Basset Hound Training and Features

The Much-Loved Race; Basset Hound Training and Features

Basset Hound, a very sweet image, This dog breed, with its short legs, big heads and developed bodies, is much more gentle than other dog breeds.

It is estimated that its origin dates back to medieval times. He is a good hunter and can follow his prey for hours. They can be good friends with children but should not be left alone.

If the dog works with professional people in training, very successful results can be achieved.

Although the Basset Hound breed is estimated to have originated in France, it is not known exactly where they originated, but it is known that they date back to a very old age. The first record of these dogs in history is known as La Venerie, written by Jacques du Fouilloux. The work also includes drawings of the Basset Hound race.

The Basset Hound dog breed was well-liked by French elites at the time, and the feeding rate was very high.

The race, which until the time of the French revolution was seen as the epaulet of nobility. After the revolution, he began to find a place among the people of France. In fact, this breed, which is used for hunting instincts, has an intense popularity from then on to this day.

Characteristics of Basset Hound Dogs
Characteristics of Basset Hound Dogs

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Characteristics of Basset Hound Dogs

Dogs from the Basset Hound breed are known to have a very different character from other dogs. He has a cute and exciting character. They can deal with children of all ages and with people of all ages. The Basset Hound dogs are known to be very happy in hunting games and trail driving in general. He is very skilled at hunting. It has very good hunting performance against small mammals.

He is a social dog. They communicate very well with other animals and do not like to be alone. If you want to feed this breed, you should definitely feed it to a different dog that will make friends with it.

You can learn from dog experts what breeds dogs from the Basset Hound breed can get along with. As with all other dogs, dogs from the Basset Hound breed will need to be subjected to dog training by experts. In addition, the practice of socializing in dogs is very important for these dogs. If it is properly socialized during periods of smallness, it can have a smooth adulthood.

Weight:Female: 20–27 kg, Male: 23–29 kg
Size:Female: 28–36 cm, Male: 30–38 cm

Basset Hound Training


Dog Training races that need to be patient when applying Basset Hound, when not rewarded with food, he may not care much about the rules. If you don't want him to curl into a corner during training, you've rewarded him often. Dog Training as we have always mentioned, getting help from expert dog trainers will ensure that the bond between you and your dog remains strong. Dog training, the, for all kinds of questions and requests about us communication you can pass.

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Care of Basset Hound

Characteristics of Basset Hound Dogs
Characteristics of Basset Hound Dogs

In the Basset Hound breed, ear cleaning, nail care are important and skeletal health and obesity should be considered. There is a risk of getting GDV disease in this race. Meals should be given regularly to prevent obesity and GDV disease. Since it is a short-legged, long-bodied and overweight dog, one should always be careful about the problem of paralysis. Regularly brushing with a hard and hairy dog brush makes her look healthier. In general, the breed sheds feathers in front of it can be reduced only by brushing the damage it causes. Basset Hound Nutrition it is one of the dog breeds that needs a lot of attention. 2-3 small meals spread throughout the day instead of large single meals can be very preferable.

Basset Hound Character

He's free spirit. Besides being a good player, he is calm, sociable and patient. The Basset Hound race is well-meaning and adaptable to all kinds of people. Food is very important for the Basset Hound. Sometimes he can be stubborn.

They get along very well with small and big kids. But it will be necessary to pay attention, as young children tend to sit on it. She also makes very good housemates for adults.

If you want to have a friend waiting for you with excitement when you enter the house Basset Hound you should study dogs of the breed. It is much preferred for timely hunting. The fox is very skilled at hunting animals such as hares, opossum (peeled rat) and pheasants. It has superior properties when it comes to smell. It is a reflexively weak race. Although he is a calm dog, he is not a timid animal. He is full of love for his owner but can be stubborn. This breed, which has a nice tone of voice, never gets scared to do its best to protect the house where it lives.

Basset Hound Feather Structure

This breed is always a shedding breed. The Basset Hound has short hair and also has a bright structure. It can be white and brown, as well as black-stained species are quite common.

Basset Hound Exercise Needs


Exercise is not very necessary when it comes to this breed, but they can be active during walks. They need to play games in the gardens, and occasional walking is essential for their health. Exercise programs must be followed for the happiness and health of dogs from the Basset Hound breed. Dog Training if the dog is made more harmonious, street and park trips can be more comfortable.

Can Basset Hound Live in an Apartment ?

They can adapt to apartment life and have a happy life.

Basset Hound Character Features

Energy Level Middle
Exercise needs Middle
Acting Middle
Do not get along with other dogs Middle
Do not get along with other pets Middle
Deal with children Good
Behavior to strangers Middle
Educability Middle
Protection feature Middle

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