They have an agile and energetic attitude. Since they are self-confident, they try to jump to high places without looking at their height.

They can often catch objects in the air. Socially loving and being alone in the house as they love to communicate can put him in an unbearable psychological situation.

Therefore, it is recommended to leave it at home with toys or another friend that you will love.
Growing Cat Breed Care
No matter what the breed of cats, they bring certain responsibilities. Looking at the cat also has a process. There is no care routine that should be taken very differently for the growing cat breeds. Like every cat, you can shop for monthly nutrition and toilet needs in accordance with its age and breed.

Routines such as daily nutrition, sleep and care should be fulfilled. However, the care times and cat care products to be used at all ages and in all races are not the same.

If you have a kitten that does not grow, it is necessary to know whether the puppy is sucking milk from its mother. It is important that cats who have to leave the mother early receive a cat milk supplement under the supervision of a veterinarian. Cat milk suitable for the breed may be preferred.

Because there are nutritional components in cat milk that have a similarity with mother's milk.

Cats that do not grow puppies of a certain size can switch to dry food and age food. The first step is selected as age food and then the transition to dry food can be made with the exercise.

Because the jaw structure of the offspring is not yet developed and the teeth may not be suitable for chewing dry food. Again, the appropriate kitten dry food varieties and kitten age food varieties should be selected.

It takes trouble to look after the cat in the house. For this, safety and health precautions should be taken apart from nutritional and care needs.

If you have a cat that does not grow, you must have his vaccinations in time under the supervision of a veterinarian and adapt to the vaccination schedule created.

It is also important to take safety precautions at home. Cats that do not grow, in particular, may have difficulty in reaching high places. In this area, they cannot suppress their curiosity instincts and can make risky movements.

Care must be taken to eliminate breakable, damaging products that may fall on it in high areas. Ensuring that the windows and windows are closed is one of the most important measures that can be taken.

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What Are the Signs of Disease in Growing Cats?
When diagnosing for diseases in growing cats, it is necessary to first examine what the problem is. If cats have eating disorders, if their old joy and energy is out of place, if they are acting unpleasantly and unwillingly, it may indicate a health problem.

Even when a place hurts, they can give you certain behaviors.

Kittens, adult cats and older cats can get different diseases at different age stages. Therefore, in addition to being according to the breeds of cats, their reactions are different according to their age.

If you have a kitten that is not growing, you may find it more difficult to communicate with it. But an adult or elderly cat can use the language of communication with you more clearly. Therefore, it is useful to pay attention to movements.

When they have a burning place in their body or a pain they feel, they may try to tell you something by murmuring. The food they eat can stop eating in such cases as indigestion in them, suffer joint and muscle pain and abdominal pain, and may hump their back while sitting.

Situations where you can understand that your cat is feeling pain and pain;

Unlike normal, mumbling and making sounds like moaning,
When he stands up, there is weakness and tremors in his paws,
Changes in skin color, the,
Having involuntary twitches in areas such as eyes and mustaches, and,
The desire not to eat,
It can be said to slow down or stop in your daily movements.

It is much better to be diagnosed early in cats as these pre-disease conditions can be. Sometimes none of these things can be understood only from breathing.

Therefore, even if you are not at home during the day, it is useful to spend time with your cat when you come in the evening and check his behavior.

The wheezing and rapid breathing conditions, the formation of eye or nose, and sometimes the smell of mouth are the precursors of many diseases. Symptoms such as sneezing, occasional fever and coughing can also be seen on the breed of cats that do not grow.

You can control the situation by going to your veterinarian without losing time. With the right diagnosis and diagnoses, the right drug treatment can be done.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0="h3" question-0="Where Do Growing Cat Breeds Live?" answer-0="Grown cat breeds live in many parts of the world, mainly in Turkey and European countries. They can be preferred as housemates because they are affectionate and warm-blooded. "image-0="" headline-1="h3" question-1="Which Are the Smallest Growing Cat Species?" answer-1="Growth cat species that live in many parts of the world, such as Devon Rex, Singaporean Cat, Munchkin, Cornish Rex, American Curl and Burmese Cat. "image-1=" headline-2="h3" question-2="What's the Most Known Feature of Growing Cats?" ansher-2="The most well-known feature of the growing cat breeds is that they are human and affectionate. Each one of them are actors and loving cats. Both children and other pets can agree with humans as much as they do. "image-2=" count="3" html="true" css_class=""]

tabby cats

Behaviour, Characteristics and Care of Tekir (Street) Cats

The tabby cats belong to the most common type of cat on the street. In fact, they have emerged as a hybrid species and continue to multiply. These friends, who are accustomed to life outside, have a rebellious temperament that can protect themselves.

But underneath this hiccup lies their soft hearts and caring demeanor. In recent times, tabby cats are also preferred as home friends.

The history of tabby cats dates back to ancient times. While no precise information on which types of cats mate is included in the books, some assumptions do exist.

Some researchers think they derive from wildlife because they look like tigers and have a protective instinct.

At the same time, the tabbyes bear similarities with the lynx species. No matter where they come from, cats don't have a solid color. In fur of different patterns, you can sometimes come across color harmonies that look like a letter.

The tabby cats, which are a player structure, are available to play at any time of the day.

They have such energy that they are related to everything. At the same time, they love the heat. Therefore, there are rumors that their historical past came from Africa.

In addition to what is said and thought, it is a known fact that the ancestors of the tabby cat breed were species such as tigers and cheetahs. Physical and personal characteristics also prove this.

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Physical Characteristics of Cats
Tekir cat breed is unique, self-evident, has obvious features that appear to be tabby when viewed. There is a fur color structure. The feathers of tabby cats, which are named according to the colors and patterns of their fur, are usually black, white, gray and brown tones.

If we look at the regions where they live, we should say that the feathers of the taboos living in cold climatic regions have longer and more frequent hairs and the feathers of the taboos living in hot climatic regions are shorter feathers.

Depending on the climatic conditions, a number of changes can occur in the genes of cats after mating. In fact, this can also be considered as a method of camouflage their cat naturally against nature and circumstances.

The feather structure of our cat friends varies. The plumage of the hybrid race can be long or short and is named according to the feather patterns. Vague cat names;

It is like a Mackerel.

In fact, tabby cats also have 50's in their own species. Body structure is extremely flexible. In this way, it can easily jump somewhere, catch its prey better and pass through narrow areas easily. Their weight varies between 2 kg and 8 kg.

Our cute friends have 5+5 total 10 fingers on the front paws and 4+4 total 8 fingers on the back paws, 18.

Bone and head structure can sometimes be counted as a defining feature to understand that tabby cats are female or male. All types of heads are the same. However, male tabby cats have a larger and larger head than female taboos.

Although the proportionally small face, you can grasp it by examining which cat is the male and which is the female.

In the variegated feathers of tabby cats, their eyes may have different shapes. The color is usually green and hazel tones. The color of honey is also very visible in the eyes. His eyes have sharp eyesight with long distance vision.

Their ears can be seen in different structures in each frame. The ears that are curved and full V-shaped are cartilage-free. They have extremely sharp hearing abilities.

The jumping abilities of this atik cat species, which loves the game and has improved mobility, are also at the highest level. The bone structure of the tabbyes is genetically enhanced and systemically created. Its legs attract attention with its flexibility as well as endurance.

They love the warm climate, but when they are too hot, their hind and front paws can be seen to sweat.

The tails of tabby cats can be seen in medium length. They are very loving creatures. When they want to socialize with you, they rub against you with their tails to love themselves. Their tails are more hairy than their bodies. However, this may also vary according to the species.

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tekir cat care
Single cats like to eat carnivorous, just like other types of cats. When left in nature, they usually consume fish and chicken scraps. This makes their strong bodies stronger with protein consumption.

They can't be said to love cooked food very much, but they can never say no to a fish or chicken.

They have the ability to eat skillfully, as they are accustomed to the struggle for life in nature. You can see how much appetite they eat while they are gnawing chicken and scrape the bone professionally.

Hair care is just as important as nutrition.

Regular combing of the feathers will both relax your cat, remove the skin from dead skin and prevent the formation of hairballs on the fur.

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Kitten Care of Kitten
Kittens are cats that need to be taken care of as in other cat species. If your cat did not get breast milk or had to leave the mother, you should definitely not fill her place with milk.

Because the immune systems of kittens do not yet develop and they may have digestive problems, milk does them harm instead of benefit.

The most ideal product to give for a kitten is the use of cat milk powder. Cat milk powders are the cat food closest to breast milk.

As your cat's age grows, you can switch to species such as dry food and age food. Of course, it will be much more accurate to do all of these under the supervision of a veterinarian.

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Meal Suggestions for Cats in Tekir
If you have decided to share your living space with a tabby cat, of course, you will have to ensure that they are fed with age cat food and dry cat food, which is the most accurate and healthy for them. Again, it is recommended that they be given alternately with dry food as continuous age consumption can cause health problems such as stomach and intestinal disorders.

You should be careful to establish a feeding routine according to both age and weight of your cat. Because unilateral nutrition can lead to malnutrition. This brings with it different health problems. Of course, there is something else.

Regardless of the nutritional content, the fact that your cat consumes more nutrients than it should eat is also an eating disorder. Eventually your cat will have to deal with ailments like obesity, diabetes.

You can make a choice of food in accordance with the recommendations of your veterinarian and create a daily routine.

The foods that the tabby cats can eat consist of many ingredients such as chicken, veal, beef, turkey, salmon and fish. According to dry and age food types, the contents of the products differ.

In addition to these, reward foods can be preferred as an indispensable snack for tabby cats. Especially during training periods or as a catering service, you can use cat award foods.

Tekir cat food brands;

Hill's Cat Food,
Royal Canin Cat Food,
Zoovital Cat Food,
Acana Cat Food, The,
Bozita Cat Food,
Advance Cat Food,
Brit Care Cat Food, The,
Clauders Cat Food,
La Vital Cat Food,
Mera Cat Food,
N&D Cat Food

it consists of dozens of types such as. You can choose foods that are suitable for your cat.
Training in Cats
By their nature, tabby cats are a little irritable, protective and rebellious creatures. If you did not get a tabby cat during the kitten period, it may be a little more difficult to calm and tame it during adulthood.

Because kittens may not have experienced the dangers yet or know the danger dimensions. They can also adapt to an environment in a shorter time than adults. It is easier to train than they need another.

Our Tekir friends are conscious of making their own toilet. It is easier to accustom a kitten to such auxiliary equipment as a cat toilet at this point. However, if you have an adult tabby cat who has lived in adverse conditions, you can benefit from conditions such as conditioning or rewarding for your toilet training.

The best thing to choose for the training period is to buy a cat award food. There are many types of food such as age reward food, dry cat award food, stick reward food. You can make your choices according to the tastes you think your cat will love.

Your cat may be struggling during the training process. It is important to motivate and encourage him with rewards and congratulations without ever giving up. You should not punish while you are on this path. This is also very important for them not to have problems psychologically.

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Veterinary Medical Control in Cats
Single cats are more resistant to other types of cats as health and physical strength. However, this does not mean that they will never get sick and that they will always be. They must also be given routine vaccinations and must undergo the necessary health check by veterinarians. Especially when a tabby cat is used to natural living conditions, routine vaccination follow-up is very important.

Parasites, which they can get from the outside, fleas are a problem in their own right. He may have been injured and quarreled with other cats. If none are present, they should be looked at whether they carry an infection. It is very normal for them to react to the vaccine at first. However, your vaccination and medication patterns should also be taken into consideration. It should be gone without any flexibility in the time.

Your tabby cat from the street was fed by what they found outside before you. Sometimes he eats leftovers and sometimes he spends meals with stale food. Providing their eating patterns is at the beginning of what needs to be done.

Because nutrition is the cornerstone of health. The quality of the food should be appropriate, the choice of reliable brands, dry or age foods with nutrients that are deficient in the cat's body should be preferred.

If they have good living conditions like every cat, they can live on average between 14 and 18 years. They need to get as much love as nutrition and shelter for their health and for them to live a healthy, long life.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0="h3" question-0="Tekir Cats Sterilized?" answer-0="Tekir cats can also be neutered, as can other cats. Female and male cats can be neutered under veterinarian control." image-0="" headline-1="h3" question-1="Tekir Cats How Much Weight Does it Grow?" answer-1="The average weight of female tabby cats is between 4 and 5 kg, while the weight of male tabby cats can be said to be in the range of 5 to 6 kilograms. "image-1=" headline-2="h3" question-2="What Race Did Grasshopper Cats Come From?" answer-2="Tekir has a number of studies on how cats originated with mating African Wildcat and European Wild Cat species. But the history of tabby cats is not exactly known. "image-2=" count="3" html="true" css_class=""]

cat toys

8 Games to Play with Cats that Develop Fun and Intelligence

If you have a cat that you share your living space with, you are very lucky! It must be fun to spend time with him. Playing with your cat and fulfilling your responsibilities is extremely important for the bond we will establish. Since cats love to play, it is not difficult to strengthen this bond. Maybe it will take some time.

It would be a great idea to design one-man games for cats that stay alone during the day. Giving them the opportunity to play this is important for their development. They both get balanced exercise during the day and get rid of being bored and stressed on their own.

Because kittens are open to exploring and are more mobile, they may not need to be encouraged for play. For adult cats, creative ideas can be created that can emphasize hunting-induced behavior.

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How to Play with a Kitten?
For kittens, every object in the house can act as a toy. Because they do not yet know the environment or want to learn more even if they do, their spirit is always active. Objects can be put in which he can be attracted to some areas of the house without being forgotten as a baby.

The objects in the house should be at a height that will not fall and be broken, and when the cats drop it, no one wants to harm it.

Hard, fragile or small objects with sharp ends should be removed from the center.

Soft, harmless objects that he can play with can be found around.

They like to play with objects that they can pass and chew their teeth on. You can still buy her special toys or design them yourself to avoid damaging your stuff.

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How to Play with an Adult Cat?
An adult cat is in a period of its own temperament, knowing what it wants, showing what it likes. Games that can be set up for them, it is normal to be selective in the toys that can be taken to them. You can make different games as you can get bored faster than a game.

Paper pieces, magazine leaves, newspapers or foils can turn into great balls for cats. While products such as paper and newspapers manage to attract their attention with rustling, bright objects such as foil can also collect attention because they reflect light.

You just need to crumple a piece of paper in your hand. If you wish, you can also include a rope.

The strings are cats' favorite games. But there is something to be considered here.

Sometimes the rope can be dangerous. You have also paid attention to the serrated structure called papilla on your cat's tongue.

When your cat is playing with strings, ropes can be attached to this serrated structure. It does not come out of the tongue easily. Cats may also tend to swallow the rope to get rid of it.

Sometimes the rope is more entangled in the cat's tongue and this is extremely dangerous if you are not with it. It would be best not to let him play with such objects alone.

Raise an object that your cat may wonder about and move it around. How carefully he follows you, right? You can also choose to play hide and seek with them by hiding this object. Hide and seek is their favorite game.

Sometimes you can hide an item and ask it to find it, and sometimes you can hide it.

A pillow, a piece of cover, or just some of the objects you will use for book hide.

You can make it catch by imagining the object you want to hide like a bird or a mouse. Thus, your friend's sense of hunting is also embodied.
Types of Cat Games
Cats love the dark. You can also choose a dark area or night to play games with them. Action makes him excited. Sometimes it tries to find you and sometimes you can make it more fun to play with it with the help of a light like a laser.

For cats who love hunting in the dark, playing with an object would be an ideal choice.

It is actually very easy to find games for your furry friends. Most of the time you do not have to buy it.

A milk can, a pet bottle that runs out of water, paper pouches bags can be turned into a cat toy.

It is enough that the object has only a remarkable color, can move or make a sound. These objects that you can combine with your imagination can be great toys.

When playing with your cat, remember that his teeth are developing and his paws are getting stronger. He can excitedly bite your hand or nail it while you want to catch it with his paw.

A balloon! Yes, balloons are loved for cats. A balloon is a volatile thing. And jumps too. To catch it, your cat runs, chases, and reaches high. It is important to use the balloon without getting too inflated. When he is very nervous, he can explode with the slightest blow of pati he can take.

A few balloons that you bring home with colorful choices increase the fun. Your cat goes from shape to shape for the balloon. I am sure this will amuse you a lot.

It is also the right of cats to take advantage of what technology brings. Now cat games can be downloaded to tablets and phones. Games in which something escapes, sounds, or multiplies may interest him.

They even want to play games with animals such as mice and birds. Multicolored images make your cat happy for a short time.

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Choosing Toys For Cats
The choice of toys for cats should be made just as meticulously as the choice of a food container, food and even toilet bowl. The first thing you will look for is a toy that your cat can love, interest and need.

Toys can also be described as objects that they can love depending on their habits. They can be selective about the toys they play with over time. Here are my favorite cat toys: the:
1-Pussy Fishing Toys
One of the most popular toys for cats is fishing toys. The cat fishing rods, which have different designs, are enriched with ornaments that can attract their attention.

On the one hand, it foreshadows their instincts while on the other hand it allows them to meet their daily movement needs.

Cats are experts in the field of jumping, chasing, catching and following.

They love toys because they can do this kind of activity with fishing games.

The rods are sometimes suitable for use with cat grass and sometimes with reward foods.

Cat Fishing Rod Toys Review
2-Cat Toys with Herb
In both the periods when cats are trained and when they play, cat nane and cat grass are often used.

Cat grass or cat mint has a content that helps to calm our furry friends.

It also stimulates their brain and makes them happy. Dried cat mint can be put into toys.

It is an ideal product to promote the use of toys. You can drive a cat's mint on a climbing board, toys, and objects you want your cat to use.

Some cats may not like it.

So it is useful to try whether you like it in a small space or not. In this way, you can get rid of the reverse reaction.

Cat Herb Toys Review
3-Push Cat Toys
Designed with colorful and patterned fabrics, the fabric cat toy and plush cat toy varieties are one of the favorite toys of cats.

Products consisting of many design figures such as mouse, monkey, gorilla, lion, cat, dog, bird, flamingo, lion, tiger, frog are produced from 100% harmful materials.

Some of the toys that are lighted and some of them are produced from yarn designs and some of them are vibrating.

Each has different characteristics for cats. These sounds and warnings are of interest to cats.

Plush Cat Toys Review
4-Cat Tunnel Toys
Cats love the types of games they can hide. You have definitely seen them in a cupboard in a bucket at home.

The cat tunnel toys produced for this are presented to you with options such as holes, fillets and doors.

These toys, which are prepared in different colors and sizes, have many structures that can be folded and narrow.

There are cushions in some cat tunnel.

Some have stimulants such as rattles and light. Your cat can both relax and play with these products.

These easily cleaned toys support both physical and mental development and have no harm to health.

View Cat Tunnel Toys
5-Plastic Cat Toys
Plastic cat toys have a great variety of products for your cat.

Rattles, drawstring designs, balls and much more are made of quality plastic.

Models that support her being more agile and energetic to move can be a great gift you can give them.

You can choose plastic toys in colors and patterns that can attract his attention.

Funny and funny toys are waiting for you.

Plastic Cat Toys Review
6-Intelligence Toys
Get ready to get a great intelligence game for your cat! Intelligence games are very useful for your friend, who is related to movement and sounds.

Intelligence toys, which can both improve their natural hunting behavior and energize by moving, have a versatile use.

Cat ball, cat hair, cat rat and much more in the categories of intelligence games!

Cat Intelligence Toys Review
7-Prize Treasure Cat Toy
The cat toy with reward hopper is a toy that can contain reward food or cat food. There are products in ball shape or in different models.

Special designed toys allow cats to play with pleasure and support the ability to consume reward food.

Your cat will go out of shape to get the food out of the toy. Thanks to this toy, it is very easy to keep him healthy and happy!

Prize Treasure Cat Toys Review
8-Cat Chewing Toy
Chewing toys designed for cats are in models suitable for all kinds of needs, keeping their dental health in the forefront.

%Chewing toys made from 100% natural products excite cats.

These products do not harm the cat if swallowed, they are digestible.

It is used safely by cat owners due to its versatility.

If you want to buy a chewing toy for your cat, you should know that in addition to its fun, it will also contribute to your dental health.

This type of toy that reduces tartar formations on the teeth, cleans the teeth and destroys plaque supports your cat's useful use of its time.

Cat Chewing Toys Review

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0="h3" question-0="Which Toy Do Cats Love the Most?" answer-0="Cats love toys that are both moving and catchable, like balls and lasers. Everything that shines, makes noises and moves is a prey for them. Chasing and catching her makes cats happy. "image-0="" headline-1="h3" question-1="How Many Games Should Cats Play Per Day?" answer-1="Catients need to play two or three times a day, given their mental and physical development. It is appropriate to set the playing times to 15-20 minutes if this is to be said as time. "image-1="" headline-2="h3" question-2="Should Cat Toys Always Be in the Middle?" answer-2="The constant stalling of the toys you want the cats to play with can lead them to get bored with the toy quickly. So when your game sessions are over, it's good to remove the toy to a place where it can't reach and see. "image-2=" count="3" html="true" css_class="]

Dangerous dogs

Dangerous Dog Breeds That are Forbidden to Feed in Turkey

Owning a dog is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world. However, some dog breeds are among the forbidden dog breeds in Turkey, as they have an aggressive structure. In fact, banned dog breeds are not only in Turkey, but in many countries of the world “yasakli” list.

Dogs are predators by nature, and some breeds of dogs have been banned from feeding in countries because they are so dangerous. Pitbull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino, Fila Brasileiro, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Bully dogs are among the banned dog breeds in Turkey, as they can be seriously harmful, especially when unleashed and unprotected.
Dog breeds that are forbidden to feed
Dogs normally instinctively have a “koruma” instinct. However, the dog breeds that are forbidden to feed in Turkey, which we have mentioned above, can sometimes forget this instinctive behavior or even simply not master their nerves and can cause fatal damage to their environment or even to the owner.

Therefore, it is forbidden to feed, produce and import dog breeds that we count in Turkey.

Let us get to know closely the dog breeds that are forbidden to feed in Turkey and try to understand why they are banned…
1-Pitbull Terrier
Pitbull Terrier, which is formed by the mating of terrier and buldog dogs, is among the banned dog breeds in Turkey. Of course, the biggest reason for this is that they are aggressive.

Pitbull Terrier, which tends to attack much more than other dog breeds, is among the breeds of dogs that are forbidden to feed not only in Turkey but in many countries of the world.

Although they have a stubborn, friendly, intelligent, affectionate, loyal, willed, clownish, submissive, gentle, brave temperament, the jaw of the Pitblars can apply pressure between 1-2 tons. This in the face of a situation where they get angry, seriously damages the other person and even causes death.

In addition, the jaws of Pitbull Terrier dogs have a locked structure. This means that if he bites someone in front of him, he will seriously harm. Therefore, nutrition in Turkey is among the forbidden dog breeds.
2 Japanese Tosa
Highly courageous, the Japanese Tosa dogs are trainable dogs. But even if they are trained, these dogs are among the breeds of dogs who love to act upright and can cause involuntary harm to the other person.

Japanese dogs, which can show aggressive attitudes especially towards people they do not know and even their own breed, are also among the forbidden dog breeds to feed not only in Turkey but in many parts of the world.

The nutrition of Japanese Tosa dogs, which are distinguished by their pressurized jaw structure, especially damage to children in the city, is both dangerous and forbidden.

Administrative fines are imposed on those who feed, import and produce dogs of the Japanese breed, which are among the forbidden dog breeds in Turkey.
3 Dogo Argentino
Dogo Argentino breed dogs used by hunters in wild pig hunting are also among the forbidden dog breeds to feed. These dog breeds, which can perceive every living thing and person as a threat except their owner and family, are among the trainable breeds, but they are extremely dangerous dog breeds to feed especially in the city.

Dogo Argentino, which is among the banned dog breeds in Turkey, is a dog that can be trained in socialization during the period of puppyhood. But often they are unconsciously fed by their owners, as they are used for different purposes.

Dogo Argentino dog breed, which are hard as a temperament and have high jaw pressure, are among the forbidden dog breeds to feed, especially because they show extremely aggressive attitudes towards foreign people and other pets.
Fila Brasileiro 4
Also called the Brazilian Mastiff or Fila Brasileiro, these dogs are a large working dog developed in Brazil. The greatest feature of these dog breeds is their tracking ability.

Although these dogs are also in the category “hunter dogs”, their biggest difference from other hunting dogs is that these dogs are trapped rather than catching their prey.

Since they have a hasty, aggressive and unforgiving temperament, they can look at all other creatures except their owners with the eye of “the enemy” and they can attack at any moment. Therefore, they are among the forbidden dog breeds.

Fila Brasileiro dogs, which are among the forbidden dog breeds in Turkey, are among the breeds that are forbidden to feed, import and produce in many countries of the world.

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The 5 - American Staffordshire Terrier
Feeding dogs of the American Staffordshire Terrier breed, which are derived from bulldogs and terriers, is also prohibited.

These dogs, like other banned dogs, are breeds that can see any aggressive and opposite life as a threat at once and tend to be aggressive.

These dogs, who are extremely fond and loyal to their owner, pose a threat to other people.

Dogs of the American Staffordshire Terrier, who can't even joke with their owners, instantly attack because they can perceive any movement as a threat, and withdrawing it can sometimes be very difficult, even for the owner.

Fearless, brave and extremely curious, the American Staffordshire Terrier is a breed of dogs that can be trained to socialize during puppyhood.

But these aggressive dogs can also be dangerous because they are raised unconsciously.
6 American Bully
American Bully dogs, which are among the dangerous dog breeds and are listed as forbidden dog breeds in Turkey by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, It is a modern dog breed that was standardized by the American Bully Kennel Club in 2004 and recognized as a breed.

These dogs, which have a high hunting instinct, are fed because they are more difficult to socialize than other breeds and especially because they have aggressive attitudes towards foreigners, they are among the dog breeds that are forbidden to be imported and produced in Turkey.

Although they are of trainable dog breeds, unfortunately, their unconscious possession causes them to see every living thing except their owners as a threat. For this reason, it is forbidden to feed American Bully dogs.
Why is Feeding Dogs prohibited?
Dog breeds that are forbidden to feed in Turkey and in every country of the world are determined within the framework of the law. Buying and selling dogs for money is prohibited for all breeds. However, Pitbull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino, Fila Brasileiro, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Bully dogs are forbidden to be fed, produced and imported.

The dog breeds that we count under the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Law numbered 5199 are banned because they can harm people because of the very strong muscle and jaw structure.
What is the Penalty for Prohibited Dog Feeding?
The nutrition of prohibited dogs may vary according to the breed of the dog. The penalty for feeding or producing dogs in Pitbull breed is 6.306 TL. Other than that, the trade of pets such as cats and dogs is also prohibited. The penalty for selling dog cats for commercial purposes was determined as an administrative fine of 11 thousand Tl.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0="h3" question-0="Why is Pitbull banned?" answer-0="Dogs that are most sensitive in dog command are Pitbull breed dogs. Dogs that are most sensitive to hold and shake commands are Pitbulls. For this reason, in many parts of the world it is forbidden to feed and produce these breeds. "image-0=" headline-1="h3" question-1="Is it mandatory to wear a muzzle to dogs?" answer-1="Photocussive Pitbull, Doberman, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino, Cane Corso, Danua, Bull Terrier, Boerboel and Boxer dogs are required to wear a muzzle when walking outside. But feeding these dogs is also prohibited. "image-1=" headline-2="h3" question-2="How much is the dog penalty?" ansher-2="Photoing legal dogs is also mandatory. Administrative fines of 40 thousand 869 liras are imposed on persons who are released without any measure. "image-2=" count="3" html="true" css_class=""]

The 9 Best Dog Food and Water Containers that Clean Easily and Don't Keep Bacteria

The 9 Best Dog Food and Water Containers that Clean Easily and Don't Keep Bacteria

There are many notes that need to be taken care of and taken care of when feeding a dog. Choosing high quality and reliable brands, helping tools and equipment are produced from health-friendly materials, using solid products and of course cleaning them are the main things to be considered.

You should also pay attention when choosing food and water containers for your dog. Because the products in which nutrition is high quality and healthy as well as the products in which it will be put should be beneficial to health.

The choice of dog food and water containers directly affects the health of your furry friend is one of the most important products. There are many types of food containers in many brands and models produced for them.

You need it without making a choice and you should take care to choose the products that suit your request. It would be right to choose healthy products suitable for the breed and age of dogs. Perhaps you can also benefit from the variety of models that will reflect your own taste and style.

Dogs love to play with food and water containers. Therefore, the material must be useful in addition to being of good quality. You can make your preferences from models made of non-slip based and durable material, which your dog can not easily overturn it.

We have researched the best dog food and water containers for you.

You can choose from the products of beautiful, reliable brands in Petzzshop.
1-Doglife Fish Shaped Dog Food and Water Container
Doglife Fish Shaped Dog Food Container is a stylish product specially designed for your dog to comfortably eat and consume water.

There is no carcinogenic substance in the materials used in production.

The fact that it is in the form of fish supports your dog to consume food by loving it. Thanks to its rubber feet, it grasps the floor and prevents your dog from slipping during food.

Doglife Fish Shaped Dog Food and Water Container are two chambers.

It also has the ability to be washed in the machine. It provides 100% hygiene and confidence. It can also be easily cleaned with water.

It has a suitable design for all dogs.

Thanks to the metal reservoir, the stale of the food and water is prevented. When desired, the metal container inside can be removed and used as a plastic stand food container.

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2-Dogit Plastic Dog Food and Water Container
Dogit Plastic Dog Food and Water Container is a product made of durable materials with red design. It is a food and water container suitable for the use of dogs as it is produced from first-class plastic.

Especially if you have a dog that is naughty, mobile and loves to play with a food container, you can use this food and water container that has a slip base feature.

No carcinogenic substances were used in the materials used when producing Dogit Mama and Water Cup.

There is no toxic substance in the food and water container made of plastic material.

It is extremely easy to clean. It can be easily cleaned with water and natural soaps, it is a hygienic product.

If your dog likes colorful products, you can use this product, which he can feel happy while eating food and drinking water.

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3-Flamingo Selecta Dog Food and Water Container
Flamingo Selecta Dog Food and Water Cup is a great product made of stainless steel.

It has a design that can be used both as a food and as a water container. It consists of many color choices.

With its ergonomic design, it supports the dogs to consume food and drink water very easily.

At the same time, it adds a nice atmosphere to the environment with its stylish design.

Your dog may also be happy while consuming nutrients with this product.

Flamingo Selecta Mama and Water Container have the durability to be used for many years thanks to their steel structure.

It is a suitable product for washing both in the dishwasher and by hand.

There are absolutely no toxic or carcinogenic substances in it.

Thanks to its metal container, it supports the nutrition of dogs in good health. Supports consumption of one meal of food in volume 300 ml.

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4-Flamingo Duomax Hazel Dog Food and Water Container
Flamingo Duomax Hopper Dog Food and Water Canister ensures that dry food is always kept fresh in an appetizing way.

It consists of two parts. A dry food reservoir is available in one section.

From here, your dog has a hopper that supports putting as much food as he can consume a meal.

On the side there is a water dispenser area.

You can put water in a 1 liter pet bottle and offer fresh water to your dog from this bowl.

The area of the Dog Water Container with Flamingo Duomax Hopper has a suitable design for all common bottles.

It also provides a stable water level.

So your furry friend consumes as much water and food as you can set and store.

You can easily follow how much food and water he eats during the day.

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5-Karlie Plastic Double Visor Dog Food and Water Container
Karlie Plastic Double Visor Dog Food and Water Canister is a healthy product specially designed for adult dogs.

With the strength, durability and quality that steel brings, it supports the presentation of food to dogs at all times fresh and healthy.

It adds difference to the space thanks to its completely steel design.

It has a standing form. Your dog may eat food from one side and drink water from the other.

Karlie Plastic Double Visor Dog is not suitable for dogs who like to play with their food bowl and Water Container.

Because it is a footed product, it does not carry your furry friend who is trying to get on it and can be overthrown.

Non-slip feet are available. Offers double-chamber experience for dogs.

If you are thinking of buying a steel food and water container due to its durability and health, you can choose this product.

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6-Imac Diva Steel Dog Food and Water Container
Imac Diva Steel Dog Food and Water Container is a great product with colorful options.

You can choose from red, green and blue color options.

This product, which you can use as both a food and a water container, is appreciated thanks to its steel structure, while it offers long-lasting use and is hygienic.

Imac Diva Steel Dog Food and Water Container is a healthy product with a capacity of up to 1.9 liters.

Thanks to its non-slip sole feature, your dog will not slip while consuming nutrients.

The colored part of the product is made of quality material and is not harmful to health.

This specially designed product is both hand washable and suitable for use in the dishwasher.

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7-Pawise Footed Dog Food and Water Container
Pawise Footed Dog Food and Water Cup is a product with a stylish design, suitable for both cats and dogs.

Thanks to its modern design and ergonomic use, it is produced as both a food and a water container for dogs.

Made from materials suitable for animal health. There is no carcinogenic substance in it.

Pawise Footed Steel Dog Food and Water Container are made of two different materials.

Its feet are made of hard plastic and its inner chamber is made of steel.

It is practical to use, it is also an extremely easy product to clean.

The product does not release a chemical during use.

It offers safe use as it is produced from 100% harmless materials to health.

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8-Pawise Melamine Body Dog Food and Water Container
Pawise Melamine Dog-Body Food and Water Container is an excellent use for small dogs and puppies.

Suitable for use as a food or water container according to the requirement.

It has a white melamine stand.

It is made of quality materials and has no harm to health.

It is used thanks to the removable steel formula and water container.

Pawise Melamine Dog Body Food and Water Container consists of three sizes.

When you are done, you can lift the food to a corner in the form of a stand, or you can fill it with the nutrients that your dog needs and place it in the appropriate nutrition area for him to consume.

Three different sizes are produced for serving a variety of foods.

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9-Pawise Time Adjustable Dog Food and Water Container
The Pawise Time-Setted Dog Food Container is a special product that is carefully designed to keep your dog from being hungry and thirsty during periods when he is alone in the house.

The product has a feature that sets up to 48 hours of time for dogs.

Dry food and canned food can be added to the container.

Thanks to the double food container feature, you can give your dog both dry and age food alternately.

Pawise Time Adjustable Dog Food Container is made of plastic material.

The first quality material is absolutely not harmful to health, does not contain carcinogenic substances in it.

Thanks to the ice pack under the washing pot, you can support the age food to stay fresh all the time.

Your dog will not be hungry even when you are not at home.

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How to Choose Food and Water Containers for Dogs?
Choosing a food and water container for dogs is a point to be considered both in terms of the specific use of the product and in terms of the health of dogs.

In addition to the fact that the content of the food that dogs eat while consuming food is clean, the food containers used should be produced from quality materials that do not contain both hygienic and toxic substances. This indicates that the auxiliary equipment of reliable and high-quality brands should be used.

Depending on the size and small size of the dogs, food and water containers should be preferred. Since small dogs can not grow to stand, stand and two-story products, these products are suitable only for the use of large dogs. You should get him a suitable size food and water container.

In addition, it is an important issue that the products are non-slip based. Dogs can hit containers for play or by mistake, causing them to fall over. Non-slip based models should be preferred to prevent this situation.

Whether the food and water containers are preferred for the interior or taken for the outdoor, this is one of the points to pay attention to. Because the products to be used for the interior and the materials and durability of the products to be used for the outdoor are different from each other.

While steel container should be preferred in the house, melamine and solid plastic products can be used for gardens. Because in hot weather water and food can heat up the benefits outside, metal products such as steel increase this temperature. This is the reason why melamine and plastic are preferred.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0="h3" question-0="What To Clean Dog Food and Water Containers?" answer-0="For food and water containers, chemical-containing detergents, such as bleach, should not be used. Natural soaps may be preferred instead of heavy chemicals. In addition, dishwashing products can be purchased. "image-0=" headline-1="h3" question-1="Is the Metal Food and Water Container Suitable for Dogs' Health?" answer-1="Metal is a healthy and durable material that can be used for a long time as steel food and water containers, does not produce bacteria, does not have toxic substances in it and does not contain carcinogenic substances. "image-1="" headline-2="h3" question-2="Dog Mom and Water Containers Portable?" answer-2="There are also dog food and water containers that are suitable for travel. Mama and water containers, which are solid, foldable, shrinkable, locked structure, leakproof and do not spoil the value of nutrients, can be used for travel. "image-2=" count="3" html="true" css_class=""]

Dog Tracking Device

Safe and Long Range Best Dog Tracking Device

If you share your home with a dog, you need to take care of all kinds of care and responsibilities. For our furry friends, safety is also a situation that needs to be paid attention to. Dogs do not know what negative warnings may come from the outside after they are accustomed to living in the house.

They can't think about what bad situations await them outside. Even if they are unintentionally, they can sometimes go out and get lost to explore and sometimes to play games. At this point, you can support them to be safe by using a dog tracking device.

Dog tracking devices are products that can be attached to dogs in the form of leashes in order to follow their whereabouts. They never have a heavy structure. Therefore, it will not hurt your dog, they will not do any weight.

They can easily carry it on like a leash. Moreover, some varieties have the property that does not bring strangers and other animals closer to your dog. When you are not next to them, you can easily find out whether they are safe, have encountered a foreign person or animal or if there is a dangerous situation with these devices.

Dog tracking devices with GPS systems help to show the position of your furry friend that he is attached to thanks to the signal exchange he has.

So you can quickly and safely locate your dog. Some dog tracking systems can even let you know your dog's behavior thanks to the equipped features it has.

At that moment, you can see from the notifications coming to you whether your dog is barking, moving or standing still.
Dog Tracking Device Features
Tracking devices specially produced to follow the dog consist of many kinds under the leadership of many brands. Products that you can have with battery or charge should be selected from highly reliable and quality brands.

Devices may differ in quality standards according to the brand and model. But in general, it can be said that battery life is up to 80 hours. On rechargeable devices, the product will end charging necessarily comes with notification to you.

So you can get rid of being in victim condition by charging in time.

Dog tracking devices are not only used on land, but also in water. Devices that are water resistant up to about 10 meters are also available on the market.

During hunting or hiking, it will be inevitable for your dog to follow him when he is inadvertently caught in a stream or river. Devices produced from robust and durable design that can be protected against all adverse weather conditions are often preferred for precautionary purposes.

Tracking devices have the ability to sync to smartphones or watches. Thus, even if you are not near your dog, you can know where he is from a distance.

If you are by your side and you need to be in a dark area, we must say that you can also benefit from the led light feature of some devices. Devices that transmit instant notifications and alerts will also prevent you from losing sight of the dog thanks to their visible light up to about 100 meters.

One of the products that can be preferred according to brands and models is the products with their own buyers except that they are synchronized to smart devices. These devices, which support you to get optimum performance from your dogs, are used with the palm system.

According to the feature of the device, there is traction power up to a certain distance. It even supports the presence of more than 20 dogs at the same time according to the variety of use. Thanks to the map you have installed on the device via the touch screen, you can instantly see where your friend is.

Tracking devices, which you can place on the collar of your furry friend or use instead of a collar, have long-term use. It has an ergonomic and useful feature that does not disturb dogs.

Moreover, the devices also feature easy installation and use when preferred from quality brands. Devices that are pioneers in creating virtual security are the most reliable way to take precautions, such as when your dog is stolen or lost. Moreover, it supports you to increase safety to the highest levels in cases of running away from home.

The devices that your friends can physically move without any discomfort and weight also have a lightweight design. Some devices are also preferred as chips. These are placed under the skin of dogs.

Thus, if the dogs are lost or stolen, the situation of falling or removing the device from the dog is also eliminated. You can safely, step by step follow the whereabouts of your friend during the day with these devices.

This way, you will create a freer field of movement for him. You can lead a safe life by choosing the product you think is suitable from the dog tracking devices or chips offered to you.

You may be interested: 74 Preferred Dog Breeds With All Their Features
What Are the Things to Consider When Buying a Dog Tracking Device?
Choosing a dog tracking device is also as important as choosing a food brand, food container or auxiliary equipment for dogs. Because quality and trust are among the factors that affect the device to be robust and available for a long time.

Along with technology, many new designs in this field, many ideas for needs and products in design have started to be produced. Dog tracker models, produced both technically and design, should have features that are safe and suitable for them.

There are GPS systems in the tracking devices. There is no effect of these on the dog that will adversely affect the health. There are devices that you can see to the finest detail where, when and how quickly it goes, whether it sleeps, barks at something.

Depending on this, you can make choices in line with your needs and budget. This way, you can make the most effective solution for your dog.

the design dimensions of the products to be preferred for dogs are important. It should be especially minimal designs. In this way, dogs are not disturbed by the size of the product and do not try to remove it.

Dog trackers need to be synchronized with a smartphone, tablet or watch. Products that are in cooperation with these devices are safer to use. You can easily reach the product every minute, every second you want. The variety of features is important for a good use experience.

You will choose a device for your dog, but you do not know how it should be. You can evaluate the most preferred, most used and commented products within your budget and learn their features in more detail.

You can determine whether to choose as a collar or as a chip in line with these needs. Accordingly, the product can be placed on the collar or it can be adjusted under the skin.

Tracking chips, which can be placed under the skin of dogs, prevent the development of problems such as falls, deterioration during the movement of the dog. The dog tracking chip is at the top of the products in the foreground. Chips applied under the skin with a completely painless process have suitable conditions of use for dogs.

Types of dog tracking devices that can be applied with professional support are important for the protection of animals.

It is healthier to choose the dog tracking devices you can prefer from the reviews of the products. A detailed research can be done in the field of dog tracking device prices and budget-friendly options can be used.

Why Use Dog Tracking Devices?
Dog tracking devices, which are produced with ergonomic designs and light features, provide great convenience to users and dogs. Varieties used in collars, when used in accordance with the instructions for use of brands, the possibility of any negative situation disappears.

After proper use, your dog's neck drops and disappears from the device. Dog tracking devices that allow your furry friend to move around freely, as they wish, without restricting the range of movement give confidence.

Thanks to these products, you can support your dog to release his energy safely in the area you find right.

Types of dog tracking devices used as a highly effective means of protection minimize cases of stolen and lost animals. Products that you can buy with both features and reasonable prices also offer economic opportunities.

It is very important to be sure of their safety. Tracking devices developed using a special technology allows you to keep track of where they are all day long. The leash-worn models make it easier to find your friend without worrying about even if he walks away from you when you go for a walk with him.

You can easily track it with your cell phone. So you can walk with your dog without worries and without problems, enjoy the fresh air.

Tracking devices are preferred only in areas such as hunting and training except when dogs are lost or stolen. Thanks to the easy-to-access training buttons, you can get information with alerts and feel notifications with vibration.

This vibration is also transmitted to the dog. The device on the dog also ensures that the commands given are obeyed or stimulated by vibration in order to carry out the expected behavior. If you reinforce his behavior with dog treats, you can easily get over the training.

These tracking devices, which are placed on the collars of dogs or worn under the skin, are important for them to be found in a short time. You can move freely with it, safely leave it somewhere, complete your walking times without any problems.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0="h3" question-0="What's a Dog Tracking Device?" the Answer-0="Takip device is a technological device with a kind of monitoring system, produced for the purpose of determining the current position of dogs. It transmits to you the position of dogs in motion. "image-0=" headline-1="h3" question-1="How Do Dog Tracking Devices Work?" answer-1=" Dog tracking devices have different working system according to the brand and model. It can usually be synchronized to a smartphone, tablet or watch. Some also have their own control system. "image-1=" headline-2="h3" question-2="Will Dogs Find their Way to the House?" answer-2="The sense of smell of dogs is quite developed. If they are in the area they know, it will be easier for them to find the smell they are looking for. They have the ability to follow until they find a smell. "image-2="" count="3" html="true" css_class=""]

9 Hairless Cat Breeds With Non Spill and Hypoallergenic Feathers

9 Hairless Cat Breeds With Non Spill and Hypoallergenic Feathers

There are dozens or even hundreds of cat breeds in the world. By breed, cats have different appearance, feather structure and even different personal characteristics. Some people like to curl up and sleep, while others constantly run and add curiosity and curiosity to each other.

These are the characteristics of different races. Being hairless is one of them. Hairless cat breeds, whose external appearance is different than those of hairy cats, are indispensable for parents who do not like hair loss.

Hairless cats may appear to have a hard appearance when viewed from the outside. But there is a very loving and friendly spirit in them. Like all cats, they need love and attention in addition to their daily care and nutrition.

People love to attract attention there are many types of hairless cats in black, red, white, gray, blue tones, brown and cream colors.

According to breeds, differences can be seen in the nutrition and care of cats. Mamas can be preferred according to races. Cleaning routines and baths also vary because they are hairless.

Intense or medium-haired cats should be combed daily and take a bath once a week, while in hairless cat breeds the situation is not much different. Weekly bathing and personal care are required.

We have searched for hairless cat breeds for you. If you want to have a pussy friend, here are our cat friends you can choose!
1-Bengali Cat: The Least Feathering Cat Species
The Bengal cat breed is a magnificent cat breed that emerged as a result of genetic studies in the 1980's.

The Bengal cat is similar to the felines in the wild with the appearance of its feathers.

These cat breeds, with their stance that refers to large cats, are also noted for their noble and confident posture. This cat breed is more agile, energetic and curious than other species. For this reason, they like to live in large areas where they can make comfortable discoveries, move more comfortably and exhibit athletic behavior.

These Bengal cats, who have an extremely docile and affectionate temperament behind their wild appearance, know very well how to love and be loved.

It is a species that has little to be said to have no feathers in its fur. So it will be a great choice for those in search of hairless cats.

The fact that their feathers are low also makes the hair care easier. It is possible to have a bright furry cat with a few scrubs and a routine weekly bath.
2-British Shorthair: Little Hair
The British Shorthair, a cute or charming breed of English descent, is actually thought to have come from Ancient Egypt and moved to the present Britain. Their frequent and short hair, their delight in spectacular appearance are their most distinguishing features.

Round face lines prove that they are so innocent and loving.

British Shorthair cats have blue and gray hues. They don't like to move as they grow up. Therefore, they may tend to gain weight as they grow.

Regular play and exercise are therefore important for them.

since they are smart, you can complete the training phase with them in a short time. Then come the prize food!

Mostly, this breed, which can get along well with children, fascinates everyone.
3-Siam Cat: Soft Little Spilled Feathers
The most distinguishing features of the Siamese cat from other breed cats are the almond-shaped blue eyes and the black pointed face.

Whether it is beauty or likeness, Siamese cats are the most beautiful of cats.

Although these cat breeds are known to exist in Thai temples since the 1400's, their main recognition and reproduction is 19. It is said that they started coming to England as gifts in the end of the century.

Siamese cats, which have a triangular face shape, become completely cream-colored when they are first born. Then their faces, paws, sometimes feet and tails are covered with black feathers. The color transitions between the feathers are really great!

Siamese cats are known for their much more talkative and friendly attitude than other cat breeds. Don't be surprised when you hear him make sounds like he's chatting with you. Maybe it has solved your language and is trying to learn words.

These cats, which are very calm and friendly as Huy, have very short hairs. However, it is a breed that is expected to shed very little during the season passes.
4-Devon Rex: Almost No Hair
Devon Rex is among the most energetic cat species with huge ears on his bony face. When you first look at it, your face can be scary.

Their short hair may make their ears look even bigger. But it is an extremely friendly cat breed that loves to jump and move, enjoying playing moving games.

The Devon Rex is a hot climate cat. Cold is not good, they can get cold quickly.

The feathers of the cat breed, which have a large chest and strong legs, are in yellow tones.

The color of their eyes is like the color of their feathers. Its short and sturdy feathers have a solid feature.

You should not neglect to socialize with your cat by brushing with the help of a brush occasionally. But washing them can make them a little nervous.

Therefore, it will be right to take care not to wash it often.
5-Russian Blue: Nobility Not Feathers
The Russian Blue genus, which attracts attention with its strikingly bright feathers, is very loved with the color of its feathers. According to other cats, the most prominent feature is their feathers. The color of their feathers is in smoky blue tones.

why cats growl

Why Do Cats Hush? What Is the Owner's Most Accurate Response?

Cats growl to tell us about many situations. The important thing is to understand why they grow. Do they grow up because they are scared, because they are angry, or because they are hungry? Cats, when they growl, also show some movements.

Their ears, eyes, or tails move. These are, in fact, subtle messages about why cats growl…

Cats growl every time. During puberty, they grow hungry when they start to explore themselves, or to show their reactions in the face of a situation. Cats, in particular, make more noise when they start to move actively.

Sometimes this situation becomes so that the owners begin to feel uncomfortable with cat growling and when will the “kedi growl end?” they start asking questions like.

Immediately say, cats will never stop growling. Because they do not communicate by talking like us.

When they want something from their owners or react to something; they make some movements with their eyes, ears and tails and growl with it.
Causes of Hiccups in Cats
Cats growl to express themselves and let the other person understand it. The cause of wheezing can be joy and happiness, or it can be due to an illness or with the purpose of protecting the region.

In order to understand all this, you need to know about the causes of wheezing in cats.

Here are the reasons for hiccups in cats…
1) Zone Protection
Cats, like dogs, do not like to be intervened in their own habitat and growl to protect their territory. When you get involved in a personal toy or change the location of its nest, your cat may perceive it as a threat and begin to growl to react to it.
2) Stress
If the living space of the cat you feed in your home is not comfortable or you do not treat it well, your cat will resort to various means of escape. Sometimes a cat you get from the street or shelter may not get used to the new living space. In this case, he may want to leave his home.

If your cat is under stress and is looking for ways to escape from the house, it also makes you growl.

If you are feeding another pet at home with your cat, or if your home is too crowded for the cat, your cat may want to leave the house. Because this is the reason your cat is stressed, and it can growl to show it.
3) Illness
Physical diseases in cats are the most common causes of wheezing. If your cat is growling when you put it on the ground when you put it on your lap, it is probably suffering. This actually gives you a message. What you should do in such a situation will be to show the veterinarian.

During periods of illness of cats, their pain becomes more severe. A cat with a tumor, for example, may growl because he is in pain when he does his feces.

Cats cannot express physical pain like humans do. They prefer to growl for it. If your cat is growling due to illness, you should show it to the veterinarian.
4) Wildness, Bad Behavior
A cat that you have acquired from the street or from a shelter can also growl. The biggest reason for this is the past or bad memories. For example, it should be said that street cats are not treated very well.

When you acquire such a cat or bring home a cat that is tormented by other animals while in the wild, they may again tend to growl from their past.
5) Happiness
The reasons why cats growl are not just negative situations. As we said above, cats go the way of growling to express their every emotion.

For example, if there are more than one cat in the house, observe the times when they play. When they are happy and cheerful, they show this to you or their friend.

When you spend time with your cat, play with it, or massage it, you may see the same reaction.

Because cats growl to show it to the other person when they are happy. Cats growl not only when they are unhappy or stressed, but also when they are happy and joyful.
Why Do Cats Hurt While Sleeping?
In each period, cats can growl for different reasons. You are used to this situation when they are awake, but when they sleep, their wheezing may worry you or bother you.

If your cat growls excessively while sleeping, this may be an underlying cause of illness. However, if it is a normal and non-permanent wheezing, you do not need to panic. Cats can growl in the face of bad dreams.
Do Cats Dream?
Cats, like humans, can see the situations they live in during the day in their dreams. Although cats sleep most of the day, their sleep is not like humans. Deep sleep times are much less. This causes them to dream more than we do.

Especially kittens and older cats tend to sleep more. If your growling cat is kitten or old and does more during sleep, there is no reason to worry too much. Cats can growl in the face of dreams.
If the Place Where the Cat Lies is not Comfortable, Speeds
The causes of wheezing in cats are quite high. For example, when you bring a newly acquired cat home, you should make sure that the place you allocate to it is extremely comfortable. Sometimes, on the contrary, cats accustomed to sleeping in a place that is not comfortable can growl when they start to sleep in a comfortable place.

In fact, this situation should not be perceived as “Rahatlik sinking”. It should only be considered as life habits.

For your newly acquired cat, you will first need to get a comfortable bed with a living space that will be comfortable.

You can get a great help with this by examining models of cat beds. Of course, in addition to this, cat nests are also products that you can choose from with beautiful and comfortable models.
Is your cat snoring or growling?
Sometimes cat owners can confuse snoring with one another. The two situations are different from each other. Cats growl more when they are awake. They can both snore and growl while they are asleep. It is important that you distinguish between these two different sounds.

If your cat snores in a normal tone and not constantly, then you do not have to worry. But snoring is loud and if it does this constantly, it may be snoring because of an underlying disease.

If your cat snores for a long time, you should definitely show it to the veterinarian. Causes of snoring in cats; shortness of breath, respiratory infection, mucus buildup can be caused by causes. However, you should definitely talk to your veterinarian to find out the causes of snoring cats.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0="h3" question-0="What does cat wheezing mean?" answer-0="Cats can not express their wishes like humans. When they want something for it, suffer pain or wheeze in the face of any threat. "image-0=" headline-1="h3" question-1="Why do cats sound like engines?" answer-1="Cats can make sound like engines except for growling. Of course, this sound will not be too loud. They sound like a mini motor. The reason for this is happiness. When they play or massage them, you hear more of this sound. "image-1=" headline-2="h3" question-2="Why do cats sound like a horor?" answer-2="Horing conditions with wheezing in cats are different situations. If your cat snores while sleeping and this sound is too loud, it may be an underlying disease. In this case, the most accurate thing you should do is show it to a veterinary specialist without wasting time. "image-2=" count="3" html="true" css_class=""]

Izmir Dog Training Center

Izmir Dog Training Center

You can get support from our dog training center experts to make your dog become a more social and communication bonded friend by training. Our team consists of professional and experienced expert staff in the field. You will complete the training of your cute friends with our staff who are professionals in all dog breeds in the subjects of puppy training, adult dog training.

Dog training is an education that requires professionalism and understanding from dog breeds. At every training stage, from toilet training to advanced command training, understanding the dog's language and knowing the dog's characteristic structure is important to ensure a healthier education.

The team of Izmir dog training center consists of people who know the special training for all dog breeds and are experienced in communicating with dogs. After successful training, contact your dog to become more social.
Why is Dog Training Important?
Adopting a dog is not limited to just taking care of it or paying attention to its nutrition. You should also take care of her education, both to get used to the family environment and to follow the rules you set. Dog training is a training one can give on their own, but you will need a training center to train your dog professionally. Therefore, it will be healthier to contact Izmir dog training center.

Dog training is important not only for dogs but also for their owners. Because dog owners are also informed during the training stages. Important issues such as how to command the dog, how to obey the dog, are taught to dog owners by expert dog trainers. In this way, while your dog is being trained, you also learn to control your behavior towards it.

Dog training sessions; dog toilet training, dog basic obedience training, advanced obedience training, dog training, many training subjects, such as command training, are evaluated and healthier results are achieved by practicing different training rituals for each breed of dog.
How Should Dog Training Be?
Dogs acquire habits just like humans do. Although they are innocent beings, it has an important place for dogs to be trained from the time of puppyhood. For example, if the puppy is given toilet training at the right time, the dog knows how to behave while addressing the need for a toilet in the future.

In the same way, when you start training in basic obedience training or advanced obedience training, it is easier for dogs to follow the commands you give.

There are some important points to consider when training dogs. These;

Training according to the breed of the dog
Training according to the dog's age
Important issues such as training on the issues that the dog is missing.

Of course, as a dog owner, you do not know how to give such training. For this, you need to contact dog training centers to request the best training for your cute friend. Izmir dog training center, with its professional team of experts and with many years of experience in the field, is composed of people who can meet your expectations in all areas from puppy training to advanced obedience training.
Socialization Training in Dogs
In order for dogs to be compatible with their owners and their environment, they also need to undergo socialization training after basic training. Especially for those who feed dogs in the apartment, this training is extremely important.

Dog socialization training is also an education that should be given by expert dog trainers. You can socialize a dog alone, but you can control their behavior against the most people with this training you will give in your home or garden. Since Izmir dog training center is an area where different breeds of dogs are located, dogs that receive socialization training also shape their behavior towards other breeds of dogs. In this way, if you meet another dog while spending time outside with your dog, they do not show restlessness, they do not show aggressive attitudes towards your other pets in your home.
Obedience Training in Dogs
It is important that stages proceed correctly when training dogs obedience. While dog owners are training their dogs on their own, the results are not as expected, as they usually act incorrectly in terms of ranking. Yet each dog's obedience training is different, and that requires expertise.

When training dogs for obedience, it is necessary to train in a certain order.The training center of the dog obedience ensures that expectations on obedience training are met by training according to the following ranking.

basic obedience training
Advanced obedience training
Sign language training, and,
Behavior training

It is also important to follow a certain routine when training dog obedience. When training leash dog and leash-free dog, certain rewards are placed for them to perform the commands, so dogs are more willing to perform the given commands. Of course, it is also worth noting that it is not possible to achieve this with dog rewards alone.So you need to contact the dog training center in Izmir and deliver your cute friend to professional specialists.
Izmir Dog Training Prices
Dog training is priced after considering certain conditions. Some details such as training, training period, additional care you want to give to your dog reveal training prices. The price of each of the trainings such as basic obedience training, puppy toilet training, socialization training is different.

You can get the best prices by contacting our center which offers flexible price options to pet owners in Izmir dog training prices.

Don't make a decision without contacting us to have healthier communication with your dog and get the quality of training you're looking for.

Apart from Izmir, we provide training services in Istanbul, Ankara, Antalya and Duzce.
Izmir Dog Training FAQ
[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0="h3" question-0="Where will my dog stay during training?" answer-0="Your dog, which you hand over to us for training, remains in the private dog hotel we have created. They stay in the areas or shelters that are reserved for them during their training during the day and during their vacancy. "image-0=" headline-1="h3" question-1="Do they meet my dog's food training center?" the Answer-1="Izmir dog training center deals only with the training of your dog. Our preference is for owners to bring their dog food with them, as their feeding routines differ. "image-1=" headline-2="h3" question-2="How much are Izmir dog training prices?" answer-2="Dog training prices vary according to the breed of the dog and the training it will receive. Contact for detailed information. "image-2="" headline-3="h3" question-3="Should I bring something with me when I bring my dog?" answer-3="When delivering your dog to us, you need to bring the vaccine carnet and dog food with you. "image-3=" count="4" html="true" css_class="]

Cat food that supports skin and feather health

The 6 Best Cat Foods for Fluffy and Shiny Feathers

The feeding of cats is like a mirror that directly indicates that they are healthy. With eyes such as glass, agile movements, bright hair and good skin, you can have an idea of how healthy it is when viewed from the outside.

Cat foods that support skin and feather health support the hair to be much softer. At the same time, it allows to prevent spills and itching that may occur on the skin. Thanks to damp skin, both skin and hair remain much healthier.

There may also be different conditions that affect the hair and skin health of cats. Nutrition comes at the beginning of the reasons for this. Unilateral nutrition or malnutrition leads to such problems.

One-sided eating is related to the consumption of more than necessary vitamins, minerals or proteins in the food of cats. Therefore, when choosing food for your cat, it should be ensured that its content is as much food as it should take according to its age and race.

Are the feathers of your furry friend more fluffy and tangled than they should be? Do you observe constant itching and flaking on your skin? The answer is actually not far away. We have examined the best cat foods that support skin and feather health in cats.

Thanks to these products produced by world-famous cat food brands, your cat can have healthy, shiny hair as well as it should.

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1-Hands Sensitive Skin Cat Food Supporting Skin and Feather Health
Hills Sensitive Skin Cat Food Supporting Skin and Feather Health is composed of specially formulated ingredients for cats older than one year old.

Thanks to the formula developed by specialist veterinarians, the skin and hair of cats are intended to be much healthier.

There is vitamin C in it that strengthens the immune system. At the same time, it protects the cells of cats thanks to the antioxidants it has.

Taurine in Hills Premium Cat Food protects your cat's heart health.

Thanks to the minerals it has, the protection of its kidneys is supported. Omega 3 and Omega 6 fats, vitamin E and natural fibers prevent hair loss.

All the vitamins and minerals that the body is deficient in are balanced with this food.

You can get your cat healthy nutrition by taking this food, which is beneficial for both digestion and skin and feather health.

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2-Brit Care Sensitive Herring Fish Grain Free Cat Food
Brit Care Sensitive Ring Fish Grainless Cat Food is a food formulated for cats with a sensitive stomach and skin.

Adult cat food is also a complete food for adult cats with food intolerance.

There is no GMO in it. It also does not contain colorants, preservatives and sweeteners.

Brit Care Sensitive Ring Fish Grainless Cat Food reduces hair loss problems in cats.

The threat to hypoallergenic cats is eliminated and balanced nutrition control is ensured.

Thanks to the soluble and insoluble fibers, proper functioning of the digestive and excretory system is supported.

Thanks to this food, which offers immune support thanks to the probiotics it has, hair growth is also prevented.

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3-Bozita Sensitive Diet Stomach Adult Cat Food Without Grain
Bozita Sensitive Diet Stomach Grain-free Adult Cat Food is specially formulated for cats with hair loss and skin itch due to an unbalanced diet, which has weight problems.

Fresh deer meat is loved by cats because it is both delicious and digestible.

Offering a unique source of protein, mama supports the shine of feathers.

The cellulose fiber contained in the Bozita Sensitive Diet Stomach Grain-free Adult Cat Food is a component that eliminates the problem of hairball.

Prebiotic fibers stimulate and protect the intestinal flora.

Natural yeast with health-enhancing properties and well-balanced Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids support the healthy growth of cats.

You can safely use this food without artificial additives.

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4-Dr.Sacchi Premium Sensitive Salmon Adult Cat Food
Dr.Sacchi Premium Sensitive Salmon Adult Cat Food is a food made for adult cats that lasts 12 months.

It has ingredients in which the nutritional needs of cats are complete and balanced.

Thanks to the dense and high quality proteins, it supports the protection of hair and skin health.

There are no preservatives, artificial sweeteners and colorants in it.

Dr.Sacchi Premium Sensitive Salmon Adult Cat Food provides the immune system with natural antioxidants.

At the same time, vitamins and minerals are present in it.

It does not only support the skin and feather health of adult cats.

It also meets their physical and mental needs.

You can safely use Dr.Sacchi foods to have a healthier and happier time with your cat.

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5-Adult Cat Food With Advance Sensitive Salmon
Adult Cat Food with Advance Sensitive Salmon has the formula to meet the daily nutritional needs of adult cats in a balanced way.

Thanks to its salmon content, it both gives Omega 3 and Omega fatty acids to cats and supports their hair to be brighter and healthier.

It consists of a special food content for cats with skin sensitivity.

If you also have a cat with a sensitive digestive system, you can feed it with this product.

Adult Cat Food with Advance Sensitive Salmon is a pioneer in eliminating problems such as maturation, shedding, scrubbing and itching of the skin.

It is a balanced eating meal.

It supports the intestinal activity of cats and allows the digestive system to work easily.

It is a food that does not contain GMO. It plays a role in the prevention of kidney diseases with low magnesium level.

It also supports the heart and eye health of cats.

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6-mera Insect Sensitive Adult Cat Food Without Grain
Mera Insect Sensitive Grainless Adult Cat Food is a premium food produced in very tasty formula form by enriching it with various nutrients.

Provides a holistic nutrition opportunity suitable for the type and age of cats.

Food prepared without cereal provides high protein to your cat as it contains plenty of fresh meat.

There is no aroma, artificial sweetener, colorant or preservative in the product.

Mera Insect Sensitive Grain-free Adult Cat Food is made up of both high quality and delicious ingredients.

If your cat has problems such as hair loss, hair growth, skin itching and skin flaking, it is the pioneer before they get in front of them.

Premium food for adult cats is a complete meal food.

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What Are the Skin Disorders that Occur in Cats?
Skin disorders based on nutrition, vitamin deficiency, mineral deficiency and various health problems can occur in cats. One of them is skin crusting and skin shedding. Itching or skin rashes caused by itching on the skin can occur due to mites, fleas and lice.

Some cats may have an allergic reaction to insect bites. Regardless of whether they are allergic to insect bites, crusting can occur when blood-sucking insects and fleas bite it.

These peels can also cause bleeding. If you notice a crusting in your cat, you can definitely start the treatment process by going to the veterinarian control.

Skin inflammation, also known as dermatitis in cats, is seen a lot, especially in the folding areas of the skin. For example, the cat's lower spine, under the tail, ears, neck, face and belly areas can be encountered.

If your cat has this type of inflammation, tassel, rash and acne-like lesions are observed in severe cases.

Abscesses are among the discomforts that occur on the skin surface. The most common symptoms of this are loss of appetite, weakness, moodiness and withdrawal to the skin, that is, depression. Since there is a type of inflammation, cats examined by a veterinarian should be treated with the right treatment.

Skin diseases also directly affect the hair. Alopecia is also a type of hair loss disease caused by allergies, skin infections, parasites, cancers and nutritional disorders.

The hairs that cats have appear as thinning and plucking of the feather due to the decrease of the level of the hair follicle. When the cat's discomfort is detected, this condition is included in the healing process with the treatment to be used.

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What Causes Itches in Cats?
The itching experienced by cats is both uncomfortable and irritating to the skin as it travels to the brain with a signal. Food allergies come to mind at the beginning of the causes of itching. Food allergies often occur as back, head, and neck itching of cats.

Various types of protein and carbohydrates can trigger allergies. In order to minimize these itching, the right diet cat foods should be preferred. Itchiness decreases in cats, which creates a regular feeding routine.

But of course, it should be determined by veterinarians that the cause of the itching is food.

Bacterial and fungal infections, metabolic disorders and various endocrine diseases experienced by cats cause itching in cats. These itching also lead to hair loss, skin opening and bleeding.

For such infections, it is necessary to establish the correct diagnosis as in others. In this way, your cat can heal with the right treatment method.

Sometimes itching should not be attributed to a disease. Cats are fastidious animals.

The space they live in and the places they use should also be supported to be clean. Cats that are in a non-clean sleeping area, constantly dusty and dirty environment can also be itching because they cannot be cleaned.

You need to keep them and the space they live in clean in a certain routine. In addition to daily regional cleanings, do not forget to comb your cat every few days and keep it clean.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0="h3" question-0="Do Cats Get Infected When Injured?" the abrasions and cuts that occur in the body of the injured cats are like an ideal nest for bacteria to enter. If these cuts become infected when you do not notice them, open wounds and abscesses may occur on your cat's skin. "image-0=" headline-1="h3" question-1="What Are the Best Cat Foods That Support Skin and Feather Health?" answer-1="Feline foods that support skin and feather health include Hills Sensitive Cat Food, Brit Care Sensitive Cat Food, Bozita Sensitive Cat Food, Dr.Sacchi Premium Sensitive Cat Food, Cat Food, La Vital Sensitive Cat Food and Mera Insect Sensitive Cat Food are." image-1=" headline-2="h3" question-2="How To Pour Feathers in Cats?" answer-2="People experience hair loss as a result of skin problems due to nutritional disorders or health disorders. If there is an intense shedding on your cat's body, baldness occurs. "image-2=" count="3" html="true" css_class=""]

the best pregnant dog food

The 5 Best Pregnant Dog Foods for Healthy Mother and Puppy

The nutrition of pregnant dogs should be different from that of normal dog feeding. During pregnancy, dogs need more energy, and you need to choose the right dog food so that they can afford that energy.

The gestation period in dogs typically lasts for 9 weeks, and during the early stages of pregnancy, dogs need more nutrition. From the last 2-3 weeks of pregnancy, dogs begin to experience weight gain.

This is considered extremely natural. When you reach the last week of pregnancy, it is also normal to see a loss of appetite in your dog.

A cessation of the dog's appetite indicates that he has been left to give birth to his pup.

Pregnant or lactating dogs need more energy. It is your job to ensure that.

Choosing the best pregnant dog food will help to keep your dog from gaining unnecessary weight while also ensuring he gets enough energy.

Following our article, we will present the best pregnant dog food options that we have selected for your dog and that dog owners recommend as well.

Here are the best dog food recommendations for lactating and pregnant dogs...

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Royal Canin



Decide the best by evaluating the best pregnant dog food options we have chosen for your pregnant dog that you are expecting.

Here are some of the best pregnant dog foods we have evaluated…
1) Bozita Pregnant Dog Food
Bozita, which is among the well-known dog food brands in the world, is one of the most preferred names of pet owners with its foods specially produced for pregnant dogs.

With its deer content and balanced protein and vitamins, it ensures a balanced nutrition of your dog.

Bozita pregnant dog food, omega 3, prepared with ideal ingredients for both pregnant dogs and lactating dogs, with its omega 6 and vitamin C balance, it is one of the best varieties of pregnant dog food that will help you feed your dog properly.

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2) Felicia Pregnant Dog Food
One of the best brands of pregnant dog food that you can use in your diet to better care for the puppies your cute dog will bring is Felicia.

Dog food, which will help your dog to eat healthier during pregnancy with its nutritional values, is also preferred by pet owners.

Felicia pregnant dog food, specially prepared for your dog to bring his baby into the world in a healthy way and to feed his puppy well during breastfeeding and designed with omega3, omega 6 and balanced fat ratios, is a, it is one of the best varieties of pregnant dog food you can choose.

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3) Reflex Plus Pregnant Dog Food
Reflex Plus is one of the most preferred dog food brands of dog owners. Reflex Plus provides the ideal choice for all dogs with its unique food options.

Female dogs during pregnancy need to be fed properly and with quality dog food so that they can bring their puppies into the world in a healthy way.

Reflex Plus pregnant dog food is one of the names that can meet your expectations in this regard.

Reflex Plus pregnant dog food, which is best designed to help your pet feed during pregnancy with its balanced content, will help your dog to complete the pregnancy period more comfortably with its content quality.

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4) Mera Pregnant Dog Food
Mera, which has gained awareness among dog food brands with both price suitability and ingredient quality, is one of the names of pet owners with food options that it produces specifically for pregnant dogs.

Mera pregnant dog food, which helps them to survive the pregnancy period with its balanced prepared content, vitamin and mineral supplements, is one of the best brands we will recommend.

Properly meeting your dog's energy needs during pregnancy will help him stay healthier after birth and delivery.

For this reason, your preferred food should support pregnant dogs, especially with regard to vitamins and additional nutrients.

Mera pregnant dog food has prepared food options taking into account the gestational period.

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5) La Vital Pregnant Dog Food
Among the top quality dog food brands, La Vital is a food brand recommended by pet owners with foods designed specifically for pregnant dogs.

Dog food, which provides the energy your dog will need during pregnancy and breastfeeding, is a highly enriched food in terms of vitamins, minerals and additional nutrients.

It is important that you support your dog during pregnancy.

Paying attention to her diet, in particular, helps her give birth in a healthier way.

La Vital pregnant dog food, thanks to the balanced nutritional values in its content, helps both your mother dog and your puppy to have a comfortable pregnancy period by helping to maintain their health.

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How Should Nutrition Be in Pregnant Dogs?
Pregnancy is a challenging process in dogs as well as in humans, and nutrition is extremely important in this process. Since it carries a puppy in the abdomen, it is necessary to give preference to the best pregnant dog food especially for dogs who need more nutrition during the last stages of their pregnancy.

Pregnant dogs, like humans, feed their offspring the food they eat. The better you take care of them during this period, the healthier the offspring they will bring into the world. Veterinarians report that the choice of food is important in pregnant dog nutrition.

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What to Give Pregnant Dogs?
Feeding pregnant dogs is a very important issue. Especially in pregnancy 4. It will be healthier to add puppy food to the food of your dog that you feed at home from the week.

In order to receive the necessary energy, you need to pay attention to the fact that the food you choose is suitable for pregnant dogs, the quality of the content is specially prepared for the comfortable passing of the pregnancy.

Although your pregnant dog is a large breed, you should not feed it with special dog food for large breeds during pregnancy. It is better to choose a standard puppy food or special food prepared for pregnant dogs.

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Things to Consider During Pregnancy
The period of pregnancy of dogs can sometimes pass under difficult conditions. During pregnancy, the stomachs of dogs begin to shrink.

Especially after the first 20 days, this manifests itself even more clearly. So you need to change the usual feeding period.

The meat content of the food you give to your dog during pregnancy should be higher, it should be richer in protein and energy.

That is why you need to consider the best options of pregnant dog food in a pregnant dog diet.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0="h3" question-0="Is normal food given to pregnant dogs?" answer-0="Fedication in pregnant dogs is different than in normal dogs. Therefore, it is not correct to feed them with normal dog food. "image-0=" headline-1="h3" question-1="What is the best pregnant dog food?" ansher-1="There are a lot of pregnant dog food in the market. In particular, you need to avoid open-sold foods and choose from the right brand. Royal Canin, La Vital, Mera, Felicia and Bozita brands are dog food with the best ingredients. "image-1=" headline-2="h3" question-2="Is milk given to the pregnant dog?" answer-2="Feeding pregnant dogs should be done with foods that are ideal for them. If you encounter an unexpected situation, you must necessarily consult with the veterinarian to change the nutrition routine. "image-2=" count="3" html="true" css_class=""]

the best cat toilet

Sand - The 8 Best Cat Canvas Easily Cleaned That Imprisoned Smell

Caring for cats at home is a process that needs to be emphasized and requires care. Social and cleaning needs, especially food and toilet needs, should be addressed in a certain routine.

Cat toilets are produced with many models and varieties in accordance with the needs of our cat friends who are fond of cleaning. It will be very right for you to purchase products that you think can answer all of their needs correctly.

Cats are better adapted to their surroundings within a few months of being born. After this process, they can quickly and easily understand where they need to do their toilet. The cat toilet is made up of designs that suit their age and needs.

In the process of toilet training, it should be selected products that can be used with appropriate sand, which can comfortably enter your cat's interior and toilet, but also easily cleaned.

Cat toilets should be placed in a special area for cats. It is important not to be compressed into a very narrow and airless place, it is located in the area where it can be reached comfortably. We have made a ranking about the best cat toilets for you.

Among the most preferred product types on our site, you can choose the varieties you find suitable for your cat.

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1-Aquael Comfy Cleo Outdoor Cat Canvas
Aquael Comfy Cleo Outdoor Cat Canvas is a remarkable model with turquoise blue design. Protection upgrades are available at the edges of the toilet.

It is a model specially designed for cats throwing sand out of the cat toilet.

This way, when your cat tries to cover the sand, sand splashes will be prevented.

The Aquael Comfy Cleo Cat Canvas also prevents your cat from bouncing out while urinating. The upper edge section of the cat toilet is easily attached and removed with easy clips.

At the same time, rubber feet are available at the base. This way, when your cat is doing his toilet, he does not slip.

Made of solid and high quality plastic material.

It is a product that can be easily cleaned.

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2-Ferplast Litter Tray Outdoor Cat Canvas
Ferplast Litter Tray Outdoor Cat Canvas is a product specially designed to prevent sand waste. If you have a cat that splashes sand while you are doing the toilet, this product may be the right choice for you.

This product, which provides a completely dry and comfortable environment for your furry friend, also has a special sieve system. The sand can be cleaned much more easily.

The cat toilet, which is produced with the brand Ferplast, supports the use of the right amount of sand thanks to the protections on its edges. Thus, it prevents waste.

The toilet consists of exactly three plastic bases. In one of them is a sieve system.

It is made of solid plastic.

There is no harm to health as it is made of first quality plastic.

Side buckles open very easily and can be cleaned easily.

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3-Imac Duo Paddle Outdoor Cat Canvas
The Imac Duo Paddle Outdoor Cat Toilet is one of the most preferred cat toilets with its ergonomic design and functionality. The product, which is presented to you with two different color options in gray and pink, also has an easy use with a multi-box.

The toilet in the open design with edges consists of raised back bars. Thus, the negative conditions of cats such as sand splashing are eliminated.

The Imac Duo Cat Canvas consists of a design that is resistant to scratches and UV rays. Made with high-quality plastic for long-term use.

Ergonomic design prevents garbage from dispersing. Easy to clean thanks to removable edges.

It is a cat toilet that is easy to clean with hot soapy water.

The trash can is also made of durable material, just like a toilet.

BPA free.

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4-Trixie Outdoor Cat Canvas
Trixie Outdoor Cat Canvas is a great product consisting of high edges, taking full marks from users with sand splash feature.

Thanks to the threshold located in the entrance section of the toilet, it is supported not to pour sand out from the paws of cats.

Sand from the feet of cats is allowed to remain in the toilet.

The Trixie Cat Canvas prevents cats from getting out of the pee, thanks to the high edges it has. It is made of hard and first quality plastic material.

It is a product specially designed for cats of all age stages.

It consists of three different color options, blue, green and pink.

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5-Aquael Comfy Cleo Easy Cat Canvas
Aquael Comfy Cleo Easy Cat Canvas is a gorgeous cat toilet with ergonomic design and gray color. This product, which is offered to our furry friends with both elegance and comfort, has raised edges.

This toilet, specially designed for cats that throw sand out, prevents the sand and urine of cats from going outside the toilet thanks to the high edges.

The Aquael Comfy Cleo Easy Cat Canvas can be easily removed with raised area clips on the edges.

Thanks to the rubber base it has, your cat is prevented from slipping the toilet while doing the toilet. It is also made of a durable solid material.

Designed for use by cats of all ages, the cat toilet can be cleaned easily.

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6-Imac Maddy Open Top Off Cat Toilet
The Imac Maddy Openable Indoor Cat Toilet has a design that allows cats to make their toilets more comfortable and in an area where they can feel special.

With the colorful options, you can benefit from the options according to the gender of your cat or the color you like. Foldable wings available.

You can easily lift these wings up for quick and easy cleaning.

The Imac Maddy Openable Indoor Cat Toilet has a support platform that allows cats to enter and exit the toilet easily.

It is usually suitable for the use of large cats. It has a slightly high entrance.

Carbon filter is available for healthy use.

If you wish, you can use it open or closed.

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7-Moderna Trendy Friends Jumbo Indoor Cat Canvas
Moderna Trendy Friends Jumbo Indoor Cat Canvas is made with a transparent plastic design. It is made of hard plastic. It is both a durable and healthy product.

Carriage handle is available as the toilet is also designed to be suitable for travel. You can safely use this toilet designed to transport your cat when going to the veterinarian or anywhere.

The patterns on it are very diverse. So you can choose models that suit your needs and taste among different models.

The Moderna Trendy Friends Jumbo Indoor Cat Canvas is designed to provide air for cats.

It has a water resistant structure. Can be cleaned easily.

The front door opens and closes with a system.

You can safely use this cat toilet, which you can buy with its strong carrying handle and durable body.

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8-Imac Zuma Cat Canvas with Drawers
The Cat Canvas with the Imac Zuma Drawer has a large drawer to make the sand much easier to clean. The modern and spacious cat toilet is a useful product. Can be cleaned easily.

Sand hopper and shovel are available.It is a product with 3 different design colors. It is a cat toilet made of non-toxic, high-quality polypropylene.

The Cat Canvas with the Imac Zuma Drawer has a charcoal filter that supports the elimination of bad odors.

There is also a separate storage compartment for cat litter bags. You will only need to pull out the drawer to easily clean the contaminated cat litter.

Parts can be cleaned easily. Thanks to the practical transport handle, it also provides comfortable transportation.

Its high intake prevents cats from carrying sand out. Due to this height, it is not suitable for kittens.

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What Are the Types of Cat Canvas?
Cat toilets, which are designed in accordance with the needs and dimensions of cats, are offered to you in many varieties on the market. The most preferred cat toilets are the outdoor cat toilet and the indoor cat toilet. Outdoor cat toilets are often used during puppy periods.

He is also the savior of the educational period. They are usually made of hard plastic.

Toilets with many colors and models are advantageous products for easily filling sand, cleaning sand and storing it in an area.

Indoor cat toilets are often used for cats that have completed the period of puberty. Because they have certain elevations. This can prevent kittens from coming out. Unlike open toilets, it prevents sand from spreading further into the environment.

It is also an ideal structure for our cat friends who want to protect their privacy areas. It can also be used with or without lids.

Toilets with filters that are used to store and destroy odors are very popular. Cat toilets, especially with covers and filters, are one of the most successful models in the field of odor imprisonment.

Sand that is regularly cleaned can remain odorless and clean for a long time.

One of the most advantageous options of cat toilets is the sieve cat toilet. The sieve allows the solid sand to be left down and the poop or pee sand to remain on top. This makes it easier to clean the sand. Indoor or outdoor cat toilets are available.

Another type of cat toilet produced with the development of technology is the automatic cat toilet models. These toilets, which are produced semi-automatic or fully automatic, usually have a towing arm.

When this arm is pulled, the waste is sifted and emptied into the lower chamber. In this way, it is possible to get rid of waste with a single arm. In these products, cat litter can be cleaned without shoveling.

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[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0="h3" question-0="How Often Should I Clean a Cat Canvas?" answer-0="Waste in the container of cat litter should be cleaned daily with the help of cat shovel. Daily cleaning both supports cats to make their toilets in a hygienic environment and provides easy cleaning of the toilet bowl. "image-0=" headline-1="h3" question-1="What Are the Most Preferred Cat Canvas Brands?" answer-1="At the top of the most preferred cat toilet brandsImac Zuma Cat Canvas, Moderna Trendy Friends Jumbo Indoor Cat Canvas, Aquael Comfy Cleo Outdoor Cat Canvas, Trapbook, Ferplast Litter Tray Outdoor Cat Canvas, Imac Duo Paddle Outdoor Cat Canvas, Trixie Outdoor Cat Canvas, Aquael Comfy Cleo Easy Cat Canvas, Imac Maddy Top Openable Cat Toilet are coming. " image-1="" headline-2="h3" question-2="Where is the Cat Toilet?" answer-2="The cat toilet should be placed in a place that is not very considered in order to protect privacy. But it should also be noted that the cat is in a place where it can easily be reached within the need. "image-2=" count="3" html="true" css_class=""]

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