A shopping guide to become a dog for the first time

Shopping Guide for Who to Become a Dog for the First Time

When dogs come into our lives like babies, they overwhelm us. Even if we ignore the responsibilities that come into our lives with the dogs while adopting our dogs, many new responsibilities take their place in our lives with the dogs.

These responsibilities begin primarily with buying the equipment necessary for the comfortable and healthy life of the dog. These products can be mama, dog bed, comb, toy, prize food, care products. These products can sometimes be extremely costly, but at this point it is best to look at the quality of the product, not the price.

Dog care; Shampoo 
Dog care; Shampoo 


Dog care; Shampoo 

Even if our dogs are noticed from race to race, we need to wash them once in a while. When washing our dogs, you should opt for special dog shampoos that are made for them. Shampoos, which are specially produced for the care of the dog's skin and feathers, do not contain negative substances for the health of the dog. Dogs also do not enjoy using smelly shampoos like us, and if you use scented shampoo, it will pollute itself to remove the smell.

You Should Buy a Dog Bed When You First Shop for a Dog
You Should Buy a Dog Bed When You First Shop for a Dog

Your First Shopping for a Dog Dog Bed You should get it!

From the moment your dog enters the house, you need to be serious and disciplined about following some rules. If you lay it in your own bed while the dogs are puppies, it takes time to change that habit afterwards. For this, the puppy should sleep in his dog bed when he comes home. There are a lot of petshops where you can find special products for this, but it is good to buy a bed that is suitable for your breed. The position of the bed is also really important not to get cold or get overwhelmed by the heat.

Toys; Dogs are Social and Energetic Animals
Toys; Dogs are Social and Energetic Animals

Toys; Dogs Are Social and Energetic Animals, Must Have Various Toys!

Dogs really enjoy playing games. Because dogs are very energetic, they can often run standing and left, but they may want to play with you while you are at home, so you should buy different dog toys that they can spend time with to prevent this situation.

Toy for dog when choosing factors such as age and race of the dog should be considered. It is important that there are people at the moment of shopping who will provide you with detailed information. If the dog is a puppy, it is useful to buy teething toys or it can gnaw all over your house.

The First Shopping for a Dog; Comb
The First Shopping for a Dog; Comb

The First Shopping for a Dog; Comb

Get your dog used to being combed from puppyhood, make him enjoy this process and you can use reward foods for this. During the life of the dog, its feathers can be shed at a different rate each period. The best way to avoid this is to crawl the dog. If the dead hair is removed from the dog, the dog will shed less during the hair casting periods. Be careful to get a suitable comb for the dog.

Toilet Bag

Although this is not very important for the dog, your social circle is a very necessary condition for other people and other dogs. No one wants to see a stranger's dog shit, accidentally press it or touch it. You must be a conscious dog owner and not go for need walks without a toilet bag.

The mamma cup
dog Food Container

mama Cup

The food container is an important product that will allow dogs to know where and why to eat food. Although there are colorful and beautiful food containers, you should prefer health-reliable brands.

It is useful to use it from stainless metals or containers that are ceramic. When buying a food container for the dog, you need to make sure that it is suitable for his breed. He should be able to drink water easily and consume his food.

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