Basenji Race Training and Features

Basenji Race Training and Features

Basenji Training  it should be carried out on time, because the hunter is a type of dog with very high instincts. If these Basenji exercises, which are quite aggressive towards strangers, are not performed fully, it can be a cranky dog. Although he is not a good player, he exhibits very reliable behavior for children.

In general, facial structure; upright ears, almond eyes and forehead are in the form of prominent wrinkles. Dogs of the Basenji breed are extremely free dogs. Therefore, it is necessary to work with professional people in dog training.

Since Basenji can hardly adapt to dog training, it is not considered very suitable for people who will adopt a new dog. Compared to other dog breeds, the hunting instincts of the Basenji breed are more intense.

Hence Basenji if you have a dog of his breed, it is recommended to walk him on the street with a firm body collar. It should also never be ignored that it can exhibit aggressive attitudes.

Dogs of the Basenji breed easily escape from the restless home environment because they are fond of freedom compared to other breeds.

Families who will be feeding Basenji need to know that they cannot feed other kinds of mammals or other kinds of animals. They can even be much more lousy to cats.

It is known that Basenji dogs can live for many years if they live in good conditions. This breed can live healthily in good environments for up to 16 years.

The most characteristic features of the species are athletic, The player is fun and agile. With his intelligence, he may surprise his owners from time to time. The most popular feature of dogs from the Basenji breed is that they do not shed any feathers and do not smell at all.

Size: Male: 41–43 cm, Female: 38–41 cm

Weight: Male: 10–12 kg, Female: 9–11 kg

Basenji Race Training and Features
Basenji Race Training and Features

About Basenji Training

Basenji Training it is very important that it is carried out by professional dog trainers.It can be an otherwise breed that will cause difficulty in dog training, because there is never obedience in the internal motivational features it carries. Despite everything, being a very smart and fast learning breed allows them to learn quickly by expert dog trainers.

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Dogs from the Basenji Breed Barrel Too Little
Dogs from the Basenji Breed Barrel Too Little

Dogs from the Basenji Breed Barrel Too Little

Basenji are the most interesting dogs found on the face. Many dog breeds are animals that are willing to bark at any moment. But dogs from the Basenji breed are known to not bark too much, preferring only to bark uncomfortably in very noisy environments. People who hear these breed-member dogs barking may feel lucky.

Dogs Aren't Very Good at Going to the Tree But Basenji Is An Exception!
Dogs Aren't Very Good at Going to the Tree But Basenji Is An Exception!

Dogs Aren't Very Good at Going to the Tree But Basenji Is An Exception!

Another interesting feature of the Basenji breed is that although other dogs cannot climb many trees, the Basenji breed can easily climb many trees. Basenji is called a cat dog with this feature.

Basenji Race Training and Features
Basenji Race Training and Features

Basenji Care

Basenji is a very clean species, unlike other types of dogs. They have the ability to clean themselves with paws like cats, so they do not need to be washed. For dead fur hairs, some periods should be combed. The risk of developing a dog disease called Fankoni is very high in this dog breed.

Basenji Character Structure

They can react to water as cats do. They have an agile and fast structure and are such a smart race. Although a dog that is fond of freedom, this type of dog is very attached to its family.

Another feature of the Basenji dog breed is that they mimic the barking sounds of other dogs and use different sounds when barking.

Can Basenji Character Live in an Apartment ?

He can say that in general, interiors are more suitable for Basenji, and since they are clean, they are suitable dogs for interiors. It is also a type of dog that is conducive to living in an apartment.

Basenji Feathers

They have a short hair structure. In the Basenji breed, the feet, chest and tails of all dogs are white. Low hair loss can be the preferred cause of those with allergic conditions.

Walking and Exercise Needs in the Basenji Race

The Basenji breed needs gardening games and walks just as much as any other dog.

Basenji Race Training and Features
Basenji Race Training and Features

Basenji Character Features

Energy Level Middle
Exercise needs Middle
Acting Multi Player
Do not get along with other dogs Middle
Do not get along with other pets Middle
Deal with children Middle
Behavior to strangers Middle
Educability High
Protection feature Low

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